I'm trying to determine the earliest the investigating authorities were round at the Randle house.
The best I can find is the above report stating Rose and Stovall went there after picking him up at Irving PD (around 5:35pm according to the FBI report you posted), searching his car, then going to the house (around 6pm??)
It's interesting to note Rose and Stovall say they got the info about WBF's location from LMR but when did that happen?
At around 27.20 Frazier clearly states that when he went directly home and his sister was watching coverage of the assassination on TV. They both said it was a horrible thing and that the TSBD was involved. Then he turned it off!
At 31.20 there is interesting exchange about the curtain rods. Up until questioning by police he never associated the "curtain rod package" with the crime. It seems the cops asked if he was carrying a package anf Frazier mentions curtain rods for the first time.
At 32.30 He claims the cops went to his sister's house first – asked his mother - she said up at hospital with his sister.
1.01.11 Frazier said he thinks he heard of Tippit death from mother after got home. She had TV on.
Has anyone tried listening to this interview other than me? It is most enlightening and is clearer with earbuds. Not the easiest but most of the dialogue can be made out.
I am wondering if McCabe and his buddy were needed at the Irving hospital for jurisdiction. Like the deputies were needed for the Paine's house. Homicide cops were restricted. Would this explain Frazier's inserting Rose and Stovall only into his arrest and initial escape attempt?