Here we hear the lie.....Frazier claiming he did not go home after leaving the TSBD. Compare to his HSCA interview where he claimed more than once he went to his sister's home first.
25 minute mark.
BWF says he leaves TSBD sometime after the roll call.
Drives to hospital and hears about JFK death on the way.
Arrives at hospital and is there about 15 mins before Rose and Stovall show up. 2:45pm at the latest.
He is adamant about these details as he is questioned quite thoroughly about them.
The problem is that the first anyone hears about BWF being at a hospital is about 5pm when Linnie Mae tells Adamcik.
After everyone returns to City Hall, Rose and Stovall testify that BWF located at a clinic in Irving and get in touch with detective McCabe (about 6pm) who collects BWF and takes him to Irving PD which is where Rose and Stovall collect him from.
BWF is not a very good witness. There's more holes in his story than there is story.
Whatever the case, there is no way BWF and LMR can cook up the long bag story as BWF has left TSBD before the long bag is discovered.