Correction: he said he never saw anything. The question is: do you believe him? I ask because you think he's part of the conspiracy, so it's odd that you would now be citing him as a reliable witness
You're quite correct, I do have Dougherty in the frame for being Rowland's "man with the rifle",
but you don't.So it's you who has to explain this discrepancy, not me.
Actually it's far from clear. Let's start with Mr Rowland's testimony. Was Mr Williams middle-aged? Was he wearing a bright plaid shirt? Was he bald or as good as?
Rowland's testimony has got nothing to do with it.
The testimonies of the officers who saw the SN before Fritz got there recall that the lunch remains were in/on the SN (something Williams lies about in his WC testimony).
Wiliiams' WC testimony confirms the lunch remains were his and that he went down to the 5th about 12:20 PM
The WC testimonies of Jarman and Norman place themselves on the fifth around 12:25 PM after which time Williams joined them.
All these testimonies, taken together, place Williams in the SN having his lunch until 12:25 PM at least.
Rowland's observation of an African American male in the SN around 12:15/16 PM can only refer to Williams who is placed there, at that time, by all the above testimonies. That Rowland doesn't really pay any attention to this person explains much about the discrepancies in his identification but the point is that his testimony doesn't place Williams there. It is simply confirmation of all the other testimonies.
Correction: nobody said they saw this team arrive (though Ms Hall did see one of them there looking for something amongst boxes).
Correction: Ms Hall doesn't say she sees a member of the "team" (Lol)
And of course Officer Baker encountered one of them walking away from the stairway several floors up the building just after the shooting.
Correction: see above
Lol, you just don't like my solution because you're gunning for Mr Williams (along with-------------when it suits your argument--------------Mr Dougherty)