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Author Topic: Et tu, Bonnie?  (Read 89434 times)

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: Et tu, Bonnie?
« Reply #384 on: April 21, 2021, 01:26:59 AM »
So neither of us believes that Mr Dougherty is telling the truth about what he saw up there. Got it.

Got it?  ;D Is that you trying to be masterful?

Prove those lunch remains were Mr Williams'. Heck, prove they were even left there that day.

The officers who saw the SN before Fritz arrived (five or six of them) reported seeing the lunch remains in/on the SN.
The officers who saw the SN after Fritz had been there saw the lunch remains by the two-wheeler truck.
Got it.

Sure------coached testimony from a man who changed his story as often as his clothes

Williams was saying it was his lunch months before his WC testimony.
Got it.

Not necessarily

Williams is photographed on the 5th floor with Norman and Jarman.
Got it

Nonsense. Mr Rowland describes a man who simply does not fit Mr Williams. As in, his description is miles off. You can ignore if you wish, but it doesn't make the discrepancies go away. The man was either Mr Eddie Piper or a non-employee.

All the testimony I mentioned in my post put Williams in the SN eating his lunch at the time Rowland sees the man in the SN window.
Got it.
(I like the way your "team" moves everyone away apart from Eddie Piper. Brilliant.)

So who, if not a member of the team, do you think this hat-wearing man could be?

I have seen above and lo, you still can't explain away Officer Baker's first-day affidavit!

Neither of them mentions anyone from your "team".
You stand corrected.

Yep---------you claimed that Mr Williams must have been involved because he was allowed to leave the sixth floor. I showed how silly that assumption is  Thumb1:

Where did I claim that?
« Last Edit: April 21, 2021, 01:29:02 AM by Dan O'meara »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Et tu, Bonnie?
« Reply #384 on: April 21, 2021, 01:26:59 AM »

Offline Colin Crow

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Re: Et tu, Bonnie?
« Reply #385 on: April 21, 2021, 03:10:08 AM »
How’s this for a thought. Jarman and Norman take west elevator to fifth. They close gates. Dougherty calls it and goes to sixth. Williams hears elevator coming up and investigates. Dougherty tells him the others were on fifth and Williams goes down on east elevator.

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Et tu, Bonnie?
« Reply #386 on: April 21, 2021, 03:19:04 AM »
What do you believe happened?

I don't know what happened. You are the one making a big deal out of 2 prints, so perhaps you tell me.

The evidence confirms that Oswald touched the SN boxes.

So what? He worked there....

No other TSBD employee left any identifiable prints on those boxes.  Only Oswald.

Yeah right, with a new floor being laid on the 6th floor and boxes being moved around all the time by all the TSBD employees who were there only Oswald somehow managed to leave two prints behind. And you believe this is even remotely plausible?

Oswald, as the assassin, would have handled those boxes just prior to the assassination.

There is the circular "logic" again

If some other TSBD employee handled them on some prior occasion, then it less likely that they would be found with the passage of time.

The passage of time? Just how many days in advance do you believe the snipers nest was build?

So once again the evidence points to Oswald and only Oswald.

Said the prosecutor, desperately looking for something to get a conviction.

It is weak contrarian sauce to dismiss the presence of Oswald's prints on the SN boxes as a produce of his "working there" when no other TSBD employee left any such prints.

And it's utterly pathetic LN crap to assume that out of all the people working at the TSBD, moving boxes around, only two prints would be identified as belonging to one man..... All the other boxes moved magically by themselves, right?

Oswald had more reason to position that top box with exact precision; thus gripping those back corners a little longer and more firmly... enough to establish a couple of usable prints and catch the little prick with his hand in the cookie jar, so-to-speak.

Can't you CT almost-geniuses figure out anything?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Et tu, Bonnie?
« Reply #386 on: April 21, 2021, 03:19:04 AM »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: Et tu, Bonnie?
« Reply #387 on: April 21, 2021, 03:52:33 AM »
How’s this for a thought. Jarman and Norman take west elevator to fifth. They close gates. Dougherty calls it and goes to sixth. Williams hears elevator coming up and investigates. Dougherty tells him the others were on fifth and Williams goes down on east elevator.

I put a lot of weight on Rowland's testimony.
Not to do so means accepting two truly massive coincidences.

1) He sees a black male in the SN window.

