Does she have to pay extra for that?
You couldn't be more wrong.
The basic description of the rifleman he gives to his wife is the same as the one he gives in his affidavit is the same one he gives to the WC.
Don't forget, you also think his head is lower than his waist. 
A slender heavy 200lb man that weighs 140lbs:
Mr. ROWLAND - He was rather slender in proportion to his size. I couldn't tell for sure whether he was tall and maybe, you know heavy, say 200 pounds, but tall whether he would be and slender or whether he was medium and slender, but in proportion to his size his build was slender.
Mr. SPECTER - Were you able to form any opinion as to the weight of the man in addition to the line of proportion which you have already described?
Mr. ROWLAND - I would say about 140 to 150 pounds
That picture was of the window facing the west parking lot. It is the only time Walt Cakebread has ever been right. You have to give it to him.
Mr. SPECTER - What is your
best estimate of the space between the top of his head and the open window at the perspective you were observing?
Two and a half, three feet, something on that--that is something very hard to ascertain. That would just be an estimation on my part.
Mr. SPECTER - Which half of the window was open, the bottom half or the top half?
Mr. ROWLAND - It was the bottom half. Mr. SPECTER - And how much, if any, of his body was obscured by the window frame from that point down to the floor?
Mr. ROWLAND - From where I was standing I could see from his head to about 6 inches below his waist, below his belt.
Mr. SPECTER - Could you see as far as his knees?
Mr. SPECTER - And from that point
how far up his body were you able to see without any obstruction of a window between you and him? Mr. ROWLAND -
To the top of his head. There was some space on top of that where I could see the wall behind him.
Mr. SPECTER - What is your best estimate of the space between the top of his head and the open window at the perspective you were observing?
Mr. ROWLAND - Two and a half, three feet, something on that--that is something very hard to ascertain. That would just be an estimation on my part.
LHO had the rifle slightly tipped in the wrong direction to his right but almost verticle ROWLAND - The entire rifle was in my view.
Mr. SPECTER - In the open part of the window?
Mr. ROWLAND - Yes. ------------
His head was always below his waist. Every time they asked him a question he proved it. Today it would be called a lifestyle. Describing a rifle as a "thirty odd size six" would be a good example of his head being below his waist. If he really was attempting to reference a 30-06, calling it an import rifle would also be a good example of his head being below his waist.