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Author Topic: Were the JFK Assassination Plotters Sincere Patriots?  (Read 10945 times)

Offline Michael Carney

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Re: Were the JFK Assassination Plotters Sincere Patriots?
« Reply #32 on: April 14, 2021, 04:13:41 AM »
Ducking, pulling Lady Bird on top of him, same thing, he hid when the shooting started. And for him to hide behind or underneath Lady Bird, what a piece of crap.

As far as LBJ being part of the plot, nothing in that article says anything about that except; Before he died, LBJ told his old friend Tom Janos “that he knew Oswald had not killed JFK alone.” This does not mean LBJ had any part in it other than knowing it was going happen and that more were involved than Oswald. LBJ knew the mob did it.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2021, 04:22:26 PM by Mike Carney »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Were the JFK Assassination Plotters Sincere Patriots?
« Reply #32 on: April 14, 2021, 04:13:41 AM »

Offline Michael Carney

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Re: Were the JFK Assassination Plotters Sincere Patriots?
« Reply #33 on: April 21, 2021, 08:34:14 PM »
If you are still "undecided" check out page 78 in "Hollywood Godfather" by Gianni Russo, towards the bottom of the page you will find; "tell Frank, it's on", words of Carlos Marcello for Frank Costello.
For all of you unfamiliar with Gianni Russo he started working for Frank Costello while in his early teens as a runner. While working for Frank when he was sixteen he got involved with Marilyn Monroe. Gianni wound up in the movie "The Godfather" playing the role of Carlo Rizzi, the husband of Connie Corleone. He became very successful in Las Vegas with his own nite club frequented by the Hollywood elite.

Offline Michael Carney

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Re: Were the JFK Assassination Plotters Sincere Patriots?
« Reply #34 on: April 25, 2021, 08:10:59 PM »
How about we pin the responsibility on the mob with help from Hoover and some small amount from LBJ.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Were the JFK Assassination Plotters Sincere Patriots?
« Reply #34 on: April 25, 2021, 08:10:59 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Were the JFK Assassination Plotters Sincere Patriots?
« Reply #35 on: April 29, 2021, 02:39:27 AM »
How about we pin the responsibility on the mob with help from Hoover and some small amount from LBJ.

The Mob?    LbJ didn't have the power to stop a mob plot?     When all he had to do was report the plot to Bobby Kennedy!!

LBJ was mister big......

Offline Michael Carney

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Re: Were the JFK Assassination Plotters Sincere Patriots?
« Reply #36 on: April 29, 2021, 03:42:43 PM »
Let’s look at it from the 30,000 ft level and get away from all the tiny details. There is plenty of evidence that there was more than one shooter. We know this from witness testimony. We can pick apart the minuscule details until hell freezes over. Suffice it to say, multiple shooters. Settled, ok, let’s move on.

Who paid these multiple shooters and why? The CIA, the FBI, Castro, LBJ, the Mob, etc. Everyone of these organizations has motive, lets start with the CIA, what was their motive and what evidence do we have that they did it? The only motive I have is that it was said that JFK was going to dismantle the CIA. Let’s look at the FBI/J. Edgar Hoover, Hoover was owned by the mob, there is plenty of evidence of this. Castro, well the Bay of Pigs I guess would be the motive there. In the case of LBJ, LBJ, he was in cahoots with the mob. Marcello’s territory was Texas and Louisiana to mention a few. Tell me of any politician that told the mob what to do. So no, LBJ did not have the power to stop a mob plot. RFK, I think you will find that RFK was under the thumb of Hoover, Hoover had blackmail capability over both JFK and RFK and the mob had blackmail capability over Hoover. I think if you look hard enough you can find the pictures of Hoover and his boyfriend in compromising poses. What motive did the mob have…..

The mob had several motives; The Kennedy family double crossed the mob. Joseph Kennedy struck a deal with the mob that if they helped get JFK elected, he would see to it that the government would lighten up on the mob. That didn’t happen. Two, when RFK was Attorney General he had Marcello kidnapped and flown to Central America and eventually released him in the jungle to fend for himself. And I guess lastly all the trouble that RFK brought onto the mob and Jimmy Hoffa during the McClellan Committee hearings. These things caused Carlos Marcello to hate the Kennedy’s so much that he worked with Frank Costello (head of the New York crime families), Santo Trafficante, (the head of the Florida mob), Sam Giancana and others to put the plot together.

