Two motorcycle cops are passing between Moorman and the limo as she takes the picture.
We can't see the cop closest as he hasn't come into view yet but we can see his bike.
The cop closer to the limo is easily seen
Ignore the cop on the far side of the limo
Look at the position of Zapruder in the Moorman pic.
He is in between the two cops closest to Moorman.
This means that when we watch the Z-film Moorman
must be in between the two cops when she takes the picture.Moorman is not in between the two cops until z315.
This means she must have taken her picture
after the bullet struck JFK's head.
My best guess is z316
Moorman has just gone out of shot (a bit of her elbow might be visible), but the bikes seem to be in the correct position as in the Moorman picture.

Just to let you know, I think you're labelling of the JFK headshot as "pseudo" is

The Z-film hasn't been altered.
Get over it