You can continue to insist that you are the ultimate authority of what words mean, but it’s nothing but a waste of time.
The bottom line still is that we don’t know how accurate the dispatcher spoken time checks on the edited non-continuous dictabelt recordings are.
The reason for Charles Collins to desperately cling to his "opinion" is a simple one. Claiming that Bowles managed to reconstruct a sequence of events, in the open mike matter, from a particular point, gives him (at least he hopes so) a reason to falsely argue that Dale Myers could indeed have done the same re the Tippit shooting.
That he knows it's complete BS is proven by the question he asked Bill Brown;
That must have been a great experience. 
When I read Bowles’ report, he specifically explains how he derived the 12:29:10 time for the start of the open-mike transmission. And he ties it to a specific event (the sighting of the front of the motorcade passing under the triple underpass. In his book, Dale Myers indicates that he used a similar method to Bowles’ method; but he doesn’t tie it to a specific event (unless I missed that). Did he explain his method to you to the extent of what specific event he used (if any)?
Charles Collins seems to be determined to fight a massive uphill battle he is doomed to lose from the outset for one simple reason; there is no way that Bowley called the DPD dispatcher 3 minutes after the killing and Callaway did the same 5 minutes after the killing, as the DPD transcripts suggest, when the time line, I constructed based on witness testimony shows persuasively that both Bowles and Callaway were at the scene and made their calls within 2 minutes after the shots.
The consequence is a simple one; if Bowley and Callaway called the dispatcher much earlier than the DPD transcripts suggest, there can be only one conclusion; the DPD recordings and transcripts do not reflect reality and were most likely tampered with. That's why Collins is fighting this thing so hard.