During their later years both Carlos Marcello and Santos Trafficante admitted to killing of JFK. While Marcello was in prison he had a cell mate who he confided in. While talking with his cell mate, Carlos admitted hitting JFK. What Carlos didn’t know was that his cellmate was an FBI plant and they recorded the conversation. In the case of Trafficante, while riding in a car with Frank Ragano, his lawyer, he admitted to Frank that they had done it.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Were the JFK Assassination Plotters Sincere Patriots?
« Reply #36 on: April 29, 2021, 03:42:43 PM »

Offline Anthony Frank

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Re: Were the JFK Assassination Plotters Sincere Patriots?
« Reply #37 on: May 25, 2021, 05:13:21 AM »
The evidence clearly indicates that the men who were the main plotters behind the JFK assassination were rogue high-level elements in the CIA and the military. (The next level or two down from this top brass of plotters included elements of the Mafia, the anti-Castro Cubans, and the Dallas Police Department.)

I think one could make a good argument that the conspirators were sincere patriots who believed JFK was being reckless in his dealings with the Soviet Union, who believed he was going to abandon South Vietnam to the Communists, and who were alarmed by his abandonment of all efforts to overthrow Castro.

I think the plotters also believed that JFK was squandering the opportunity to destroy the Soviet Union once and for all with a nuclear first strike. It is beyond question that elements in the CIA and the military attempted to use the assassination as an excuse to provoke an all-out nuclear attack on Russia.

What about the rule of law and the immorality and illegality of assassinating a sitting president? The plotters believed that JFK's actions and avowed goals justified taking the extraordinary step of assassination. I think one of the main reasons they engaged in such a massive cover-up was to preserve America's image as the world's most stable and noble democratic republic.

I believe that the plotters were sincere patriots, and that in their minds they were acting in the best interests of the country and the world. This is not to exonerate them, but it is to say that they believed they were doing what had to be done to protect and advance America and the cause of freedom around the world.

I exposed KGB infiltration of the CIA in 1984. KGB officers inside the CIA killed JFK, and my book proves it.

The KGB also used the CIA to orchestrate the massive cover up.

Offline Anthony Frank

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Re: Were the JFK Assassination Plotters Sincere Patriots?
« Reply #38 on: May 25, 2021, 05:24:50 AM »
Its also doubtful JFK could have got his own civil rights agenda passed in his second term.

The assassination helped LBJ get them through.

Johnson was a Southern Democrat who, like all Southern Democrats, hated President Kennedy and his policies, but he knew that he would alienate Kennedy voters if he did not sign the 1964 Civil Rights Act, President Kennedy’s landmark civil rights legislation.

Back in 1947, when President Truman pushed Congress to pass civil rights legislation, Johnson, a member of the House of Representatives, called it “a farce and a sham — an effort to set up a police state in the guise of liberty.’”

Johnson’s “mentor”  during his twelve years in the Senate was Senator Richard Russell, who led the Senate filibuster of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, stating on March 30, 1964, “We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our states.”

Lyndon Johnson and Richard Russell were “very, very close friends” in a relationship that started out with Johnson as “the student” and Russell as “the teacher.”

Vice President Johnson hosted a dinner “in Senator Russell’s honor” while Kennedy was President, and Johnson “told the assembled gathering that if he were able to personally choose the President of the United States, he would select Richard Russell.”

The “Southern Bloc” of Senators that filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act was comprised of Lyndon Johnson’s buddies from his twelve years in the Senate.

Johnson, however, had a plan to stop integration dead in its tracks and keep Southern Democrats happy.

Johnson knew that the civil rights legislation he was compelled to sign would give people of African descent the ability to fully integrate themselves into society with absolutely no restrictions.

He also knew that giving money to people in poverty would tend to remove their incentive to participate in the free market economy, where any man or woman can rise to the level of his or her ability. So, Johnson launched his “War on Integration” and called it a “War on Poverty” in order to hide his true intentions.

President Johnson’s basic premise was: “Give money to people in poverty and they won’t integrate themselves into society.”

Segregation, which was the law of the land in Southern Democratic states a few years earlier, became more and more of a sociological norm as demagoguery took root, African Americans were exploited, and identifying with one’s skin color became a basis for gravitating towards segregation. It was the same demagoguery used by segregationists in the early 1960s as they called for separate but equal.

Gone were the exhortations that African Americans become integral parts of society, judged only on the content of their character and not the color of their skin. In due time, a nation with a large percentage of segregated African Americans was told that, for the most part, black people are victims who cannot succeed without government help.

Offline Denis Pointing

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Re: Were the JFK Assassination Plotters Sincere Patriots?
« Reply #39 on: May 25, 2021, 11:45:18 PM »
I exposed KGB infiltration of the CIA in 1984. KGB officers inside the CIA killed JFK, and my book proves it.

The KGB also used the CIA to orchestrate the massive cover up.

Every post you make ends with a plug for your book. Why not save yourself a lot of time and just create a thread entitled: PLEASE, PLEASE BUY MY NEW BOOK!!
« Last Edit: May 25, 2021, 11:46:39 PM by Denis Pointing »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Were the JFK Assassination Plotters Sincere Patriots?
« Reply #39 on: May 25, 2021, 11:45:18 PM »