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Author Topic: Was Hickey's AR15 in burst mode?  (Read 48900 times)

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Was Hickey's AR15 in burst mode?
« on: February 16, 2021, 11:42:57 PM »
At 0:54 in the youtube footage linked below i can see that Hickey (in the rear seat of Queen Mary) could have fired an accidental non-controlled burst of three AR15 shots if his AR15 was in burst mode (instead of manual mode).  Three shots if at 400 rpm or 6.7 rps would take 0.3 sec.  Far off it would sound like one shot.

Or if the AR15 was in auto mode then Hickey could have fired 2 or 3 or 4 shots, the AR15 would fire until Hickey released the trigger or ran out of ammo.

There are lots of possibilities.
(1) One made a crater in the vertical corner of a concrete pier of the underpass behind Tague.
(2) One ricocheted off the concrete curb near Tague.
(3) One ricocheted off the tarmac of Main Street near Tague.
(4) One ricocheted off Main Street then off the curb near Tague.
(5) One ricocheted off the tarmac in Elm Street.
(6) One hit a concrete storm sewer entry on the southern curb of Elm St.
(7) One hit the chrome trim on the top of the windshield.
(8 ) One cracked the windshield left of the rear vizion mirror.
(9) One hit JFK in the head (imagine JFK's head is 4'1"above that there cross painted in the center lane).

A quick automatic burst of shots would trace out a nice line or smooth arc.  If any of the above are too far to one side then that might disqualify them. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(7)(9) are ok, but (6) the sewer entry is too far left of the others, it is a lane width (13 ft) to the left of the Hickey-to-Tague line (the sewer is difficult to see at 0:54 but easy to see later in the footage).  And (8 ) the cracked windshield is too far left of the others.

In any case Hickey would have had some amount of horizontal swinging movement in his errant AR15, as well as some vertical movement.  I suppose that there is no limit to the possible spread of a burst if the AR15 is swinging wildly enuff. As long as the arc traced out by the shots doesnt need an impossible zig or zag, which i think it doesnt (except for the sewer & the crack).

The JFK fatal headshot would have been the first shot of the burst if Hickey were falling backwards (if the QM suddenly accelerated), or the last shot of the burst if falling forwards (if the QM suddenly braked).

If the AR15 fired at 400 rpm in burst or auto mode then that is 6.7 rps, modern AR15s can i think fire 12 rps. There were witnesses that mentioned bursts. Agent Kellerman in the passenger seat in the limo said there was a flurry of shots at Z313.  Many said that the shots at Z313 were almost simultaneous. Yes, i reckon that Hickey did set the AR15 in burst mode (which gives 3 auto shots).  Yes, many crazy witnesses were actually sane.

Royce Skelton saw a bullet hit the road (Elm St i think) at time Z313, he didnt say exactly where.  That was in addition to the bullet that Skelton saw that hit the road earlier at say Z150, near where Virgie Rackley Baker saw a bullet hit the road, but those two Z150 sightings were due to Oswald's shot-1 which had ricocheted off the signal arm, so they aint important here.

There was a lot of gunsmoke on Elm St, & gunsmoke followed the Queen Mary to the hospital.  I mean the smelly kind of gunsmoke (cordite) not the smokey kind (black powder). Yep a burst of 3 shots at street level would explain all of that stink much better than a single shot. Oswald's 2 shots up on the 6th story were too high to stink at street level, especially due to the prevailing wind being in his face on that Friday.

A burst of 3 shots makes sense.  Or an auto burst of 2 or 3 or more shots. 
Still thinking.  Here is the youtube footage, stop at 0:54.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2021, 12:22:54 AM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

JFK Assassination Forum

Was Hickey's AR15 in burst mode?
« on: February 16, 2021, 11:42:57 PM »

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Was Hickey's AR15 in burst mode?
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2021, 04:26:14 PM »
Here 4 stars show some candidates for where Hickey's accidental auto AR15 burst could have hit.
At top we have the corner of the pier, below that the curb & tarmac of Main St, below that the tarmac of Elm St, & the bottom star is JFK's head (say 4'1" above the cross).
And a 5th star shows the storm sewer surround that was reported hit, however this wayward star is 13 ft left of the 4 good stars.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2021, 10:42:13 PM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Was Hickey's AR15 in burst mode?
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2021, 02:15:04 AM »
What are the chances that Hickey killed JFK?
Almost zero.
Firstly both had to live during the same era in Earth's 4 billion year history.
Someone had to invent the AR15.
JFK had to be elected POTUS. Hickey had to be hired by the SS.
No, i have changed my mind, the chances were zero not almost zero.

