All the photos of Lee Harvey Oswald have been determined to be authentic.
What does "authentic" mean and who determined that? Unfortunately, a photo-analyst can't tell you whether you are looking at a picture of a picture that has been modified. So how can authenticity be established and what does it mean?
Roscoe White was the mastermind behind the BYPs. He had real darkroom skills and he was Photoshopping prints with film enlargers and taking pictures of edited prints. His wife Geneva even found an undocumented BYP in his garage after he died. This photo was designated CE 133-c and matched a cutout which was also found in Roscoe's possession.

As far as I'm concerned CE 133-c is the smoking gun proving Roscoe White was an integral part in Oswald's sheep-dipping. There is no other reason for Roscoe to have an undocumented BYP and a matching cutout from another shot of Oswald's backyard in his possession. Maybe a LNer can enlighten me.
Did you know that Roscoe White was in the same military division as Lee Harvey Oswald, the 1st Marine Air Wing? Roscoe's wife Geneva swears he and Oswald were friends. He was also good friends with Jack Ruby. In the fall of 1963 Geneva worked for a few weeks as a hostess in Jack Ruby’s Carousel Club. Roscoe even confessed to his involvement in the Big Event in his journal which his son Ricky claimed was confiscated by the FBI.
To prove the BYPs are all authentic, you need to examine their negatives, of which only 2 exist. But why were they cut from the reel? So you couldn't determine whether they came from the same reel, of course.