LBJ sounds so nice and rational in this video. He sounds like he'd even make a good candidate for President today. Very hard to see how he could have had any part in the assassination in Dallas. He says at one point he was considering not even running in 1964. And didn't in 1968. Not exactly the profile of a power crazed lunatic that Roger Stone makes him out to be.
President Lyndon Johnson did more for civil rights than any other president since Abraham Lincoln. By far.
Agreed to assassinate President Kennedy in November 1963 so we can have a big war in Vietnam? In November 1963, the war was simmering along at a low level. There was no need for a large war. On November 1, 1963, the dictator of South Vietnam was assassinated. This provoked North Vietnam to start raising and training the large army they would need to invade and take over South Vietnam. But in November 1963, the United States knew nothing about this future.
It is similar to the claim Roosevelt knew about Pearl Harbor but allowed it to happen, so we could be at war with Germany. And this did happen. But it only happened because Hitler did the unpredictable, declared war on the United States three days after Pearl Harbor. Had this not happen, the United States would have been at war alright, but the wrong war. Not with Germany but with Japan.
For Roosevelt and Johnson to be guilty of these conspiracies, they would both have to be psychic. Roosevelt would have to know what that most unpredictable of world leaders, Hitler would do in advance and Johnson would have to know that a large invasion of South Vietnam was looming and if it was to be held a large army would be needed.