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Author Topic: Did Ruby really kill Oswald?  (Read 21717 times)

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Did Ruby really kill Oswald?
« Reply #24 on: December 29, 2020, 02:48:10 AM »

Ex-Stripper and former girlfriend of Jack Ruby Gail Raven was asked: "Did Ruby kill Oswald to spare First Lady Jackie Kennedy the ordeal of a criminal trial?" Gail Raven's response: “That was absolutely made up.”

I'm not the only one who thinks Ruby's WC testimony was made up, and even ridiculous... Yes, he admitted it but people will admit a lot of things under extreme duress - or when brainwashed by his MK Ultra psychologist, Jolyon West.

Interviewer also asked Gail Raven: "Did you think that killing Oswald was Ruby’s original plan on November 24, 1963?"
Gail Raven responds: “He would have never done it with Sheba (his weenie dog) left in his car, knowing they would arrest him and Sheba would be alone,” she said. “Sheba was a child to Jack.”

Do you think someone else shot Oswald and then they got away? And nobody else at the scene - the basement was filled with reporters and others - saw this switch or escape? How did they switch the real shooter with Ruby? And why did Ruby go along?

What evidence would you accept that he shot Oswald? We have him admitting it, we have the police arresting him (there are photos), we have witnesses saying they saw him shoot Oswald, we have witnesses saying they saw the police grabbing him, we have the police saying they grabbed him, we have the police saying he confessed...

What more would convince you of this?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did Ruby really kill Oswald?
« Reply #24 on: December 29, 2020, 02:48:10 AM »

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Did Ruby really kill Oswald?
« Reply #25 on: December 29, 2020, 02:52:33 AM »
"--But as far as fitting reality, it requires an enormous conspiracy that involves the press, including Detective Jim Leavelle."

Yes, of course Jim Leavelle was part of the conspiracy to LIE and say nothing about the identity of the true shooter, FBI agent James Bookhout. It was probably sold as a matter of "national security" for the police officers at the scene to say absolutely nothing regarding what had just transpired.  All were instructed by higher ups like LBJ and Hoover to say Ruby killed Oswald. I just rewatched Leavelle's original 1963 testimony. To me he is unconvincing. It looks, feels and sounds like he is just rehashing something he was told to say that day.
And all of the people in the basement - it was filmed live with numerous reporters around - went along with this?

Okay, at this point there's no way of finding common ground with someone who thinks something like you believe could be pulled off. It simply cannot be done. And it wasn't. Ruby shot Oswald - as he admitted in numerous interviews.

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Did Ruby really kill Oswald?
« Reply #26 on: December 29, 2020, 12:49:36 PM »
Did Rob Conti loose his:

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did Ruby really kill Oswald?
« Reply #26 on: December 29, 2020, 12:49:36 PM »

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Did Ruby really kill Oswald?
« Reply #27 on: December 29, 2020, 03:30:20 PM »
Did Rob Conti loose his:

In his defense there are a lot of conspiracy people here who believe things that are simply not possible; so, he's not alone. Was the Oliver Stone movie or the Garrison thesis any more unbelievable, any more illogical? Millions of people saw Stone's movie - it was widely praised; thousands of people hear Garrison's claims - he is still heralded for his work by some.

We have people who come here day-after-day for years saying "There's no evidence Oswald shot Tippit" or "There's no evidence Oswald owned the rifle." That's almost as illogical as the claim that Ruby didn't shoot Oswald.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2020, 07:44:36 PM by Steve M. Galbraith »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Did Ruby really kill Oswald?
« Reply #28 on: December 30, 2020, 08:41:47 PM »
This was all done 6 months ago.....
Try using search [top right of every page] that is why we have it  ---------,2564.msg87966.html#msg87966

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did Ruby really kill Oswald?
« Reply #28 on: December 30, 2020, 08:41:47 PM »

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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Re: Did Ruby really kill Oswald?
« Reply #29 on: December 31, 2020, 04:45:02 PM »
Ruby admitted that he shot Oswald, and later he clearly indicated that he was forced to do it. It's obvious to all but the blind (i.e., lone-gunman theorists) that the Mafia forced Ruby to shoot Oswald.

