Says the guy who visits his father's grave. Tsk, tsk.
Another nonsensical and useless remark from the forum clown.

'Dirty Harvey'Dirty Harry:
'Smith, Wesson... and me'
Dirty Harvey:
Smith, Wesson.. and Lee
Name your ShooterApparently crickets abound on the far shores
of the lunatic fringe. What.. too soon, nerds?
'Prime Suspect'Yep, got that right
'Two-fer'.. that, too
'Too soon?'See 'Name your shooter'
'100% sure that he probably did it'That's right: He probably did. He killed Tippit, after all.
'McAdams says'Oswald says
Iacoletti says
"Gorillas playing basketball"Just a minute: When did I ever say gorillas were playing basketball?
I demand an inquiry!
'Hunter of trolls'Yep, you and your species.
'You lot'Get a dictionary
'Seems to me'Yep
'If memory serves'Yep
'Gaslighter'Get a dictionary
'Bump'Go ahead, sport
'JAQ'Get an
urban dictionary
'I'm innocent'Oswald: I'm innocent
JudgeJohnny: Okay, you can go.
Oswald: [SMIRK].
'Time for your nap, Waldo'What? Are you two
besties again, Austin?
'OMG'Makes your skin crawl, doesn't it, cowboy
'Lee Harvey-Occam Oswald'Keep It Simple Sherlock