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Author Topic: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.  (Read 22788 times)

Online Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
« Reply #24 on: March 11, 2021, 12:37:10 AM »
I am visiting some threads that mention that Agent Hickey accidentally killed JFK. 
Refutations that Hickey did it mainly employ a frame of the Bronson film that appears to show Hickey holding his AR15 at a 50deg upwards angle at the time of the shot, ie at Zapruder Z313.  The rationale being that the AR15 had to be held at say minus 5deg to (accidentally) aim at JFK's head over the windshield of Queen Mary, & 50deg upwards would miss JFK's head by a mile. 
There are some problems with thems refutations.
(1)  The timing of the Bronson frames relative to Z313 is uncertain. 
(2)  Some of Bronson's frame to frame time gaps are equivalent to say 5 Zapruder gaps.  Many Bronson gaps are equivalent to say 2 Zapruder frames (despite Bronson being 12 fps & Zapruder 18.3 fps). 
(3)  The time to (accidentally) swing upwards from 5deg down to 45deg up need not take more than say 1 Zapruder frame, if the upswing is helped by the natural recoil.
(4)  Kenneth S Weissman says that the 2019 copies of the Bronson film frames are superior to the 2017 copies (which are very blurry & have artifacts).  Frame UYB09 (2017) is usually the frame employed by refutationalists (RobIn Unger's gallery shows his low-res copies of the 2017 frames).  Weissman says that UYB09 (2019) does not show that there (50deg) rifle.   However i definitely see a blurry AR15 at  50deg (see Weissman's pix below).
(5)  The Museum keep the 2019 frames locked away.  The Museum are well aware that anti-Hickey refutationists employ the inferior 2017 frames.  The Museum are of course the Chief anti-Hickeyians. Today they are happy that their 2017 frames supposedly deny that Hickey shot JFK, while secretly knowing that their 2019 frames do not deny. 
(6)  The 6th Floor Museum's fear is not limited to the loss of their holy 2017 refutation canon, they dread that the 2019 frames support Hickeyianity.  We will never see the 2019 frames in Robin Unger's Gallery.

From Weissman's Report : Bronson UYB09 (2017) is on the left :  Bronson B12 (2019) is on the right (B12 is the hi-res version of the low-res UYB09).
I reckon that B12 (2019) shows a blurry AR15 at  50deg, blurry partly because it is swinging swiftly (upwards), the fatal shot being a fraction of a second earlier.
Hence B12 (2019) does not absolve Hickeyians from finding an explanation, Hickeyians have to use the same explanation that was needed for UYB09 (2017). But B12(2019) has provided new ammunition for Hickeyians, the AR15 is blurry because it is swinging fastly up, having already done the dirty deed.  Luckily enuff the ugly artifact in B09 (2017) has nicely magnified the true existence of the AR15, otherwise we might have missed seeing the swiftly swinging AR15 in B12 (2019).

Actually it is Weissman that called it an artifact, but it aint. It does however magnify the dark shape of the swiftly swinging (upwards) AR15. 
The dark bit on the end might be an artifact, a blob. This is where the skinny steel sticks out beyond the wood. This kind of blob is like many others seen on the grass nearby in B09 (2017). This might be an attack of the blobs, or it might not.
And while we are digesting all of that we can dwell on the fact that the 2017 frames show that Hickey lied. Hickey testified that he didnt grab the AR15 from the floor untill after the last shot,  well after, near the underpass (at about Z480 i suppose).  I can see the AR15 in a few 2017 frames, & i expect that the 2019 frames will show the same, only better.  But the Museum wont tell visitors any of that (hey everyone, look over there, look at the nice big photos of the assassin). 
It was rotten luck, he was just doing his job.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2024, 10:29:46 PM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
« Reply #24 on: March 11, 2021, 12:37:10 AM »

Online Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
« Reply #25 on: May 11, 2021, 08:38:39 AM »
My theory that Hickey fired up to 6 accidental auto shots & that JFK was hit by shot-1 is not possible,
koz we can see Hickey sitting (high up) on his 2 leather cases in Bronson UYB09, & we know that UYB09 is equal timewise to Z319.
This timeline gives Hickey time to fire only 1 or 2 shots tween Z313 & Z319, ie whilst standing at Z313 & falling & sitting (high up) at Z319.
Hence the only way to make a 6-shot burst fit the timeline is to have JFK being hit by the last shot, shot-6.
Shot-1 had more appeal, but shot-6 will have to do.
It means that Hickey (& the AR15) was falling forwards (& swinging down) during the burst, Hickey being "saved" by O'Donnell in the jump seat.

