The bag was also found. It had Oswald's prints on it. No one in over 50 years who worked at the TSBD ever explained or claimed ownership of the bag the authorities claimed Oswald used to carry his rifle. It is found just next to the SN.
No. A bag that Frazier said was not the same package was claimed to have been found next to the alleged SN, but it doesn't appear in any crime scene photos, the first 5 or 6 deputies on the scene don't remember seeing it, and there are contradictory stories from the people who found it as to when it was found, where it was found, and how it was folded.
Besides, there isn't even any evidence of a rifle ever having been in
that bag either.
And EVEN if they thought there was any doubt about whether Oswald used his bag to carry the rifle, his rifle is in the TSBD!
"His rifle". LOL.