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Author Topic: LHO's shirt  (Read 57216 times)

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #216 on: March 17, 2021, 07:30:13 PM »
Hilarious.  The FBI has no need for anyone to confirm what shirt Oswald was wearing that day if, as you suggest, the fibers don't have evidentiary value.  They already know that the arrest shirt belongs to Oswald because he is wearing it when arrested.  They already know that the fibers are found on the rifle.  To the extent that the fibers are being used to link Oswald to the rifle, there is no need to have a witness confirm that he wore the shirt that particular day.  And if Bledsoe is not being coerced and Oswald wasn't wearing that shirt on the bus, then there is a significant risk that she confirms he was wearing a different shirt.  Why would she say otherwise? Again, however, it makes little difference what she says either because there is little value to the fiber evidence or because fibers from Oswald's shirt could have gotten on his rifle on a prior occasion.

Take it up with the FBI. They were the ones who went to Bledsoe. They must have had a reason for it, don't you think? Now, try to think really hard, "Richard", what possible reason could they have had for taking that shirt to Bledsoe?

You know what, I'll give them a call first and let them know that "Richard Smith" doesn't agree with their methods.

Oh, btw, before I forget. Yesterday I was looking through some old documents and found several FD 302's I had forgotten about. They showed that the FBI not only took the arrest shirt to Bledsoe in early December 1963, but also to Truly, Reid and several other people. It seems they were desperate to find confirmation that Oswald had been wearing his arrest shirt all day. None of the other people they showed it to recognized or identified the shirt and they all gave a different description of the shirt they had seen.

All, except one; Mary Bledsoe..... and guess what, that's the one the WC went with to claim that Oswald had worn his arrest shirt in the morning. All the other statements went straight into the archives..... Go figure!
« Last Edit: March 17, 2021, 09:20:17 PM by Martin Weidmann »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #216 on: March 17, 2021, 07:30:13 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #217 on: March 18, 2021, 06:13:16 PM »
Who cares?.. Spoken like a true contrarian

Btw; I don't need you to tell me what I imply or not. All I did was ask a question and it appears, as per usual, that you don't have an answer. It's duly noted.

No, the basic question would remain the same. Why show a piece of evidence to a witness prior to her testimony? Bledsoe said she saw Oswald on the bus. She didn't say a word about his shirt until after the FBI visit. Go figure!

Well, let's see shall we.... The FBI finds fibers on the rifle, which they compare to the fibers of Oswald's arrest shirt and they find that the fibers are similar. Then they learn that various witnesses gave different descriptions of the shirt they saw Oswald wear on Friday morning, leaving them unable to argue that Oswald was wearing the same shirt all day (which btw is exactly what the WC later claimed).

So, they need to try to restore the evidentiary value of the shirt. Enter Bledsoe.... do the math

You're not making any sense. If taking the arrest shirt to Bledsoe has no relevance, as you claim, then why did they do it? There is nothing baseless about the suggestion that the FBI must have had a good reason for taking the arrest shirt all the way from Washington to Dallas to show to a witness!

while denying that you are a conspiracy theorist.

You still haven't understood that there is a difference between somebody who asks questions about the evidence and points out inconsistancies and somebody who presents a theory (which I never have) and argues in defense of that theory (which I also have never done).

But then again, for narrow minded you, anybody who doesn't instantly agree with all the BS you call evidence must be a CT, right? If fits right in with the shallow and naieve nature you display here on a daily basis

The FBI finds fibers on the rifle, which they compare to the fibers of Oswald's arrest shirt and they find that the fibers are similar.

But that's not the story that Hoover released to the public.....

A December 1st article in the Washington Star by Jerry O'Leary, a writer more than friendly with the FBI's Deke DeLoach, and someone upon whom the FBI regularly relies to get their stories before the public, declares: "PIECE OF OSWALD'S SHIRT FOUND SNAGGED IN RIFLE." It then goes on to claim "A fragment of Lee Harvey Oswald's shirt was snagged in the rifle that killed President John F. Kennedy,

Offline Pat Speer

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Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #218 on: August 22, 2021, 10:23:05 AM »
Hilarious.  The FBI has no need for anyone to confirm what shirt Oswald was wearing that day if, as you suggest, the fibers don't have evidentiary value.  They already know that the arrest shirt belongs to Oswald because he is wearing it when arrested.  They already know that the fibers are found on the rifle.  To the extent that the fibers are being used to link Oswald to the rifle, there is no need to have a witness confirm that he wore the shirt that particular day.  And if Bledsoe is not being coerced and Oswald wasn't wearing that shirt on the bus, then there is a significant risk that she confirms he was wearing a different shirt.  Why would she say otherwise? Again, however, it makes little difference what she says either because there is little value to the fiber evidence or because fibers from Oswald's shirt could have gotten on his rifle on a prior occasion.

I've been quite sick of late, fellas, but I started looking at the forums again a few days ago and this thread caught my eye. While Richard makes some good points, he is clearly incorrect on one point. He claims the FBI could have dismissed the fiber evidence altogether, because there was no evidence the fibers on the rifle were added to the rifle on the 22nd.

