You asked for my opinion. I gave it to you. Then you proceed to attempt to bash it. I appears clear to me (and most likely most others who frequent this forum) that you are a bitter human being that enjoys agitating others to get a reaction. It is sad, but I have a difficult time feeling sorry for you.
You asked for my opinion.When did I ask you for your opinion?
I couldn't care less about your opinion. If I asked you anything it would be for you to support whatever you are claiming with evidence. Since you hardly ever do, there wouldn't be much point for me to ask you anything. If I want to hear the kind of fairytale stuff you believe in, I would be better off in joining a Disney forum, but obviously I don't.
I appears clear to me (and most likely most others who frequent this forum) that you are a bitter human being that enjoys agitating others to get a reaction.So, now you can speak for others on this forum? And ad hom attacks are merely a demonstration of utter weakness and a total lack of credible arguments.
It is sad, but I have a difficult time feeling sorry for you. Good, keep it that way

And none of this, of course, changes the fact that you can not provide evidence for my time line being wrong. Now that your pathetic attempt to pivot away from that truth has failed, do you care to try again?