I noticed something new today.
The Muchmore film is shown in the first 31 frames of the 120 frames in the Muchmore folder in Robin Unger's gallery on this website. From frame M001 to M028 u can see the hood of Queen Mary. At frames M029 M030 M031 u can see the driver Kinney. He is starting to look to his right, & at frame M031 he has turned right as far as is possible without turning his body. Unfortunately frame M031 is the last.
What does the Nix film show? Unfortunately frame M031 corresponds to i think Nix frame N232, & the lady with the tan coat blocks our view of Hickey in frames N231 N232 N233, & partly blocks Kinney in frames N230 N234. But we can see that in earlier Nix frames & in later Nix frames Kinney is looking directly ahead towards the JFK limo. The fatal shot is i think at N209, ie 23 Nix frames before Kinney's head turn at N232, ie a little over 1 second.
So, Kinney, who is keeping Queen Mary 6 ft behind the JFK limo, finds an urgent need to have a quick look to his right or rear. Why? Was it because Agent Ready has jumped off the running board & Agent Roberts is telling Ready to come back? I dont think so. Kinney could see all of that action by just half turning to his right. And Ready's jumping & unjumping is surely not as critical as the need to avoid squashing Agent Hill tween Queen Mary & the JFK limo.
Did Kinney turn his head hard right to get a look at Agent Landis jumping off the running board? Landis did jump off, however i have never seen it mentioned. Landis was standing next to the jump seats. No, i dont think that that was the reason.
Did Kinney turn his head hard right because Agent Hickey had fired his AR15 past Kinney's right earhole at frame M009 N209 UYB09 Z313?Yes, the AR15 firing a shot (i reckon at least 4 shots)(an auto burst) past Kinney's right earhole would surely do the trick. Kinney's head turn was probably a voluntary action, rather than non-voluntary, say 1 second after the shot, but nonetheless it was fairly automatic & non-avoidable i reckon.
What does the Bronson film tell us about Kinney's head turn? Unfortunately the Bronson frames UYB01 to UYB20 stop at about Nix N226, ie 6 Nix frames short of seeing Kinney's head turn at N232. Bronson was standing on a pedestal, ie higher than Nix, hence the lady in the tan coat would not i think have blocked Bronson's view of Kinney's head. The fatal shot was at UYB09 or a fraction earlier i think.
U might remember that some days ago i mentioned the earlier head turn reaction by McIntyre (standing on the rear of the left running board). He can be seen looking right in Bronson UYB04 to UYB09, ie towards Hickey, & we can assume that
he is looking at Hickey because he has seen that Hickey has picked up the AR15. The fatal shot is at about UYB09. However unfortunately McIntyre is out of frame in the Muchmore film, hence the Muchmore film can't be used to confirm McIntyre's head turn.
And McIntyre is out of frame in most of the Nix film. He is only partly vizible in Nix frames N239 to N248 (we can see his head & the front half of his body). In thems frames he is looking directly ahead. Kinney turned his head 7 frames earlier at N232. The fatal shot was at say N209.
Here is Muchmore M031 of 120, showing Kinney looking right. And below that we see Nix N233 of 652 showing the lady blocking our view.
In N233 u can see under Queen Mary that Ready & Landis are both standing on the road.