Your complete failure to answer any of my questions is extremely telling! Could it possibly be that you are afraid to answer them, as it might result in the realisation that the narrative you believe is actually a house of cards build on a shaky foundation?
Tell us, "Richard", how could the MC rifle have been fired on 11/22/63 when the rust in the barrel, which should have been removed by the first shot, was still there when they found the rifle?
And tell us also, what bullet fragments were recovered from the limo by Frazier and his team?
You, of course, already know that bullet fragments were recovered from the limo that came from Oswald's rifle to the exclusion of any other rifle. Attempting to draw some distinction about who found them is just rabbit hole nonsense. There is no credible evidence that these fragments or the bullet found at Parkland (which also came from Oswald's rifle) was planted by anyone. Here is the WC report
After the Presidential car was returned to Washington on November 22, 1963,
Secret Service agents found two bullet fragments in the front seat. One fragment, found on the seat beside the driver, weighed 44.6 grains and consisted of the nose portion of a bullet. The other fragment, found along the right side of the front seat, weighed 21.0 grains and consisted of the base portion of a bullet. During the course of an examination on November 23, agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation found three small lead particles, weighing between seven-tenths and nine-tenths of a grain each, on the rug underneath the left jump seat which had been occupied by Mrs. Connally.
As described in the preceding section, five bullet fragments were found in the President's limousine. The cartridge cases, the nearly whole bullet and the bullet fragments were all subjected to firearms identification analysis by qualified experts.
It was the unanimous opinion of the experts that the nearly whole bullet, the two largest bullet fragments. and the three cartridge cases were definitely fired in the rifle found on the sixth floor of the Depository Building to the exclusion of all other weapons.