I'm relatively new to all this. While many are up in the hills chasing the Mafia/Russians/Cuban exiles etc. I'm stuck in Dealey Plaza still trying to figure what happened. Apart from the fact JFK was assassinated there is only one other core certainty I've carried through this learning experience - the shot that caused JFK's head to explode and forced him 'back and to the left' was fired from somewhere in front of the limo. While working on "The First Shot" thread I came across something that I've been trying to "unsee" for a few weeks. It appears to be physical evidence that challenges my core belief the headshot came from the front. I'm hoping I've missed something obvious.
The disturbing Gif below appears to show an enormous flap of JFK's scalp hanging from his head. As JFK leans forward this pendulous mass of flesh appears to swing out in front of him. The flap is still attached to his head and the "hinge" for this flap appears to be slightly forward of his right ear.

My problem is this - if the shot that blew this large section of scalp out came from the front surely the "hinge" would be towards the back of his head with the flap hanging down his back?
Am I missing something obvious?
Greetings, Dan
When I first started researching this event, I was much like yourself--uncertain of what to think but wary of most of those pushing this theory or that.
So I spent a few years full-time, and then another dozen years or so part-time, reading texts and articles on subjects such as military medicine, forensic pathology, forensic radiology, neutron activation analysis, and cognitive psychology, and added the highlights into my website on the Kennedy assassination, patspeer.com.
Chapters 16 -16d should be of particular interest. Chapter 16 recounts the Warren Commission's attempts at replicating Kennedy's head wound, and Chapter 16b recounts the history of the study of wound ballistics (as it relates to the Kennedy assassination) and the facts leading to the conclusion Kennedy's large head wound was a tangential wound of both entrance and exit. Chapter 16c discusses the damage to Kennedy's brain, and how this supports the probability Kennedy's large head wound was a tangential wound to the right temple and top of his head. And Chapter 16d discusses the Discovery Channel's failed attempt at re-creating Kennedy's head wound as described by the HSCA, and accidental re-creation of what would appear to have been his actual wound.
You might wish to start with Chapter 16b. (This actually goes for anyone reading this thread. I recently received a phone call from two prominent doctors who have written on this case, and I had to go through Chapter 16b step-by-step as much of what I've uncovered was news to them.)
Regards, Pat