I'm not getting any of the images you are posting.
I don't know if it's just me.
Photoimage seems to be the best way to upload images (IMO)
Could be just a temporary sharing or permissions issue. Or your might have to add "
http://dufourlaw.com" in the setting for "Exceptions" (if there is such a setting) of your browser and virus checker. The "http" might be the problem; it lacks the "s" for a secure site. Images were off for me for awhile yesterday but today is fine. So the "s" may not be the problem.
Eventually it works. Mason would email images to you if you were to PM (Personal Message) him here at the Forum. But then he might be off the Forum and not know about your message.
Mason posts every thing using his law firm's site in Saskatchewan. His documents describing his Pet Theory are also posted from there, in PDF form..
Andrew would need an image-hoster that's free, allows direct-linking to the image, has unlimited transfers and supports animated GIFs.