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Author Topic: The Backyard Photo Paradox  (Read 13391 times)

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The Backyard Photo Paradox
« Reply #32 on: January 28, 2021, 03:35:31 PM »
FWIW, the HSCA determined that the blow up of 133a came from the original negative. Since this negative was never handed over to the WC, this means the DPD "lost" this negative.

Or does it? The HSCA testimony off Robert Studebaker, which is now available on the Mary Ferrell website (thanks to some dweeb named...Pat Speer) indicates that Studebaker made numerous copies of the BY photos using a copy camera, and that the blow-up of 133a was in fact a photo of a photo. This, moreover, was also the position of DPD crime lab employee Rusty Livingstone in First Day Evidence.

If this is true, for that matter--that the blow up to 133A was in fact a photo of a photo--it means the photoanalysts for the HSCA couldn't tell a photo of a photo from a first generation print, which is to say they could not tell s from Shinola, and that their authentication of the BY photos is meaningless.

their (HSCA)  authentication of the BY photos is meaningless. --- they could not tell s--- from Shinola,

Well knock me over with a feather duster......  However, they were smart enough to recognize that the murder of President Kennedy was " Probably a conspiracy".

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Backyard Photo Paradox
« Reply #32 on: January 28, 2021, 03:35:31 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The Backyard Photo Paradox
« Reply #33 on: January 28, 2021, 05:57:36 PM »
FWIW, the HSCA determined that the blow up of 133a came from the original negative. Since this negative was never handed over to the WC, this means the DPD "lost" this negative.

Or does it? The HSCA testimony off Robert Studebaker, which is now available on the Mary Ferrell website (thanks to some dweeb named...Pat Speer) indicates that Studebaker made numerous copies of the BY photos using a copy camera, and that the blow-up of 133a was in fact a photo of a photo. This, moreover, was also the position of DPD crime lab employee Rusty Livingstone in First Day Evidence.

If this is true, for that matter--that the blow up to 133A was in fact a photo of a photo--it means the photoanalysts for the HSCA couldn't tell a photo of a photo from a first generation print, which is to say they could not tell s from Shinola, and that their authentication of the BY photos is meaningless.

This, moreover, was also the position of DPD crime lab employee Rusty Livingstone in First Day Evidence.

I've always felt that Rusty Livingston gave his nephew, Gary Savage, information about the involvement of the DPD in murder of JFK in hopes that Savage would pick up on what his ol unca Rusty was trying to reveal, without  spelling it out in bold letters.

I met Rusty Livingston, and Gary Savage in the Adolphus Hotel in Dallas in 93, where they were hawking 1st Day Evidence... 

I had a heated exchange with Savage, because I felt that he was an LNer with  tunnel vision. He had an excellent source of inside information that Rusty had presented to him, but Savage refused to open his eyes and SEE what Rusty was attempting to do. 

As you've pointed out, Rusty told Gary Savage that the DPD had the photo  equipment and photographic expertise  to create fake BY photos that would be nearly impossible to detect the fakery.  I'll have to review 1st Day Evidence , but I believe Rusty was primarily focused on 133c.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The Backyard Photo Paradox
« Reply #34 on: January 28, 2021, 06:49:55 PM »
FWIW, the HSCA determined that the blow up of 133a came from the original negative. Since this negative was never handed over to the WC, this means the DPD "lost" this negative.

Or does it? The HSCA testimony off Robert Studebaker, which is now available on the Mary Ferrell website (thanks to some dweeb named...Pat Speer) indicates that Studebaker made numerous copies of the BY photos using a copy camera, and that the blow-up of 133a was in fact a photo of a photo. This, moreover, was also the position of DPD crime lab employee Rusty Livingstone in First Day Evidence.

If this is true, for that matter--that the blow up to 133A was in fact a photo of a photo--it means the photoanalysts for the HSCA couldn't tell a photo of a photo from a first generation print, which is to say they could not tell s from Shinola, and that their authentication of the BY photos is meaningless.