There are 19 good frames in Unger's Bronson sequence (UYB20 is too blurry),& we are told that these run at an average of 12 fps.
Zapruder runs at 18.3 fps, hence the 19 frames are equivalent timewise to 28.975 Zapruder frames.
We know from measurements of the scenery passing by that the 19 frames skip at 5 locations, where in effect a total of 6 frames are "missing".
Hence we can consider the 19 to be 25 frames, & these 25 can be considered to be equivalent to 28.975 Zapruder frames.
Hence 1 Zapruder frame is on average equal to 1.16 Bronson frames.
The AR15 fires at say 400 rpm which is 6.666 rps.  Hence 1 Zapruder frame equals timewise 0.364 shots.
We know that Bronson UYB09 is at the same time as Z319 approx.  And we know that Hickey's shot-6 was at Z312, or at least that his last shot was at Z312.
Hence working backwards we can make the following chart, based on there being 6 shots, which shows where Hickey's shots 6 5 4 3 2 & 1 happened.
If there were only 5 shots then we can change the 6.000 to 5.000 & deduct 1.000 down the column, in which case shot-1 would have been tween Z302 & Z303 instead of tween Z299 & Z300.
So, here is my chart showing the timeline for  Hickey's 6-shot accidental auto burst.
UYB06A.36 & UYB02A.72 happen to fall on a dummy frame placed at a skip, the A denotes a dummy frame.
There were 6 dummy frames, which i called B02A B06A B08A B12A B15A & B15B. And they have been placed before frames UYB02 UYB06 UYB08 UYB12 & UYB15.

shot ... zapruder frame ....... Bronson frame
…….... ………… Z319 ………… ………… UYB09
………. ………… Z318 ………… ………… UYB08.84
………. ………… Z317 ………… ………… UYB07.68
………. ………… Z316 ………… ………… UYB06.52
………. ………… Z315 ………… ………… ...B06A.36
……... ………… Z314 ………… ………… UYB05.20
6.000 ………… Z313 ………… ………… UYB04.04
5.636 ………… Z312 ………… ………… UYB02.88
5.272 ………… Z311 ………… ………… ...B02A.72
4.908 ………… Z310 ………… ………… UYB01.56
4.544 ………… Z309 ………… ………… UYB00.40
4.180 ………… Z308 ………… ………… UYB-00.76
3.816 ………… Z307 ………… ………… UYB-01.92
3.452 ………… Z306 ………… ………… UYB-03.08
3.088 ………… Z305 ………… ………… UYB-04.24
2.724 ………… Z304 ………… ………… UYB-05.40
2.360 ………… Z303 ………… ………… UYB-06.56
1.996 ………… Z302 ………… ………… UYB-07.72
1.632 ………… Z301 ………… ………… UYB-08.88
1.268 ………… Z300 ………… ………… UYB-10.04
0.904 ………… Z299 ………… ………… UYB-11.20
« Last Edit: March 11, 2024, 10:40:08 PM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

Online Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
« Reply #26 on: May 11, 2021, 09:26:56 AM »
Here are my Bronson frames of Queen Mary (from Unger's gallery).  UYB01 & UYB20 are not shown, these are too blurry.
I have tried to keep Queen Mary central in every frame but i found that there is too much distortion or something.
At a later date i will try to improve these somehow so that Hickey's portion of Queen Mary stays put & we can see better whether Hickey gets higher or lower.
Notice Hickey standing upish at UYB07 (top of head is a half head lower than standing Agents.
Actually he is falling backwards in UYB07.
His last shot at Z313 was at UYB04 ie 4 frames before UYB07 ie about 0.25 sec earlier.
Sitting high up on 2 leather cases with AR15 at 50 deg at UYB09 (top of head is one head lower than standing Agents).
Sitting high up with AR15 at 85 deg at UYB11.

« Last Edit: March 11, 2024, 10:51:02 PM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
« Reply #26 on: May 11, 2021, 09:26:56 AM »

Online Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
« Reply #27 on: May 16, 2021, 08:09:31 AM »
Here is a giff of Queen Mary in my 19 2017 Bronson frames from Robin Unger's gallery.
The Museum wont make their superior 2019 frames public.

After the 19 Bronson frames we get Queen Mary in my 37 Nix frames (starting with N34 ending with N70). I dont know how much time there is tween B19 & N34.

Here is Robin Unger's Muchmore giff.
It fits somewhere tween the Bronson giff & the Nix giff. I dont know exactly where.
It doesnt show much of Queen Mary & it shows zero of Ready & Co, but it does show driver Kinney looking hard right.

« Last Edit: March 11, 2024, 10:55:22 PM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

Online Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
« Reply #28 on: June 08, 2022, 10:41:54 PM »
The Bronson film shows Hickey at a height such that his rifle could not go above the Queen Mary's windshield, let alone the upraised sun-visors.


Graphics from the Pat Speer site.

Line drawing of the Hickey shot from the "Mortal Error" book (flipped for
comparison purposes) and superimposed over a Bronson film frame.

