"Oswald told Frazier that the bag he brought to work that day contained curtain rods he obtained from Mrs. Paine. Many conspiracy theorists contend that Oswald did have curtain rods. The question then becomes: could the bag have contained curtain rods and not the rifle, regardless of length?
There were indeed curtain rods in the garage of the Paine residence, but both Mr. and Mrs. Paine testified their curtain rods were still in their garage on the day of the assassination after Oswald had taken his "curtain rods" to work. Oswald did not ask Mrs. Paine if he could use her curtain rods. Oswald did not discuss redecorating his room with his wife. He did not get the needed permission from his landlady, Mrs. Arthur Johnson, or her husband, to hang curtain rods and both testified there was no need for curtain rods in his room as there were curtain rods already up."
Source/link: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/bag.htm
Oswald's room needed no rods. He had no apartment that needed rods. He had not looked for an apartment that needed rods. There is no evidence from any eyewitnesses that saw him with rods after he left the building. He denied to the police, according to their account, that he brought rods to work.
Or you can believe all of this were lies meant to frame him. In which case, it doesn't matter how much evidence is presented; you will dismiss it all as lies.
Oswald's room below (no rods are needed):

I take it this is your way of "answering" Alan's question?
Or you can believe all of this were lies meant to frame him. In which case, it doesn't matter how much evidence is presented; you will dismiss it all as lies. I don't believe "all of this were lies", just that the narrative you present is only one biased side of the story. The fact that Ruth Paine's curtain rods were still in her garage, does not preclude the possibility that there had been more (for instance in Oswald's possession) and it certainly does not prove that Oswald did not carry curtain rods to the TSBD on Friday morning.
Oswald did not discuss redecorating his room with his wife. He did not get the needed permission from his landlady, Mrs. Arthur Johnson, or her husband, to hang curtain rods and both testified there was no need for curtain rods in his room as there were curtain rods already up."So what? It's only an
assumption that Oswald needed the curtain rods to redecorate his room. There isn't a shred of evidence for it. Last week I picked up some removal boxes from a friend. But that doesn't mean that I was going to move! One can just as easily assume that Oswald went to Irving on Thursday to ask Marina to live with him again in a new appartment. Marina and Ruth Paine actually testified that they both thought this was his reason for the trip. The lack of evidence for the existing of such an appartment, for which Oswald could have brought to curtain rods, does not preclude that such an appartment did exist. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence!
For all we know, Oswald wanted to sign the rental agreement the next day. We will never know, because it was never investigated. Another alternative that was never considered is that Oswald brought the curtain rods for somebody else, who collected them during Friday morning. I'm not saying any of this is actually true or that it really happened. All I am saying is that when you start making assumptions you can always arrive where you want to end up.
He had no apartment that needed rods. He had not looked for an apartment that needed rods.You shouldn't present something as fact what you can only assume and for which you have not a shred of evidence.
Now, to get back to Alan's question, which you haven't answered at all. Here's a logical conclusion justified by the evidence as we know it to date; if we accept that Ruth Paine's curtain rods were in her garage on the 23rd, when her testimony was taken, then they can not be the curtain rods who were in the custody of Lt Day until the 24th, which is when SSA Howlett collected them. It follows that the curtain rods Howlett submitted to the DPD identification bureau on the 15th are not Ruth Paine's curtain rods.