Hi Pat, I'm excited about your post....  You've opened the door to discussing information that came from Rusty Livingston, who, as I'm sure you know was a Dallas PD detective who was assigned to the crime scene search team at the time of the coup d e'tat.   IOW....Rusty Livingston was right there on the scene and knew what was transpiring.   Rusty presented valuable information that he had purloined from the DPD to his nephew Gary Savage.   Savage published some of that information in a book entitled JFK First Day Evidence....

I'd like to discuss just one small piece of evidence that Rusty presented to Savage and Savage published it on page 247 of his book, JFK 1st Day Evidence.   On page 247 there is a precise diagram of the sixth floor that Rusty Livingston created on 11 / 22/63.

Focusing on the NW corner of the TSBD you'll notice that Rusty has drawn a precise position for the place the carcano was found.   That location is 15 feet 4 inches from the north wall and about 2 feet from the west wall.  This is exactly where the carcano was found ON THE FLOOR beneath the end of a wooden pallet that had boxes of books stacked on it.   But his is NOT the location nor the position that the official in situ photos show it to be.   The in situ photos show the rifle standing upright ( the butt plate vertical with the bolt up and the magazine down)  and jammed between boxes of books that are tight against the roof support pillar.  ( the support that is approximately 12 feet from the west wall and 13 feet from the north wall,in the NW corner of the sixth floor.   

The diagram that Rusty presented to Savage clearly shows that the official in situ photos made by the DPD are FAKES...They are NOT photos of the rifle that were taken before the rifle was picked up FROM THE FLOOR by Lt Day. 
« Last Edit: January 28, 2021, 07:53:14 PM by Walt Cakebread »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Backyard Photo Paradox
« Reply #34 on: January 28, 2021, 06:49:55 PM »

Offline Jack Trojan

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Re: The Backyard Photo Paradox
« Reply #35 on: January 29, 2021, 08:00:57 PM »
Oswald knew he was being sheep-dipped as the patsy, which is why the BY photos exist at all. I mean come on, the assassin poses for >7 photos (Marina only recalled taking 1) holding commie lit and both murder weapons?

So you believe that the plot to kill JFK was in motion in February of 1963????

On November 28, 1961, Kennedy presented Allen Dulles with the National Security Medal at the CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia. The next day, November 29, the White House released a resignation letter signed by Dulles and he was replaced by John McCone. Allen "The Architect of the Big Event" Dulles, did not go quietly into the night. His best bud, and chief of CIA Counterintelligence, James "The Ghost" Angleton plucked Oswald from the fake defector program to be the designated patsy and blackmailed J. Edgar "The Original Don" Hoover with a salacious photo to bring him into the fold. Eventually, they got Johnson's go-ahead and pulled off the greatest coup d'etat of all time. And as sloppy as they were, they almost got away with it scot-free, thanks to the WC Defenders a.k.a. the LNers, who put tinfoil hats on all the CTs to discredit them because, in spite of all the evidence pointing to the contrary, they truly believe a lone nut gunman pulled off the Big Event and there was no conspiracy.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2021, 08:44:58 PM by Jack Trojan »

Offline Jack Trojan

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Re: The Backyard Photo Paradox
« Reply #36 on: January 29, 2021, 08:43:46 PM »
FWIW, the HSCA determined that the blow up of 133a came from the original negative. Since this negative was never handed over to the WC, this means the DPD "lost" this negative.

Or does it? The HSCA testimony off Robert Studebaker, which is now available on the Mary Ferrell website (thanks to some dweeb named...Pat Speer) indicates that Studebaker made numerous copies of the BY photos using a copy camera, and that the blow-up of 133a was in fact a photo of a photo. This, moreover, was also the position of DPD crime lab employee Rusty Livingstone in First Day Evidence.

If this is true, for that matter--that the blow up to 133A was in fact a photo of a photo--it means the photoanalysts for the HSCA couldn't tell a photo of a photo from a first generation print, which is to say they could not tell s from Shinola, and that their authentication of the BY photos is meaningless.

