Not only that. Frazier did say that he saw Oswald wear a grey jacket during the trip to Irving on Thursday, yes. But that's not all of it. Marina confirmed Oswald only had two jackets and no other jacket belonging to Oswald was ever found. Given the fact that CE 163 was later found at the TSBD, it is logical to conclude that Frazier must have seen CE 162 on Thursday.
But Frazier didn't identify CE 162 as what LHO was wearing on Thursday afternoon to Irving.
Here is a photo of CE 151:

And here is a photo of CE 162:

What I believe happened is that Frazier saw LHO wearing CE 151 on Thursday afternoon and mistakenly thought it was a jacket. It does have a similar appearance when compared with CE 162.
And guess what. It appears that William Whaley made a similar mistake. When shown CE 162, he identified it as what LHO was wearing in Whaley's cab on 11/22/63.
I believe that LHO wore CE 151 to Irving on 11/21 and wore it again to work on Friday 11/22. Linnie Mae said she remembered the shirt as being solid in color vs the pattern of the shirt LHO was arrested in. Brennan saw a light colored shirt on the shooter. And Bledsoe saw a ripped sleeve.
But Frazier didn't identify CE 162 as what LHO was wearing on Thursday afternoon to Irving. How could he? They never showed CE 162 to him for identification during his testimony.
What I believe happened is that Frazier saw LHO wearing CE 151 on Thursday afternoon and mistakenly thought it was a jacket. The drive from the TSBD to Irving took at least 20 minutes. Are you really trying to tell me that Frazier would not notice what Oswald, who was sitting next to him, was wearing and would mistake a shirt for a jacket? Really?
And guess what. It appears that William Whaley made a similar mistake. When shown CE 162, he identified it as what LHO was wearing in Whaley's cab on 11/22/63.Whaley's observation isn't really reliable. He thought Oswald was wearing two jackets (CE 162 and CE 163) when he was wearing none.
Mr. BALL. Here is Commission No. 162 which is a gray jacket with zipper.
Mr. WHALEY. I thank that is the jacket he had on when he rode with me in the cab.
Mr. BALL. Look something like it?
And here is Commission Exhibit No. 163, does this look like anything he had on?
Mr. WHALEY. He had this one on or the other one.
Mr. BALL. That is right.
Mr. WHALEY. That is what I told you I noticed. I told you about the shirt being open,
he had on the two jackets with the open shirt.So much for Whaley's "identification" of CE 162. And you also kinda failed to mention that Whaley also identified CE 150 as the shirt Oswald was wearing, when - according to you he was actually wearing CE 151. I say again; all this shows is that witness observations are not always 100% correct!
Mr. BALL. I have some clothing here. Commission Exhibit No. 150, does that look like the shirt?
Mr. WHALEY. That is the shirt, sir, it has my initials on it.
Mr. BALL. In other words, this is the shirt the man had on?
Mr. WHALEY. Yes, sir; that is the same one the FBI man had me identify.
Mr. BALL. This is the shirt the man had on who took your car at Lamar and Jackson?
Mr. WHALEY. As near as I can recollect as I told him. I said that is the shirt he had on because it had a kind of little stripe in it, light-colored stripe. I noticed that.
Linnie Mae said she remembered the shirt as being solid in color vs the pattern of the shirt LHO was arrested in.From her testimony it becomes clear she wasn't certain about the shirt at all.
Mr. BALL. How was Lee dressed that morning?
Mrs. RANDLE. He had on a white T-shirt, I just saw him from the waist up, I didn't pay any attention to his pants or anything, when he was going with the package. I was more interested in that. But he had on a white T-shirt and I remember some sort of brown or tan shirt and he had a gray jacket, I believe.
Mr. BALL. A gray jacket. I will show you some clothing here. First, I will show you a gray jacket. Does this look anything like the jacket he had on?
Mrs. RANDLE. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. That morning?
Mrs. RANDLE. Similar to that. I didn't pay an awful lot of attention to it.
Mr. BALL. Was it similar in color?
Mrs. RANDLE. Yes, sir; I think so. It had big sleeves.
Mr. BALL. Take a look at these sleeves. Was it similar in color?
Mrs. RANDLE. I believe so.
Mr. BALL. What is the Commission Exhibit on this jacket?
Mrs. RANDLE. It was gray, I am not sure of the shade.
Mr. BALL. 163.
I will show you another shirt which is Commission No. 150.
Does this look anything like the shirt he had on?
Mrs. RANDLE. Well now, I don't remember it being that shade of brown.
It could have been but I was looking through the screen and out the window but I don't remember it being exactly that. I thought it was a solid color.The WC lawyer only showed her CE 150 (Oswald's arrest shirt), but not CE 151, so all Linnie Mae could provide is a vagie recollection.
Brennan saw a light colored shirt on the shooter.After checking out the link to the fiber photos, I looked into your claim that matching fibers of both CE 150 and CE 151 were found on the rifle. Your claim was incorrect. The FBI only examined one shirt, they marked as C 11. That same marking is mentioned on all the fiber photos. C 11 became Warren Commission Exhibit 150, the shirt Oswald was arrested in. If Brennan saw the killer wearing a light colored shirt fibers from that shirt should have been on the rifle. They were not.
And Bledsoe saw a ripped sleeve.Again, Bledsoe saw a damaged sleeve
on the shirt Oswald was arrested in. I have already shown you her testimony in which she said they brought the shirt to her home. Here it is again.
Mr. BALL - Now, I have got a piece of clothing here, which is marked---
Mrs. BLEDSOE - That is it.
Mr. BALL - Commission Exhibit 150.
Mrs. BLEDSOE - That is it.
Mr. BALL - This is a shirt.
Mrs. BLEDSOE - That is it.
Mr. BALL - What do you mean by "that is it?"
Mrs. BLEDSOE - Because they brought it out to the house and showed it.
Mr. BALL - I know. What do you mean by "that is it?"
Mrs. BLEDSOE - Well, because I can recognize it.
Mr. BALL - Recognize it as what?
Mrs. BLEDSOE - Yes, sir; see there?
Mr. BALL - Yes. You tell me what do you see here? What permits you to recognize it?
Mrs. BLEDSOE - I recognize---first thing I notice the elbow is out and then I saw---when the man brought it out and let me see it?
Mr. BALL - No, I am talking about---I am showing you this shirt now, and you said, "That is it." You mean---What do you mean by "that is it"?
The question is of course how Bledsoe could have seen the damage of the sleeve on CE 150 on the bus, when Oswald wasn't wearing that shirt that morning?
I have a theory about how Bledsoe became aware of the damage to the sleeve, but I won't bother you with it, at least not for now.