But there was such evidence. The FBI's fiber expert, Paul Stombaugh, testified that the fibers were on top of the fingerprint powder. Well this strongly suggests the fibers were added AFTER Lt. Day dusted the rifle, and was unable to find any prints beyond the trigger guard prints, which he would later claimed were too smudged.

So, yeah, on the night of the 22nd, it was imperative that the DPD find some way to link Oswald to the rifle. They then sent the rifle to the FBI, who--by golly--found fibers from the arrest shirt on the rifle. Oh my. Now that's quite the coincidence.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #218 on: August 22, 2021, 10:23:05 AM »

Offline Richard Smith

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Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #219 on: August 22, 2021, 04:28:29 PM »
I've been quite sick of late, fellas, but I started looking at the forums again a few days ago and this thread caught my eye. While Richard makes some good points, he is clearly incorrect on one point. He claims the FBI could have dismissed the fiber evidence altogether, because there was no evidence the fibers on the rifle were added to the rifle on the 22nd.

But there was such evidence. The FBI's fiber expert, Paul Stombaugh, testified that the fibers were on top of the fingerprint powder. Well this strongly suggests the fibers were added AFTER Lt. Day dusted the rifle, and was unable to find any prints beyond the trigger guard prints, which he would later claimed were too smudged.

So, yeah, on the night of the 22nd, it was imperative that the DPD find some way to link Oswald to the rifle. They then sent the rifle to the FBI, who--by golly--found fibers from the arrest shirt on the rifle. Oh my. Now that's quite the coincidence.

Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well.  In terms of the fibers, the DPD has a paper trail including a serial number that links Oswald to the rifle.  If they are faking all this evidence to frame Oswald, then they just say that they found his fingerprints all over the rifle.  They don't go through this complicated and risky charade with the bus ride and coercing witnesses just to conclude that the fibers might come from that shirt. 

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #220 on: August 22, 2021, 09:53:59 PM »
I've been quite sick of late, fellas, but I started looking at the forums again a few days ago and this thread caught my eye. While Richard makes some good points, he is clearly incorrect on one point. He claims the FBI could have dismissed the fiber evidence altogether, because there was no evidence the fibers on the rifle were added to the rifle on the 22nd.

But there was such evidence. The FBI's fiber expert, Paul Stombaugh, testified that the fibers were on top of the fingerprint powder. Well this strongly suggests the fibers were added AFTER Lt. Day dusted the rifle, and was unable to find any prints beyond the trigger guard prints, which he would later claimed were too smudged.

So, yeah, on the night of the 22nd, it was imperative that the DPD find some way to link Oswald to the rifle. They then sent the rifle to the FBI, who--by golly--found fibers from the arrest shirt on the rifle. Oh my. Now that's quite the coincidence.

Hi Pat,   I'm truly sorry to hear that you been ill....  I hope it's just a passing illness, and you'll be joining us in discussions for many more years.    Although I don't agree 100% with you on a few points, by and large, I believe you're about 98% correct in your conclusions.   But no matter how well documented  you've been about a point there will always be the LNer's who have severe cases of craiialrectalitus and simply cannot see the truth.   

Stay well, and keep posting the truth...
« Last Edit: August 23, 2021, 03:21:04 AM by Walt Cakebread »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #220 on: August 22, 2021, 09:53:59 PM »

Online John Iacoletti

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Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #221 on: August 24, 2021, 09:28:07 PM »
They didn't have anything that would physically connect Oswald with that rifle. And even after finding those fibers, they still didn't.  Because fibers can't be linked to a specific garment.

Online John Mytton

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Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #222 on: August 25, 2021, 12:35:52 AM »
They didn't have anything that would physically connect Oswald with that rifle. And even after finding those fibers, they still didn't.  Because fibers can't be linked to a specific garment.

Another important consideration is coincidence. When fibers that match the clothing fibers of the suspect are found on the clothing of a victim, two conclusions may be drawn: The fibers originated from the suspect, or the fibers originated from another fabric source that not only was composed of fibers of the exact type and color, but was also in a position to contribute those fibers through primary or secondary contact. The likelihood of encountering identical fibers from the environment of a homicide victim (i.e., from his or her residence or friends) is extremely remote.

« Last Edit: August 25, 2021, 12:55:16 AM by John Mytton »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #223 on: August 25, 2021, 12:43:07 AM »
They didn't have anything that would physically connect Oswald with that rifle. And even after finding those fibers, they still didn't.  Because fibers can't be linked to a specific garment.

One point that's been brushed aside concerning the theory that Lee Oswald owned or had possession of that particular carcano...

We are told that Lee disassembled the carcano and placed it in a paper bag to conceal it when he transported it to the TSBD....

Logically that doesn't make any sense.... The act of  disassembling a model 91/38 short rifle reduces the length of the rifle by a mere 5 1/4 inches.   So why bother ???   And the disassembled rifle pieces are awkward to handle and reassemble....

There's not an iota of doubt in my mind that if Lee had disassembled that rifle  then his finger prints would have been all over the various piece of the rifle....but the investigators never found a single identifiable print on that gun.    ( I doubt that he had the mechanical ability to figger out how to disassemble the rifle)

And what's even more difficult to believe is the idea that any assassin would set out with only three rounds of ammo ....What an absurd idea!!

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #223 on: August 25, 2021, 12:43:07 AM »