Mr. SPECTER - Now are there any other points where the affidavit is at variance from your current recollection?
Mr. ROWLAND - The time that it states here, we arrived in downtown Dallas at approximately 12:10. Actually we arrived before 12 but we took the position that we have, approximately 12:10, that position "V" on this other Exhibit 354.
Now, Mr Nessan, let me phrase this question carefully:
Do you believe that Mr Rowland claimed, while giving his affidavit statement, that he and his wife arrived in downtown Dallas at approximately 12:10 PM?

You can rephrase it all you want. Arnold can not even get this part straight. Once again he is all over the board about simply arriving by bus then moving to several different locations. Because you seem unwilling to make your point I can only assume your point must be that based on his eradicate memory of moving all up and down the street that you cannot believe a word Arnold states.
Mr. SPECTER - What time did you arrive in town?
Mr. ROWLAND - We rode a bus from the school. We got to town approximately a quarter to 12.
Mr. SPECTER - What time were you positioned?
Mr. ROWLAND - We got there about 5 after 12.
Mr. SPECTER - Where were you standing at the time the President's motorcade passed by you?
Mr. ROWLAND - At that position. (Witness marking.)
Mr. SPECTER - The position you have marked with a "V," inverted "V."
Will you mark with the letter "A" the point to which you had moved when you described it as being at Commerce which you corrected to Elm and Houston.
Mr. ROWLAND - It was this corner. (Witness marking.)
Mr. SPECTER - Approximately what time did you move to the position you have marked "A"?
Mr. ROWLAND - About 10 after 12.
Mr. SPECTER - How long did you stay at position "A"?
Mr. ROWLAND - Momentarily, just long enough to look, maybe a minute.
Mr. SPECTER - To look at what?
Mr. ROWLAND - To look at the position itself. There was too much of a crowd in that area. When the President would come by they would be pushing or rushing in that area and it would be too crowded for us.
Mr. SPECTER - At that point you did what?
Mr. ROWLAND - Then we went back to where we were.
Mr. SPECTER - To position "V"?
Mr. ROWLAND - Yes, and we stayed there for a minute or so, walked to the corner of Main and Houston.
Mr. SPECTER - Mark Main and Houston with the letter "B," if you would, where you moved next.
(Witness marking.)
>Mr. ROWLAND - Stayed there momentarily, less than a minute. There was quite a crowd there and we went back to where we were, our original position.
Mr. SPECTER - To position "V"?
Mr. ROWLAND - Yes.
Mr. SPECTER - What time would you say you got back to your position "V"?
Mr. ROWLAND - We got back there 14 after, I noticed the time on my watch, and the Hertz time clock I noticed was about a minute later.
Mr. SPECTER - Where was the Hertz time clock located?
Mr. ROWLAND - That was on top of the school depository building.
Mr. SPECTER - Was your watch synchronized with the Hertz up on top.
Mr. ROWLAND - Yes. When we returned to position "V" we stayed there, we began looking around. My wife and I were discussing the security precautions that were taken in view of the event when Mr. Stevenson was there.
Mr. SPECTER - Before you go on, let me ask you at which time was this on your return to position "V"?
Mr. ROWLAND - This was 12:15.
Mr. SPECTER - All right; proceed to tell us what you saw and heard at about that time?
Mr. SPECTER - Approximately what time did you move to the position you have marked "A"?
Mr. ROWLAND - About 10 after 12.
Mr. SPECTER - Now are there any other points where the affidavit is at variance from your current recollection?
Mr. ROWLAND - The time that it states here, we arrived in downtown Dallas at approximately 12:10.
Actually we arrived before 12 but we took the position that we have, approximately 12:10, that position "V" on this other Exhibit 354.