Interesting. Yes, the HSCA photoanalysts were only looking for darkroom editing applied directly to the print. They were oblivious to whether they were looking at a photo of a photo. You can edit a photo and it will match the negative exactly as well. The only way to determine a photo is not authentic is if its print does not match the negative. But what about a photo of a photo? For that you have to match all the negatives to the same reel. In this case, we only have 1 negative and it was cut from the reel. The negative for the money shot 133a is missing because the DPD knows it is the smoking gun that would prove it was not taken with the same camera as the rest. If we had that negative, the DPD would have some splainin' to do. They have a lot more splainin' to do re the timeline of the development of the pics and who wound up getting copies of them as well as their re-enactments in Oswald's backyard. I mean, come on.

You can reach no other conclusion other than the DPD was heavily involved in sheep-dipping Oswald and planting all the evidence for the assassination. They controlled every aspect of the event from discovering all the evidence to sheep-dipping, capturing, interrogating and murdering Oswald. Fritz had either suddenly become a total incompetent investigator or a conspirator. There is no middle ground. Between their involvement with the BYPs, their handling of the crime scene evidence and their murdering of Oswald, I don't know how anyone could still think they were not involved in the conspiracy. Hoover recruited the DPD and SS for their parts. The FBI were the "cleaners" who confiscated all the film and photos and put the squeeze on witnesses,  "You saw nuthin', see". They locked up all the evidence/documentation until all the conspirators were good and dead, then slid Johnson into place and it was bidness as usual. A coup d'etat checkmate!

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Backyard Photo Paradox
« Reply #36 on: January 29, 2021, 08:43:46 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The Backyard Photo Paradox
« Reply #37 on: January 30, 2021, 04:02:05 AM »
On November 28, 1961, Kennedy presented Allen Dulles with the National Security Medal at the CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia. The next day, November 29, the White House released a resignation letter signed by Dulles and he was replaced by John McCone. Allen "The Architect of the Big Event" Dulles, did not go quietly into the night. His best bud, and chief of CIA Counterintelligence, James "The Ghost" Angleton plucked Oswald from the fake defector program to be the designated patsy and blackmailed J. Edgar "The Original Don" Hoover with a salacious photo to bring him into the fold. Eventually, they got Johnson's go-ahead and pulled off the greatest coup d'etat of all time. And as sloppy as they were, they almost got away with it scot-free, thanks to the WC Defenders a.k.a. the LNers, who put tinfoil hats on all the CTs to discredit them because, in spite of all the evidence pointing to the contrary, they truly believe a lone nut gunman pulled off the Big Event and there was no conspiracy.

You've got a interesting tale there Mr Trojan.....But do you really believe that a huge conspiracy plot to murder the President of he US could have remained secret for two years?

Offline Jack Trojan

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Re: The Backyard Photo Paradox
« Reply #38 on: January 30, 2021, 08:18:19 AM »

Keep it secret for 58 years, you mean?

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The Backyard Photo Paradox
« Reply #39 on: January 30, 2021, 01:56:56 PM »
Keep it secret for 58 years, you mean?

Refusing to accept the obvious truth is not exactly the same as keeping something a secret.....

Example....  If I knew beyond a shadow of doubt that my mother had been one of Charlie Manson's whores, because she had been seen and  filmed with Manson, .....and Charlie was my father,....I quite naturally would deny that fact....   

But if someone were bent on exposing the facts, and presented the films and DNA evidence .....  I could not deny the obvious.

The same idea can be applied to the murder of JFK....   Simply because many folks will not accept that we have allowed a murderer to intrude into the  most esteemed position in our government, and bask in the glow of the White house ...does not alter the facts.    It's simply a matter of being honest with ones self and accepting harsh reality.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Backyard Photo Paradox
« Reply #39 on: January 30, 2021, 01:56:56 PM »