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Author Topic: Thompson's New Book Powerfully Confirms the HSCA Acoustical Evidence  (Read 24925 times)

Offline Steve Barber

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Re: Thompson's New Book Powerfully Confirms the HSCA Acoustical Evidence
« Reply #56 on: June 01, 2022, 03:43:32 PM »
Josiah Thompson's long-awaited new book Last Second in Dallas (University Press of Kansas, 2021), published last week, presents powerful evidence in support of the HSCA acoustical evidence, which proved there were at least two gunmen and at least four shots. Thompson's chapters on the acoustical evidence account for 98 pages of the book and include separate contributions by BBN scientists James Barger and Richard Mullen. Some highlights:

* Thompson utterly, totally, and completely destroys the NRC panel's report. Among other things, Thompson presents evidence that the panel rigged their PCC test to avoid confirming the acoustical evidence.

* Thompson demolishes the claim that the Fisher "I'll check it" transmission is not crosstalk. He proves, partly via a PCC test done by Mullen, that it most certainly is crosstalk, and that it proves that the dictabelt's gunfire impulses occurred during the assassination. Interestingly, Thompson notes that years ago Jim Bowles himself recognized the Fisher "I'll check it" transmission as a crosstalk transmission, and that the NRC panel attempted to conceal this fact in its report.

* Thompson once and for all resolves the problem of the Decker "hold everything" transmission, proving that it is irrelevant, that it is not time synchronous, and that it must be the result of an overdub that was produced during the copying process. Thompson, summarizing Barger's new research on the subject, presents evidence that Decker's "hold everything" transmission and the two Bellah transmissions were recorded during a separate recording session and not during the session that recorded the three scientifically established crosstalk transmissions, and that, crucially, they were recorded at a different recording speed.

* Thompson establishes that neither the HSCA nor the NRC panel used the original dictabelt recording, and that the extant recording is a second- or third-generation copy.

* Interestingly, Thompson reveals that when the NRC panel sent Dr. Barger a draft of their report, Barger replied with an 8-page critique, and that the panel declined to publish Barger's critique and did not address his objections in their report.

This is a very simplified, general summary of Thompson's chapters on the acoustics evidence. Dozens of the pages in those chapters get rather technical, but Thompson does a good job of putting the information in layman's terms. I have not mentioned some of Thompson's best evidence because doing so would require technical explanations that would take several paragraphs. Barger's and Mullen's chapters are a bit tougher reading, but even a newcomer will be able to grasp their significance.

 Thompson doesn't understand the acoustics at all.  He supports the gigantic erroneous conclusions of Don Thomas.  Apparently, you are not aware the there is a huge chapter on the acoustics in the book Reclaiming History by Vince Bugliosi.  The entire history of the Dictabelt recording and the acoustics in general is covered  from the moment Mary Ferrell uttered the words "Dallas police recordings" to the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) pre-trial hearings.  Bugliosi covered every , single  aspect and detail--most of it it unknown to students of the assassination--within that long chapter.  Not only was Thomas' theory destroyed in 2004 mostly through the work of one Michael O'Dell, but by the Ramsey panel scientists who regrouped to examine and rebut Thomas second failed attempt at claiming the HSCA was correct.  Michael O'Dell, alone, disproved Thomas' first attempt to defend the conclusions reached by the BBN and W&A scientists, which Thomas produced in 2001. It's all available online.  I then provided further proof that Thomas' second attmpt at defending the HSCA acoustic experts fails hugely by providing proof that Thomas' nonsense about an instance of crosstalk occurring about 3 seconds before the first "Impulse" that the HSCA  acoustic experts claimed was the first of 4 gunshots they claim they found.  Not only is my work at destroying Thomas's "crosstalk" claim included within the acoustics chapter in Reclaiming History, I also was published on the Internet rebutting Thomas's claim that Vince Bugliosi and I were "Bamboozled", when Thomas tried rebutting what I pointed out in Reclaiming History about the "crosstalk" instance Thomas uses as the basis of his conclusion that the HSCA was correct.  Since most conspiracy buffs refuse to read Reclaiming History I suggest reading my article, which is very brief and to the point, and proves once and for always that what Thomas claims is "crosstalk" is not "crosstalk" at all.  Please read: 