A Useful Coincidence
Even if Charles Bronson’s film did not exist, the notion that George Hickey killed President Kennedy accidentally could be dismissed simply on the grounds of its implausibility. As Professor Donald Gibson put it:
Were it not for the significance of the events, some discussions would just be funny (like Bonar Menninger’s 1992 book arguing that a Secret Service agent just happened to accidentally shoot Kennedy in the head while Oswald was coincidentally shooting at him, i.e., the only accidental discharge of a Secret Service weapon around a President in one hundred years would by chance hit the President in the head and would by chance occur in the six or so seconds during which someone else was shooting at the President).
(Donald Gibson, The Kennedy Assassination Cover–up, Nova Science Publishers, 2000, pp.229–230)

But wait there's more. What were the chances that JFK was named John & George Hickey was named George.
JFK could have been named George, & Hickey John. This forum would have been the gfkassassinationforum.
Or if Hickey did indeed do the dirty deed den it would have been the gfkaccidentalhomicideforum.
Wow, what were the chances?

Here is some good oil.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2021, 12:29:04 AM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Was Hickey's AR15 in burst mode?
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2021, 02:15:04 AM »

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Was Hickey's AR15 in burst mode?
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2021, 12:31:52 AM »
Columbo:  There are a couple of loose ends I'd like to tie up, sir. Nothing important you understand.  Actually, so far, sir, we don’t have a thing.
Hickey:  Well, that’s heartening.
Columbo:  Officially, that is.
Hickey:  And unofficially?
Columbo:  Unofficially, we don’t have anything either.
Hickey:  So, when did you first suspect me?
Columbo: As it happens, sir… the first time i read the report.
Hickey: That can’t be possible.
Columbo:  Well sir, little things bother me.  Like when i was looking for the tests done on your AR15, & the bullets.  Especially your sworn witness testimony, sir.
Hickey:  There were no tests, & i wasn’t called as a witness.
Columbo:  Yes, that's what i mean sir.  It's just one of those things that got in my head and kept rolling around in there like a marble
Columbo:  My wife was a great fan of JFK sir.
Hickey:  Well, tell her it was just rotten luck.
Columbo:  Yes sir, u were just doing your job.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2021, 09:14:46 PM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Was Hickey's AR15 in burst mode?
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2021, 06:01:03 AM »
Powers is standing in the back of Queen Mary taking a photo of JFK (he is standing in front of the jump seat where he usually sits).  That might be Hickey sitting in the rear seat, where Hickey was sitting on the following day, the fatal Friday.  If Powers were to shoulder an AR15, dropping his head a little to aim, & shoot JFK in the back of the head, then as can be seen the bullet would clear the windshield by say 18 inches.

On the Friday, at the moment of Hickey's accidental shot, JFK was leaning towards Jackie, hence JFK's head was lower. On the Friday Hickey's bullet's entry might have been say level with JFK's nose here (vertically speaking).  I drew a line from JFK's nose to the top of the windshield then past Powers, as can be seen the line would hit Powers at say his belly button.   Hickey on the Friday was sitting behind where Powers is standing in the photo, hence that rising line would of course be higher when it reached Hickey.

In other photos of the motorcade on that Friday Hickey can be seen sitting high up (we know that Hickey was sitting on 2 cases, which i reckon Hickey placed there for that purpose).  In thems photos the top of Hickey's head was higher than the level of the shoulders of the 4 Agents standing on the running boards. Hickey was half sitting half standing.

I suspect that the floor where Powers is standing is higher than the running boards, & i suspect that Powers is taller than average, & in the photo Powers is standing forward a tad of where Hickey sits.  Anyhow, based on how high Powers is standing, Hickey could have easily accidentally shot JFK whilst still half standing high up on thems cases. 

On the fatal moment on the Friday Hickey was probably beginning to shoulder his AR15 when he accidentally shot JFK, whilst beginning to stand & turn.  And the geometry displayed in this photo of Powers & JFK suggests that Hickey did not have to be fully standing for his accidental head-shot to clear the windshield.

I point this out here because we have all seen photos & drawings & comments in his forum & elsewhere saying that the Bronson footage shows Hickey seated at the time of Z313, & saying that that shows that (1) Hickey did not fire the deadly shot, & (2) that Hickey could not have fired the deadly shot.

Those negative assertions have already been half quashed by pointing out that the Bronson freeze frame in question was not actually at Z313.

And now we can add that Hickey only needed to be half standing, ie by sitting high up in the rear seat, which is what he is doing in the Bronson footage. Actually the Bronson footage is so blurry that its difficult to make out who is who & what they are doing. But there does appear to be a rifle in some of the Bronson frames.

Unfortunately the Zapruder footage does not show Queen Mary, ie Hickey, beyond about Z213, ie 100 frames short of the fatal Z313.

And the Arnold footage & the Oliver footage must have been destroyed because they showed that Hickey shot JFK. If Bronson's footage was clearer then i suspect that it too would have been destroyed.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2021, 09:31:53 PM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Was Hickey's AR15 in burst mode?
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2021, 06:01:03 AM »

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Was Hickey's AR15 in burst mode?
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2021, 08:28:17 AM »
Here is the well known drawing of Hickey shooting JFK -- i have drawn some new lines etc on it.
I think that the original drawing asserts that Hickey had to be standing on the rear seat to see/shoot JFK over the top of the windshield. But i reckon that the drawing has the following mistakes.