The agents shown in the Bronson were seated much lower than the "Mortal Error" drawing showed. Hickey's waistline would be about the level of the car-rail.
My Bronson thread deals with this.,2836.msg111420.html#msg111420

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
« Reply #28 on: June 08, 2022, 10:41:54 PM »

Online Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
« Reply #29 on: June 08, 2022, 10:43:08 PM »
My Hickey thread deals with the issue of the Z313 shot clearing the windshield of the Queen Mary.,2833.30.html

Online Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
« Reply #30 on: January 01, 2023, 04:03:24 AM »
Here are my timings for the footfalls of the lady wearing white shoes in the Zapruder footage & the Bronson footage.
Footfall was in …...…Footfall was in
Zapruder Frame... Bronson Frame…
R @ Z295………………
L @ Z305……………….. L @ UYB05.5….
R @ Z316………………. R @ UYB10.5
L @ Z325………………. L @ UYB 15.0

Zapruder Frame... Bronson Frame…
R @ Z295………………
L @ Z305……………….. L @ UYB05.5….
R @ Z316………………. R @ UYB10.5…. this becomes UYB12.5 after inserting 6a & 8a from chart below.
L @ Z325………………. L @ UYB15.0

The headshot seen in Z313 was fired at say Z312, which is 7 frames after Z305 & 4 frames before Z316, ie somewhere in the 11 frames.
The headshot in the Bronson footage was fired between UYB05.5 & UYB12.5, ie somewhere in the 7 frames.
Hence Z312 corresponds to UYB07.
The arithmetic is as follows.  7/11 times 7 is 4.46 Bronson frames –- hence we add 4.46 to B05.5 & we get UYB09.96 --- ie Z312 corresponds to UYB09.
But UYB09 is a pseudo frame count resulting from us inserting the missing frames 6a & 8a (ie frames skipped by Unger) --- hence pseudo UYB09 is actually UYB07 --- hence Z312 corresponds to UYB07 (as mentioned above).

Hickey deniers have always insisted that Z313 corresponded to UYB09 --- & they have insisted that UYB09 shows Hickey sitting down --- hence they have insisted that Hickey could not have fired the Z313 headshot.
Their first mistake is that the headshot was not at Z313 --- it was at Z312 (& then hit at Z313)(the AR15 was say 21ft away from JFK).
Their second mistake was praps their timings of the footfalls of the lady wearing white shoes --- my own timings today might be exactly the same as theirs, or mine might be slightly different (& possibly more accurate than theirs)(i haven’t had a close look at their timings).

In my Reply#27 i said that………….
Notice Hickey standing upish at UYB07 (top of head is a half head lower than standing Agents).
Actually he is falling backwards in UYB07.,2836.24.html

So, (the inferior 2017 copy of) the Bronson footage supports my theory that Hickey shot JFK. 
And the museum wont let the general public have a copy of the superior 2019 copy of Bronson's footage.

Here below is a copy of what i said in my Reply#3.,2836.0.html
Bronson frame 20-50 is too blurry to be of any use.  When measuring the good 19 frames i noticed that up to 6 frames were missing.  The skipped or missing frames were found by measuring the horizontal distances moved by the lamp-pole & sign post relative to Queen Mary.  I found  5 frames where the distance moved from the previous frame (ie the gap) was double or triple the usual.  My measurements were in mm, measured on the glass face of my computer monitor,  each mm vertically is about 0.91" on the car,  & the horizontal scale might be similar (too lazy to check today).

…... dist mm …. gap.
01 …… 000 ……. 000.
2a …… 012 ……. 012.
02 …… 025 ……. 013.
03 …… 038 ……. 013.
04 …… 049 ….… 010.
05 …… 061 ……. 012.
6a ..… (072) …. (011).
06 …… 083 ……. 011.
07 ….. 094.5 …. 011.5.
8a ….. (105) …. (010.5).
08 …… 115.5 … 010.
09 …… 123.5 … 008.
10 …... 135 …… 011.5.
11 …… 145 ……. 010.
12a … (153) … (008).
12 ..… 162 …... 009.
13 …… 170 ……. 008.
14 …… 176.5 … 006.5.
15a …. (184) … (007.5).
15b … (192) …. (008).
15 …… 201 ……. 009.
16 …… 210 ……. 009.
17 …… 221 ……. 011.
18 …… 229 ……. 008.
19 …… 235 ……. 006.
20 is too blurry to be of any use.

I inserted the dummy frames for the missing frames because that info might affect some future calculations.  I can't remember the frame rate per second, it might be 12 fps.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2024, 11:03:20 PM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

Online Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
« Reply #31 on: January 09, 2023, 07:57:08 AM »
Here are 2 gifs of the Bell footage that i made this week. If u download the 2 gifs u can watch them in full screen.
If u have a close look u can see that Hickey has the AR15 in both hands for most of the gif.

(See below) The guy far left is running koz a few seconds ago some of Hickey's auto burst whizzed just west of the lamp-pole very near to where the guy had been standing (one of the ricochets bloodied Tague's left cheek).
« Last Edit: January 09, 2023, 09:51:21 PM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
« Reply #31 on: January 09, 2023, 07:57:08 AM »