 Mr. Griffith, Thompson's book does not prove that the HSCA were correct at all.  Had I known what Mr. Thompson was doing with the acoustics for his book, I would have shared this information with him, which could have caused him to hesitate supporting the Don Thomas conclusion.  He was more interested in the history of what took place when I discovered the Sheriff Decker crosstalk that disproved the gunshot theory on the Dictabelt.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2022, 03:48:32 PM by Steve Barber »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Thompson's New Book Powerfully Confirms the HSCA Acoustical Evidence
« Reply #56 on: June 01, 2022, 03:43:32 PM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Thompson's New Book Powerfully Confirms the HSCA Acoustical Evidence
« Reply #57 on: June 01, 2022, 05:03:53 PM »
Also acoustics won't demonstrate shots firing at the same time nor the obvious silencers that may have been used.
A prospect that has remained ignored.
Consider reports from ear witnesses [including policemen] that the shots 'sounded differently' as they were fired.
I think all that acoustic stuff is a bunch of crap.

Offline Paul J Cummings

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Re: Thompson's New Book Powerfully Confirms the HSCA Acoustical Evidence
« Reply #58 on: June 01, 2022, 06:27:09 PM »
I believe in HSCA Acoustical evidence but it doesn't capture the essence of multiple shooters. Did they get those "four sounds" yes. IMO the Acoustical evidence doesn't match just how many shots were fired and nor should they.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Thompson's New Book Powerfully Confirms the HSCA Acoustical Evidence
« Reply #58 on: June 01, 2022, 06:27:09 PM »

Offline Steve Barber

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Re: Thompson's New Book Powerfully Confirms the HSCA Acoustical Evidence
« Reply #59 on: June 02, 2022, 03:21:41 AM »
I believe in HSCA Acoustical evidence but it doesn't capture the essence of multiple shooters. Did they get those "four sounds" yes. IMO the Acoustical evidence doesn't match just how many shots were fired and nor should they.

   How can you believe in something that doesn't exist?  There are no gunshots on that Dictabelt.  The was a pharse purpetrated on the American people bythe government.  Do you undertand the acoustics, or are you just agreeing with Don Thomas because he's a conspiracy writer? 

Offline Paul J Cummings

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Re: Thompson's New Book Powerfully Confirms the HSCA Acoustical Evidence
« Reply #60 on: June 02, 2022, 03:54:05 AM »
Nice to meet you and know where you stand. Have a great life.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Thompson's New Book Powerfully Confirms the HSCA Acoustical Evidence
« Reply #60 on: June 02, 2022, 03:54:05 AM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Thompson's New Book Powerfully Confirms the HSCA Acoustical Evidence
« Reply #61 on: June 02, 2022, 08:05:20 AM »
A rock drummer, a lawyer, and an entomologist walk into a bar…

Offline Steve Barber

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Re: Thompson's New Book Powerfully Confirms the HSCA Acoustical Evidence
« Reply #62 on: June 02, 2022, 03:51:24 PM »
A rock drummer, a lawyer, and an entomologist walk into a bar…

  Who are the rock drummer and the lawyer?   I know who Donald Thomas so you don't have say who he is.

  Does this sound even remotely close to "rock" music, John?:

« Last Edit: June 04, 2022, 03:25:39 PM by Steve Barber »

Offline Gerry Simone

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Re: Thompson's New Book Powerfully Confirms the HSCA Acoustical Evidence
« Reply #63 on: June 27, 2022, 09:17:39 PM »
If CE 399 was planted then how could the planters know beforehand how many other bullets (or fragments) would be recovered? How could they have known that CE 399 would not be the "one bullet too many" that would blow the whole plot? And they planted it on a hospital gurney? They were awfully lucky that it was found.

What makes you think the bullet now in evidence as CE 399 was ever at Parkland Hospital?

Good point.  Weren't the first observations of a bullet with a pointed tip?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Thompson's New Book Powerfully Confirms the HSCA Acoustical Evidence
« Reply #63 on: June 27, 2022, 09:17:39 PM »