(1).  JFK is shown a little too low, i reckon that he was an inch or two higher when shot.  The original broken line showing the bullet traject meets the head  49" above the road.  I reckon that 51" would be closer to the truth.

(2).  The broken line clears the windshield by 4", but only needs  a half of 0.223", ie 0.111".  Perhaps the  4" is to clear the vizors, which were indeed lifted at the time, but there was a very wide gap tween the left & right vizors, hence the 4" clearance is not needed.  The top of the windshield is drawn 60" above the road, hence the traject needs to be 60.1" above the road (not the silly 64"). 

(3). I don’t know why the rifle is drawn under Hickey's armpit.  Hickey would have been lifting it to his shoulder whilst beginning to stand, whilst beginning to turn right to face Oswald.  Anyhow the silly broken line ending at the silly drawn rifle is  70" above the road when it gets to the centerline of Hickey. 

(4).  If we adopt  51" at JFK, & 60.1" at the windshield, then the broken line hits Hickey at 63.8" above the road (not the silly  70").  This can be easily calculated if we assume that JFK is 213" from the windshield, & Hickey is 84" from the windshield (scaled from the drawing).  And for my purposes i have rotated the drawing about  3 deg so that the road is horizontal, to make thinking & calculation easier. 

Inspection of Z176 to Z213 shows that on the fatal Friday Hickey can be seen sitting (half-standing) very high up, & in every Zapruder frame the top of his head is level with an imaginary line joining the chins of the 2 nearest agents standing on the running boards to his left (McIntyre) & right (Landis).  In the drawing i have drawn a line back from a couple of inches below Agent Hill's chin.  I have not bothered to draw our unlucky jinxed half standing Hickey sitting with the top of his head touching that line, but we can imagine.  One little problem is that Hill scales to be  6'-2"tall (5'-10" might be fairer to my opponents), & Hill's head scales to less than 8" high (9" would be fairer to my opponents).

So, lemmeseenow.  The agent on the running board is standing  10" above the road, & is  70" tall, & his chin is 9" lower, & Hickey's chin is  9" lower than the agents chin, which makes Hickey's chin in Z176 to Z213 about 62" above the road.

I drew a new fat line for a traject starting at their 49" (not my 51") throo 60.1" at the windshield, & throo past Hickey.  I drew an oval to show Hickey's head. The new line intersects the half-standing Hickey's head at say his mouth, hence it wasnt an impossible (albeit accidental) shot.  Hickey didn't have to stand on the seat.

If Hickey was standing instead of half-standing then his head would be as shown by the 2nd oval.  The new line passes well below a standing Hickey's shoulder.
[edit][Reply#33 on page 4 shows a pix of Hickey, he sure is a tall dude, this here 2nd oval showing his head could be drawn a few inches higher i reckon, but i will leave as is.

Hmmmmmm -- there were 10 guys in Queen Mary, & 4 guys & 2 gals in the limo.  Thats 720 pounds of extra wt in the QM, must be an inch in that.
It was rotten luck, he was just doing his job.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2021, 12:17:12 AM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Was Hickey's AR15 in burst mode?
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2021, 12:05:07 AM »
Here is a photo of a small case on top of a large case on the back seat of Queen Mary.
I don’t know if that pix was taken on that Friday, but these might be what Hickey was half-sitting half-standing on on that Friday.

Why did Hickey have to be half-standing?  If he was on anti-sniper duty then i suppose that he would be mainly scanning high windows, but u can do that sitting.  Perhaps he wanted to see over the top of standing spectators.  Perhaps he wanted to see over the 3 sitting Agents & 2 sitting Aides, koz his scanning area was 360deg.  And scanning ahead over the windshield vizors, that were turned up above the windshield.
It was rotten luck, he was just doing his job.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2021, 09:37:08 PM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Was Hickey's AR15 in burst mode?
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2021, 12:49:45 AM »
The Agents on Queen Mary have just seen a chunk of JFK's head blown off.
The motorcade has now passed the underpass & is heading for the hospital.
What are the agents on the runningboard of Queen Mary doing?  Are they….
(1).  Scanning the surrounds for conspirators.
(2).  Scanning back to the top of the underpass for conspirators.
(3).  Looking up the road ahead for danger.
(4).  Looking to see if agent Hill is safely in JFK's limo.
(5).  Trying to get a look at JFK & Jackie.
(6).  Looking at agent Hickey & saying WTF.
Make up your own mind.

It was rotten luck, he was just doing his job.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2021, 12:36:40 AM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Was Hickey's AR15 in burst mode?
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2021, 12:49:45 AM »