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Author Topic: Then went inside with the curtain rods  (Read 142067 times)

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Then went inside with the curtain rods
« Reply #384 on: February 08, 2021, 07:00:35 PM »
So many words to backpeddle.  You stated:  "But maybe he had already found an apartment that would become available a couple of days later."  If you don't believe that is a possible explanation for his curtain rod story, then why even raise it?  Take it up with yourself if you think that suggestion is idiotic.   You're the one who made it.  In addition, Oswald had no "friend" who asked him to carry curtain rods as you stupidly also indicated might be an explanation.  Those are baseless and idiotic suggestions in a desperate attempt to explain away his long bag and lie to Frazier.  If you have some dim realization of the stupidity of your own suggestions, then congratulations.  You got one thing right.

So many words to backpeddle. 

The only one backpeddling is you... desperately trying to somehow justify your stupid screw up..

You stated:  "But maybe he had already found an apartment that would become available a couple of days later."  If you don't believe that is a possible explanation for his curtain rod story, then why even raise it?

First of all, I know what I have stated. I don't need a liar like you to still try to spin it. Secondly, I raised it in a discussion with Ross Lidell, who constantly tries to pass his speculation of as somehow factual. The point of the comment was to show him how easy it is to speculate. Clearly you haven't followed the discussion otherwise you would have known that. That of course means that you just jumped in the conversation with a pathetic strawman argument while being clueless about what was being discussed. Classic "Richard Smith" stuff!  :D

In addition, Oswald had no "friend" who asked him to carry curtain rods as you stupidly also indicated might be an explanation.

Just because you don't know that he had a friend, doesn't mean he didn't have one, you fool! You have no way of knowing if he had friends and who they were. Once again you are trying to pass of your own pathetic opinion of as factual, and as per usual you're doing it without having anything to support that claim.

Those are baseless and idiotic suggestions in a desperate attempt to explain away his long bag and lie to Frazier. 

You really are pathetically stupid, aren't you? I don't have to explain away his "long bag". I have two witnesses who actually saw the bag and both said it wasn't big enough to conceal a rifle. You, on the other hand, have not a shred of evidence to show that the bag "found" at the TSBD was the one Oswald carried and/or that it contained a rifle. In other words, take you speculative conjecture and put it somewhere where the sun doesn't shine!

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went inside with the curtain rods
« Reply #384 on: February 08, 2021, 07:00:35 PM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Then went inside with the curtain rods
« Reply #385 on: February 08, 2021, 07:07:18 PM »
And I studied French in school since in Canada, French is our second language.

Really? Pfffff ........ you really think you need to point out that Canada is bilingual?

In your seemingly permanently tipsy state, you have once again gotten my intent wrong. No need to try misleading anybody. In fact, the names referred to actually pop more if anything. And that was my intent.

Not sure what you are rambling on about, but your intent to write a message to Ross in French on an English forum (about me as a so-called "Oswald lover" who is spending too much time with my only friends, being alcoholic drinks) was clearly so that I would not understand the insult.

Too bad for you that I learned French in France a long time ago!

What's too bad for me? My point has been made perfectly clear.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2021, 07:59:51 PM by Bill Chapman »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Then went inside with the curtain rods
« Reply #386 on: February 08, 2021, 07:12:25 PM »
The only absurdity so far has been your explanation of the fact that two curtain rods were submitted 3/15/64 to the Crime Scene Search Section lab for testing for Mr Oswald's prints and were not released until 3/24/64.

Let's remind ourselves of your genius explanation, Mr Smith--------------------

a) Nothing to see here, they just got the submission date wrong on the form!
b) Nothing to see here, they just got the release date wrong on the form too!


Not exactly pressing since Oswald stated he didn't bring curtain rods to work in the first place.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2021, 07:31:18 PM by Bill Chapman »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went inside with the curtain rods
« Reply #386 on: February 08, 2021, 07:12:25 PM »

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Then went inside with the curtain rods
« Reply #387 on: February 08, 2021, 09:03:22 PM »
What's too bad for me? My point has been made perfectly clear.

You don't make points. Never have and never will...

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Then went inside with the curtain rods
« Reply #388 on: February 08, 2021, 09:04:38 PM »
So many words to backpeddle. 

The only one backpeddling is you... desperately trying to somehow justify your stupid screw up..

You stated:  "But maybe he had already found an apartment that would become available a couple of days later."  If you don't believe that is a possible explanation for his curtain rod story, then why even raise it?

First of all, I know what I have stated. I don't need a liar like you to still try to spin it. Secondly, I raised it in a discussion with Ross Lidell, who constantly tries to pass his speculation of as somehow factual. The point of the comment was to show him how easy it is to speculate. Clearly you haven't followed the discussion otherwise you would have known that. That of course means that you just jumped in the conversation with a pathetic strawman argument while being clueless about what was being discussed. Classic "Richard Smith" stuff!  :D

In addition, Oswald had no "friend" who asked him to carry curtain rods as you stupidly also indicated might be an explanation.

Just because you don't know that he had a friend, doesn't mean he didn't have one, you fool! You have no way of knowing if he had friends and who they were. Once again you are trying to pass of your own pathetic opinion of as factual, and as per usual you're doing it without having anything to support that claim.

Those are baseless and idiotic suggestions in a desperate attempt to explain away his long bag and lie to Frazier. 

You really are pathetically stupid, aren't you? I don't have to explain away his "long bag". I have two witnesses who actually saw the bag and both said it wasn't big enough to conceal a rifle. You, on the other hand, have not a shred of evidence to show that the bag "found" at the TSBD was the one Oswald carried and/or that it contained a rifle. In other words, take you speculative conjecture and put it somewhere where the sun doesn't shine!

