The movie clip shows the scene after Day moved a box to carefully get at the rifle. The rifle may have gently fallen onto its side or Day moved it onto it's side. Then it was lifted up by the sling.
I see why Trump's reality-denial anti-authority conspiracy-theory dogma drew you in.

The rifle was about 15' and some from the north wall. It was found to the south of the row of boxes defined above by the lower orange line.
Thank you Mr O...For posting.....
"The movie clip shows the scene after Day moved a box to carefully get at the rifle. The rifle may have gently fallen onto its side or Day moved it onto it's side. Then it was lifted up by the sling."You clearly have acknowledged that the rifle was lying on it's right side with the sling up when detective Day reached out and picked up the carcano. But you've attempted to explain away that FACT by saying...
"The rifle may have gently fallen onto its side or Day moved it onto it's side." I'd like to point out that the rifle could not have fallen ( counterclockwise) on it's right side if it had been standing as seen in the official government approved in situ photo.....Because there is a row of boxes on the left side of the rifle in the official (fake) in situ photo....and if a box had ben moved away from the right side of the rifle it would have fallen to the right (clockwise)