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Author Topic: LHO's shirt  (Read 45854 times)

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #80 on: February 07, 2021, 05:28:26 PM »
But remember, Oswald brought curtain rods with him to work that day. The same day he was told he was going to be involved in the assassination of the President.

Oswald: "Gee, I'm going to be involved in shooting JFK. But I better bring curtain rods with me today because of...well, I might get an apartment or my room needs them. Or something. I don't know why or what for but I'll bring them anyway. Even though I'm going to work with others to kill the president...."

And if Oswald is on the steps or on the street at the time of the shooting and can be seen in the Altgens photo or another one (dozens of people in the plaza had cameras with them) then it's no problem. The conspirators can just squelch/destroy those photos. They had control over the wire services and the photo labs in Dallas. They could just make the photo disappear. And any witnesses? They'll be told to be quiet. And then remain so for the rest of their lives. They would never expose this coverup.

See, it's so easy. That's what these people think.

Introducing............. Mr Steve M. Galbraith, King of the Strawman Argument!

You may remember him, folks, from such productions as Gee, I Can't For the Life of Me Explain This Document---------------

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #80 on: February 07, 2021, 05:28:26 PM »

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #81 on: February 07, 2021, 05:37:54 PM »
But remember, Oswald brought curtain rods with him to work that day. The same day he was told he was going to be involved in the assassination of the President.

Oswald: "Gee, I'm going to be involved in shooting JFK. But I better bring curtain rods with me today because of...well, I might get an apartment or my room needs them. Or something. I don't know why or what for but I'll bring them anyway. Even though I'm going to work with others to kill the president...."

And if Oswald is on the steps or on the street at the time of the shooting and can be seen in the Altgens photo or another one (dozens of people in the plaza had cameras with them) then it's no problem. The conspirators can just squelch/destroy those photos. They had control over the wire services and the photo labs in Dallas. They could just make the photo disappear. And any witnesses? They'll be told to be quiet. And then remain so for the rest of their lives. They would never expose this coverup.

See, it's so easy. That's what these people think.

Do you ever think before you write something or does nonsense come naturally to you?

But remember, Oswald brought curtain rods with him to work that day. The same day he was told he was going to be involved in the assassination of the President.

Oswald: "Gee, I'm going to be involved in shooting JFK. But I better bring curtain rods with me today because of...well, I might get an apartment or my room needs them. Or something. I don't know why or what for but I'll bring them anyway. Even though I'm going to work with others to kill the president...."

How can you be sure that Oswald did in fact bring curtain rods and/or that he knew or even understood that he was going to be involved in the assassination?

And if Oswald is on the steps or on the street at the time of the shooting and can be seen in the Altgens photo or another one (dozens of people in the plaza had cameras with them) then it's no problem. The conspirators can just squelch/destroy those photos. They had control over the wire services and the photo labs in Dallas. They could just make the photo disappear. And any witnesses? They'll be told to be quiet. And then remain so for the rest of their lives. They would never expose this coverup.

Remember the photograph of the 6th floor window that came back damaged? And what happened to the Nix film... The original is still missing? And what happend to the photo taken by the real Babushka lady? And as far as witnesses go, General Walker was certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that the bullet now in evidence is not the one that was taken from his home. He, and his lawyer, informed the HSCA and were completely ignored. O.V. Wright told Josiah Thompson in 1967 that the bullet now in evidence as CE 399 is not the same bullet he received from Tomlinson.... It was ignored. Outside the miletary no witnesses were ever told to be quiet, but those who have not remained silent were completely ignored and/or ridiculed.

Offline Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #82 on: February 07, 2021, 06:05:26 PM »
In addition to having to know where Oswald was at the time of the assassination, the conspirators who allegedly framed him for shooting Tippit also had to know he had no alibi.

If they framed him for shooting Tippit and he has an alibi - he was back with Marina with the Paine's, he' still on the bus stuck in traffic on Houston Street, he's watching the news with Roberts at his rooming house, he's at the movies - then he can't be framed. He has an alibi.

So how did they know not only that he could be framed for shooting JFK but also for shooting Tippit?

They couldn't. Here's what the evidence shows: Oswald shot JFK. And then he fled from the building. He got his revolver with extra bullets. Then he shot Tippit.

Maybe he had help, we'll never know. But he shot JFK and Tippit because, as he stated numerous times, he hated the US. And he struck back at the symbol - JFK - that represented the system he hated.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #82 on: February 07, 2021, 06:05:26 PM »

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #83 on: February 07, 2021, 07:52:12 PM »
In addition to having to know where Oswald was at the time of the assassination, the conspirators who allegedly framed him for shooting Tippit also had to know he had no alibi.