We agree that you made several baseless and stupid explanations for Oswald's "curtain rods."  Why keep going on about the stupidity of your own suggestions?  Oswald's rifle was found in the TSBD.  That means it got there.  Oswald worked in that building.  Oswald had access to the rifle.  A long, homemade bag with Oswald's prints was found next to fired bullet casings from his rifle.  There is no work-related explanation for that bags presence in the TSBD. Oswald's rifle was stored at the location from which he came that morning while carrying a long bag.  His rifle was gone from that location when the police searched that area later that day.  Oswald lied about owning any rifle despite the confirmation of his wife and photos of him holding a rifle.  He had no explanation for the presence of his rifle in that building.  Oswald lied to the police about carrying any such bag.  All of that adds up to a reasonable conclusion that Oswald carried his rifle in the bag that morning.  There is no credible basis to dispute that conclusion.  All the facts and logical inferences support that conclusion.  It is not necessary to have a time machine or for any witness to have had x-ray vision to confirm the contents of a bag as you stupidly suggest in a desperate attempt once again to apply an impossible standard of proof to any fact that you do not wish to acknowledge.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went inside with the curtain rods
« Reply #388 on: February 08, 2021, 09:04:38 PM »

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Then went inside with the curtain rods
« Reply #389 on: February 08, 2021, 09:57:04 PM »
We agree that you made several baseless and stupid explanations for Oswald's "curtain rods."  Why keep going on about the stupidity of your own suggestions?  Oswald's rifle was found in the TSBD.  That means it got there.  Oswald worked in that building.  Oswald had access to the rifle.  A long, homemade bag with Oswald's prints was found next to fired bullet casings from his rifle.  There is no work-related explanation for that bags presence in the TSBD. Oswald's rifle was stored at the location from which he came that morning while carrying a long bag.  His rifle was gone from that location when the police searched that area later that day.  Oswald lied about owning any rifle despite the confirmation of his wife and photos of him holding a rifle.  He had no explanation for the presence of his rifle in that building.  Oswald lied to the police about carrying any such bag.  All of that adds up to a reasonable conclusion that Oswald carried his rifle in the bag that morning.  There is no credible basis to dispute that conclusion.  All the facts and logical inferences support that conclusion.  It is not necessary to have a time machine or for any witness to have had x-ray vision to confirm the contents of a bag as you stupidly suggest in a desperate attempt once again to apply an impossible standard of proof to any fact that you do not wish to acknowledge.

Why don't you make a song of this standard text, filled with half truths, assumptions and misrepresentations?

We agree that you made several baseless and stupid explanations for Oswald's "curtain rods."  Why keep going on about the stupidity of your own suggestions?

Stop making up stuff and blatantly showing off your ignorance.

All I have done is show Ross Lidell that speculation isn't getting him anywhere, but that went straight over your head.

All of that adds up to a reasonable conclusion that Oswald carried his rifle in the bag that morning.  There is no credible basis to dispute that conclusion.  All the facts and logical inferences support that conclusion.

All this is perfectly true, if...(and that's a big if) you assume first that Oswald is guilty and that everything else you said was true, factual and proven. Sadly it isn't, because as usual, you are working backwards and making stuff up as you go along;

A rifle was found at the TSBD, which I, "Richard Smith", believe belongs to Oswald, so Oswald must be the killer and he must have brought in the rifle and used the paper bag found at the TSBD to do it.

Instead of providing us with conclusive evidence for those claims, you provide us with massive speculations based on just one piece of physical evidence, being the rifle. And even that can only be tentatively linked to Oswald.

Your house of cards lacks foundation!

Btw, nice pivot away from your massive screw up! But don't worry, I won't press the point any further as I would be wasting my time. Being the fanatical Trump supporter you are tells us clearly that it's completely impossible to have any kind of normal and rational conversation with you. The biggest fool is the one who thinks he knows everything better than all others and that applies to you beyond question.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2021, 01:37:29 AM by Martin Weidmann »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went inside with the curtain rods
« Reply #390 on: February 08, 2021, 09:58:11 PM »
We agree that you made several baseless and stupid explanations for Oswald's "curtain rods."  Why keep going on about the stupidity of your own suggestions?  Oswald's rifle was found in the TSBD.  That means it got there.  Oswald worked in that building.  Oswald had access to the rifle.  A long, homemade bag with Oswald's prints was found next to fired bullet casings from his rifle.  There is no work-related explanation for that bags presence in the TSBD. Oswald's rifle was stored at the location from which he came that morning while carrying a long bag.  His rifle was gone from that location when the police searched that area later that day.  Oswald lied about owning any rifle despite the confirmation of his wife and photos of him holding a rifle.  He had no explanation for the presence of his rifle in that building.  Oswald lied to the police about carrying any such bag.  All of that adds up to a reasonable conclusion that Oswald carried his rifle in the bag that morning.  There is no credible basis to dispute that conclusion.  All the facts and logical inferences support that conclusion.  It is not necessary to have a time machine or for any witness to have had x-ray vision to confirm the contents of a bag as you stupidly suggest in a desperate attempt once again to apply an impossible standard of proof to any fact that you do not wish to acknowledge.

Two curtain rods were found after the assassination in a location that merited their being tested for Mr Oswald's fingerprints. These rods were submitted to the lab for testing over a week before two curtain rods were extracted from Ms Ruth Paine's garage in Irving, and released from the lab the day after the extraction of two curtain rods from Ms Ruth Paine's garage.


Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Then went inside with the curtain rods
« Reply #391 on: February 09, 2021, 03:32:50 AM »
You don't make points. Never have and never will...

Here's a couple of points for ya, Mr Always Logged In: This forum ain't a court of law and your opinions ain't facts.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went inside with the curtain rods
« Reply #391 on: February 09, 2021, 03:32:50 AM »