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Author Topic: Why Would a Oswald Impostor in Mexico City Use a Photo of Oswald as ID?  (Read 3519 times)

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Question: If the person who went to Mexico City and allegedly impersonated Oswald at the visits to the Cuban Consulate and the Soviet Embassy was, as is alleged by some, this man (below):

Then why did the above man give the Cubans this photo of himself for his transit visa application?:

According to Sylvia Duran, the Cuban employee who met this alleged impostor and who processed his application, the above (second) photo was the photo given to her by this supposed impostor for the application. The photo is obviously a different person then the person at the top in the two photos.

If you are Duran and you receive the second photo you would know instantly that it's not the same person. So why would the impostor above give a photo of a different person? A different person who, for me, is clearly Lee Harvey Oswald.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2021, 10:37:22 PM by Steve M. Galbraith »

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Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Why Would an Oswald Impostor Provide a Photo of Oswald?
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2021, 11:23:55 PM »
Question: If the person who went to Mexico City and allegedly impersonated Oswald at the visits to the Cuban Consulate and the Soviet Embassy was, as is alleged by some, this man (below):

Then why did the above man give the Cubans this photo of himself for his transit visa application?:

According to Sylvia Duran, the Cuban employee who met this alleged impostor and who processed his application, the above (second) photo was the photo given to her by this supposed impostor for the application. The photo is obviously a different person then the person at the top in the two photos.

If you are Duran and you receive the second photo you would know instantly that it's not the same person.

So why would the impostor above give a photo of a different person? A different person who, for me, is clearly Lee Harvey Oswald.

I haven't looked this up..... but I believe the photos of the man who looks like Grayston Lynch was taken at the Russian Embassy....Not the Cuban consulate...

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Let's expand this a bit. Other people say this man noted above or one of the two men below on the right - all photographed outside the Soviet Embassy - was the man impersonating Oswald. So this alleged impersonator was either the man on the left or the ones on the right.

The question remains: Why did any of the above alleged impostors give Duran the photo below - which is the photo the Cubans provided the HSCA - as their identification for the application for the transit visa?

Anyone can see immediately that the above photo given to the Cubans is not any of the men at the top of this post. They are all three different men. If you are one of the impostors above you simply do not give the second photo for the application. No one will be fooled by it. You would give a photo of yourself.

Duran testified to this:
CORNWELL - Correct?... Did you look at the photos when he brought them back, careful about to be sure that it was the same man who was standing in front of you?

Her testimony can be read here:

« Last Edit: March 02, 2021, 11:11:33 PM by Steve M. Galbraith »

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Why Would a Oswald Impostor in Mexico City
Why... Would aN Oswald Impostor in Mexico City.... Start YET another thread on this matter?

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