If they framed him for shooting Tippit and he has an alibi - he was back with Marina with the Paine's, he' still on the bus stuck in traffic on Houston Street, he's watching the news with Roberts at his rooming house, he's at the movies - then he can't be framed. He has an alibi.

So how did they know not only that he could be framed for shooting JFK but also for shooting Tippit?

They couldn't. Here's what the evidence shows: Oswald shot JFK. And then he fled from the building. He got his revolver with extra bullets. Then he shot Tippit.

Maybe he had help, we'll never know. But he shot JFK and Tippit because, as he stated numerous times, he hated the US. And he struck back at the symbol - JFK - that represented the system he hated.

More BS from the guy who apparently only answers his own questions and not the critical ones asked by others.

In addition to having to know where Oswald was at the time of the assassination, the conspirators who allegedly framed him for shooting Tippit also had to know he had no alibi.

The mere fact that you can't figure out how it was done, doesn't mean that it wasn't or couldn't be done. It just means that you can't figure it out.

Here's what the evidence shows: Oswald shot JFK. And then he fled from the building. He got his revolver with extra bullets. Then he shot Tippit.

Wrong, that's what the WC narrative based on assumptions and speculation (and not so much on actual physical or direct evidence) says.

Maybe he had help, we'll never know. But he shot JFK and Tippit because, as he stated numerous times, he hated the US. And he struck back at the symbol - JFK - that represented the system he hated.

Still have enough koolaid?

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #84 on: February 07, 2021, 08:07:05 PM »
In addition to having to know where Oswald was at the time of the assassination, the conspirators who allegedly framed him for shooting Tippit also had to know he had no alibi.

If they framed him for shooting Tippit and he has an alibi - he was back with Marina with the Paine's, he' still on the bus stuck in traffic on Houston Street, he's watching the news with Roberts at his rooming house, he's at the movies - then he can't be framed. He has an alibi.

So how did they know not only that he could be framed for shooting JFK but also for shooting Tippit?

They couldn't. Here's what the evidence shows: Oswald shot JFK. And then he fled from the building. He got his revolver with extra bullets. Then he shot Tippit.

Maybe he had help, we'll never know. But he shot JFK and Tippit because, as he stated numerous times, he hated the US. And he struck back at the symbol - JFK - that represented the system he hated.

Sure would help if these brainiacs could name someone, other than [name your shooter here] who knew there was an attempt on Kennedy scheduled that day.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2021, 08:08:15 PM by Bill Chapman »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #84 on: February 07, 2021, 08:07:05 PM »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #85 on: February 08, 2021, 11:57:09 AM »
Pathetic , Mr Ford..... Utterly pathetic!  Lee's handler  would have allowed Lee to believe that it was Lee's scheme, and gently guided Lee along the path.   

Yeah Walt, you've mentioned something like this before.
Are you saying you believe that Oswald was duped into believing it was his idea to assassinate JFK?
Are you saying he actually took the shots because he believed it was all his idea?
Not really sure what you're saying.

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #86 on: February 09, 2021, 05:30:26 AM »
Yes, Walt needs to explain his Oswald the misled CIA and or FBI informants patsy theory ONE MORE TIME :)

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #87 on: February 09, 2021, 10:43:37 PM »
Yeah Walt, you've mentioned something like this before.
Are you saying you believe that Oswald was duped into believing it was his idea to assassinate JFK?
Are you saying he actually took the shots because he believed it was all his idea?
Not really sure what you're saying.

Are you saying you believe that Oswald was duped into believing it was his idea to assassinate JFK?

Thanks for asking, Dan....

I'm saying that Lee thought he was playing the same game "HOAX"  that he played at Walker's in April....At Walker's there was a bang heard...There was a bullet hole through Walker's window and a bullet recovered....NOBODY was hurt but the evidence seemed to indicate that someone had tried to kill Walker.  Which was utter nonsense....Because it the shooter had tried to kill Walker he could easily have succeeded. Walker simply sat there ( if he actually was in the room) for a minute or so before he got up and STOOD IN FRONT OF THE WINDOW.  The Walker incident was a HOAX calculated to get Lee Oswald welcomed into Cuba as an attempted assassin of Castro's enemy...General Walker.

Lee had heard that a militant group would attempt to shhot JFK in Dallas.....And he went to notify FBI agent James Hosty, and Hosty reassured him that the FBI was on top of it and he ( Lee ) could proceed with the HOAX attempt that would make it appear that he and an associate had tried to shoot JFK.    Mr Ford laid it all out in simplistic fashion a few days ago, but Alan thinks that a man could be ORDERED to comply with a hoax scheme.....Whereas If the scheme is to work, The PATSY must be allowed to believe that it's his idea....

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #87 on: February 09, 2021, 10:43:37 PM »