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Author Topic: Did Ruby really kill Oswald?  (Read 21677 times)

Offline Rob Conti

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Did Ruby really kill Oswald?
« on: December 26, 2020, 10:08:06 PM »
Hello, I am new here. After researching the video footage of Oswald getting shot, as well as  photos of Jack Ruby, his own words, etc... as well as the work of other independent researchers on this topic, I am convinced there is more to Oswald's killing than meets the eye. The short man in the fedora who killed Oswald, how can we be sure it was really Jack Ruby? We never see his face. The Oswald shooter is shorter, has stocky legs wider and has a wider face than Ruby did. He was also wearing a different colored suit jacket than Ruby was in the Dallas County jail corridor, minutes before, and he had no fedora on and an entirely different build, hairline, messy hair cut, and ear shape. Plus no one ever photographs or films the Oswald shooters face EVER. When he is wrestled to the ground after he shoots Oswald, everyone seems to carefully cover him so NO ONE sees him. There is zero photographic or film evidence of this man's face. Then only afterwards do you see Ruby walking without his suit jacket on, supposedly right after he was arrested and apprehended. It just doesnt match up. Why doesn't he still have his suit jacket ojn? Maybe because they knew it is much lighter than the Oswald shooter's jacket? That is just one inconsistency in all this. Plus, listening to Ruby interviewed convinces me he was set up as a patsy, just like Oswald was. RAlph Stinky did some interesting work on this subject: I agree with a lot of his thesis. What do you guys think? Isn't it strange we NEVER see the Oswald's shooter's face from the time he appears to the time he is wrestled to the ground and apprehended?
« Last Edit: December 26, 2020, 10:08:59 PM by Rob Conti »

JFK Assassination Forum

Did Ruby really kill Oswald?
« on: December 26, 2020, 10:08:06 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Did Ruby really kill Oswald?
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2020, 01:14:07 AM »
You lost me at “Ralph Cinque”.

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Did Ruby really kill Oswald?
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2020, 01:50:03 AM »
Yes.  He did so on national TV and was taken into custody at the scene.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did Ruby really kill Oswald?
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2020, 01:50:03 AM »

Offline Rob Conti

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Re: Did Ruby really kill Oswald?
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2020, 01:55:11 AM »
Yes Ruby was taken into custody and prosecuted. But that does not automatically prove Jack Ruby shot Oswald. Look at the footage. We never see the shooters face, ever. There is no way Ruby can be identified positively from the back view of a stalky man's head, and even that is half covered, wearing a fedora.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2020, 01:59:08 AM by Rob Conti »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Did Ruby really kill Oswald?
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2020, 02:11:57 AM »
Yes Ruby was taken into custody and prosecuted. But that does not automatically prove Jack Ruby shot Oswald. Look at the footage. We never see the shooters face, ever. There is no way Ruby can be identified positively from the back view of a stalky man's head, and even that is half covered, wearing a fedora.

Does every murderer have to be seen on national TV?  The DPD arrested him at the scene.  Are they all lying?  You can see Ruby in later footage in the elevator.  Ruby never denies shooting Oswald. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did Ruby really kill Oswald?
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2020, 02:11:57 AM »

Offline Rob Conti

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Re: Did Ruby really kill Oswald?
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2020, 03:04:21 AM »
- "The DPD arrested him at the scene."

In the video footage no arrest is made. The Oswald shooter is wrestled to the ground. Why was he not handcuffed moments after? All we can hear on film are the words, " Get him out of here!!". Then a bunch of officers, who seem to be working together in meticulously covering every square inch of the shooter's body, seem to be pushing and dragging the shooter into the other room and we can clearly see the door being closed by an officer, and that is that. Those are the facts. Everything else is what we are told happened officially, and we just must believe it.  

-"You can see Ruby in later footage in the elevator. " 

Maybe the real Ruby was in the same Dallas County jail building (perhaps on the 5th floor in another holding room being questioned) prior to Oswald being shot, was arrested, then moved by elevator from the fifth floor to the first floor. And it could have all happened right after Oswald got shot by another shooter. The footage we see could hsave been conveniently spliced in order to make the arrested Ruby taken to the elevator look like the Oswald basement shooter. Plus the arrested Ruby footage shows Ruby with no jacket. The  shooter was wearing a jacket while he shot Oswald. Wasn't he arrested right after, while his jacket was on? How could he have taken the handcuffs off to take his jacket off? There is no definitive photographic proof Ruby was even in the hallway, moments before the shooting. Only FBI, police and a few hand picked reporters who were screened in advance were allowed to be in that hallway. Ruby could not have just went unnoticed. The idea that Ruby was just casually let in through the back door of the Dallas County Jail, undetected by anyone and everyone around him, let in by a 'buddy' police officer (with so many police officers and FBI present??)and know one sees him? - is just too hard to buy. 

-" Ruby never denies shooting Oswald."

Would you also not deny it if your life was  threatened and were told, "if you talk, we kill you, you die? In fact, Ruby does happen to die mysteriously not long after, and just before he was able to, in his own words in 1964: " Let the true facts be known to the world..." Just before his second trial. Ruby said he didn't remember what happened. It's an established fact that Ruby's assigned psychologist, after Ruby was taken into custody, also worked on MK Ultra (mind control) projects. Ruby was obviously brainwashed and became an incoherent emotional wreck. 

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Did Ruby really kill Oswald?
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2020, 03:46:55 AM »
Keep in mind, Rob, that as far as “Richard Smith” is concerned, it’s always a matter of cop said it, he believes it, and that settles it.

Offline Rob Conti

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Re: Did Ruby really kill Oswald?
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2020, 04:09:22 AM »
Keep in mind, Rob, that as far as “Richard Smith” is concerned, it’s always a matter of cop said it, he believes it, and that settles it.

That is a problem if we simply accept by blind faith what is told to us by our government, police officials, etc. Have they ever lied to us before? Yes! Gulf of Tonkin incident, no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and MANY other times. We should believe the facts. If government and high officials have lied to us in the past, they CAN still lie to the people. It is our job to question what we are told and allow the Truth to prevail. Or else we are all sheeple and we deserve a Communist takeover.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did Ruby really kill Oswald?
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2020, 04:09:22 AM »