That's the point I was trying to make to Richard Smith, but it went way over his head.
A lot of things go over Lying "Richard's" head. For example this unadulterated

Members of the DPD confirmed that Oswald had a pistol when arrested. There is a photo of it being carried out of the TT. Oswald admitted he had a pistol when arrested. But you suggest it somehow mysteriously appeared later. And then deny you are a CTer? How do you reconcile suggesting that all these folks lied to implicate Oswald and framed him - including apparently Oswald himself - with any narrative that does not entail a conspiracy?
- What "members of the DPD"? The only cop who was in a position to see a gun in Oswald's waistband when he was approached (not when he was arrested) was McDonald. Everything else was hearsay.
- There is a photo of somebody holding a gun outside the TT, but "Richard" can't legitimately claim that this was ever in Oswald's possession or that it is CE 143.
- We don't know what Oswald "admitted". All we know is what Fritz claimed after the fact. Either way, that tell you nothing about CE 143.