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Online David Von Pein

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Re: Did Ruby really kill Oswald?
« Reply #31 on: January 01, 2021, 03:36:59 AM »

A few excerpts (just for laughs)....


Ralph thinks the NBC footage shows Ruby wearing sunglasses in the basement. Hilarious.


Then, what is it? It's a black disc around his eye, and there's a bridge over his nose. What is it?

And you've got some nerve. You mock me, and you don't even say what it is.

You're getting more famous all the time.


It's a shadow, Ralph. Simple as that. The same type of blackness (i.e., shadow) can be seen on Ruby's neck. What do you think is causing the blackness on Ruby's neck?

Plus, do you really think somebody would paint in a pair of sunglasses onto a person's face without also painting in the frame for those sunglasses? Where is the hinged frame that should extend over Ruby's left ear? Are the glasses supposed to be just hanging there over his nose?

Isn't it time to give up this nonsense, Ralph?


Shadows are cast by objects, where an object is between the source of the light and the surface on which the shadow is laid. The object blocks the light, and that produces the shadow.

So, what is the object casting the disc-shaped shadow around his eye? I'm looking for an object here. Object. Object. Object.


What did I tell you, David? I told you that every shadow is cast by something; some object. So, you can't say it's a shadow without naming the object that cast it, and how it was in position to cast it. It has to make sense according to physics. But, you haven't even named the object.

The shadow on his neck is presumably cast by his chin, though what is casting the shadow on the lower part of his face I do not know.

But, the inky black disc around his eye with the stripe across the bridge of his nose, what could possibly be casting such a shadow?

And if you look closely, there does appear to be an eyeglass temple going over his ear.

Now, when you complain about the missing frame, don't blame me. There is a lot of crude stuff they did, photographically speaking, thinking that no one would care or even notice. They were very arrogant people who had nothing but contempt and scorn for the common man and his inability to observe details.

So yes, I really do think they would paint in a pair of sunglasses onto a person's face without also painting in the frame. And if you look closely, you can see the "temple" of his glasses which is going over his ear. Apparently, you're not too good at observing details either.

Alright, now you know that you can't claim shadow for the black disc without pointing to the object that is casting it. So, you can either cite the object, which will then be scrutinized, OR you can retract the claim. Take your pick. But, that's it. That's where you are at. That's the crossroad that you are at.

So, what's it going be? Cite the casting object or retract the claim.

And if you won't retract it, I'll retract it for you.


Alright, so let me dumb this down for you: On the left is the NBC reporter Tom Petit [sic], and his face is partially in shadow. That is what shadow looks like. Understand? That's the density of it, the color of it, etc. But, the guy on the right with the massive black disc over his eye, which has much greater density, which has inky blackness, which has three-dimensionality and form, that is NOT shadow. And if you think it's shadow, then show me another photo from the entire history of photography in which someone showed shadow that looked like that. What you submitted does not come close to that.



I'm officially done with this foolishness about Ruby and the nonexistent sunglasses. You can play your silly games by yourself from now on. I joined in for a few posts merely for the fun of it.

As everyone can easily see, Ralph Cinque's imagination has now reached new heights in the "fertile" and "ridiculous" departments.

The truth is (and always was, of course): the person who shot Lee Harvey Oswald in the Dallas Police Department basement on 11/24/63 was Jack L. Ruby, not FBI agent James W. Bookhout. And Mr. Ruby was definitely not wearing any eyeglasses when he murdered Oswald.


It's amazing to see the amount of absolute trash and junk that crops up when people discuss the JFK case, as this ludicrous "RUBY NEVER SHOT OSWALD" hogwash clearly illustrates.

Is the next theory going to be: "TIPPIT WAS NEVER SHOT AT ALL"??

As Vince Bugliosi said....

"I know that conspiracy theorists have a sweet tooth for silliness, but is there absolutely nothing that is too silly for their palate?"
« Last Edit: January 01, 2021, 04:24:38 AM by David Von Pein »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did Ruby really kill Oswald?
« Reply #31 on: January 01, 2021, 03:36:59 AM »