If he's making that up then it is coincidental that the various testimonies I've mentioned in previous posts can be reasonably interpreted as putting BRW having his lunch in the SN at the time Rowland states.

2) He sees a man with a scoped rifle.

Minutes after the shooting Rowland is telling Roger Craig he saw a man with a rifle on the 6th floor. He goes on to tell other officers the same thing before giving his affidavit . If he's just making it up then it is coincidental that there did happen to be a man with a scoped rifle on the 6th floor.

The way I'm looking at it right now is that the man with the rifle (Dougherty in my scenario) is on the 6th floor at the same time as the black male in the SN window (Williams). I don't think Williams is aware of him at that time as he is in the SN. At some point, the man with the rifle tells BRW to move it (he may not have had the rifle on him at that moment). So BRW might be annoyed but not thinking there's any real danger, so he joins Jarman and Norman on the 5th.

Offline Colin Crow

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Re: Et tu, Bonnie?
« Reply #388 on: April 21, 2021, 04:52:38 AM »
I put a lot of weight on Rowland's testimony.
Not to do so means accepting two truly massive coincidences.

1) He sees a black male in the SN window.

If he's making that up then it is coincidental that the various testimonies I've mentioned in previous posts can be reasonably interpreted as putting BRW having his lunch in the SN at the time Rowland states.

2) He sees a man with a scoped rifle.

Minutes after the shooting Rowland is telling Roger Craig he saw a man with a rifle on the 6th floor. He goes on to tell other officers the same thing before giving his affidavit . If he's just making it up then it is coincidental that there did happen to be a man with a scoped rifle on the 6th floor.

The way I'm looking at it right now is that the man with the rifle (Dougherty in my scenario) is on the 6th floor at the same time as the black male in the SN window (Williams). I don't think Williams is aware of him at that time as he is in the SN. At some point, the man with the rifle tells BRW to move it (he may not have had the rifle on him at that moment). So BRW might be annoyed but not thinking there's any real danger, so he joins Jarman and Norman on the 5th.

Agree that Rowland saw Williams and gunman. Was my original conclusion in 2014. Also Williams left SN unexpectedly.....chicken left behind. The puzzle is the movement of the west elevator after Jarman and Norman leave the gates shut on fifth. I suppose Dougherty already on sixth can call it from the sixth if he is already there. Take from sixth to fifth, then down to first while Baker and Truly ascend....or he just takes to sixth, then down.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Et tu, Bonnie?
« Reply #388 on: April 21, 2021, 04:52:38 AM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Et tu, Bonnie?
« Reply #389 on: April 21, 2021, 10:49:11 AM »
How’s this for a thought. Jarman and Norman take west elevator to fifth. They close gates. Dougherty calls it and goes to sixth. Williams hears elevator coming up and investigates. Dougherty tells him the others were on fifth and Williams goes down on east elevator.

A question I think needs asking here is why didn't Messrs Jarman and Norman go up to six? In fact, why did none of the others go up to six? It would have been the obvious vantage point----and, according to Williams, the place several employees originally intended to go to. Instead we end up with folks watching the motorcade from floors two, three, four and five-----but not six, which just happens to be the floor a shooter is seen on. No accident IMO. Someone put six off bounds for employees in the minutes leading up to the motorcade, and it can't have been an instruction from a lowly employee like Mr Oswald (or Mr Dougherty, in Mr O'Meara's fanciful scenario).

Mr Williams saw something up there that spooked him big time, and Mr Truly was well aware of it------------

Mr. McCLOY. From what you know of these young men who testified before you today, are they trustworthy?
Mr. TRULY. Yes, sir; I think they are. They are good men. They have been with me, most of them, for some time. I have no reason to doubt their word. I do know that they have been rather, as the expression goes, shook up about this thing, especially this tall one, Bonnie Williams. He is pretty superstitious, I would say.

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Et tu, Bonnie?
« Reply #390 on: April 21, 2021, 11:14:59 AM »
The officers who saw the SN before Fritz arrived (five or six of them) reported seeing the lunch remains in/on the SN.
The officers who saw the SN after Fritz had been there saw the lunch remains by the two-wheeler truck.

Prove the lunch remains belonged to Mr Williams. Disprove Mr Tom Alyea's emphatic claim that no chicken bones were found on the sixth floor.

Williams is photographed on the 5th floor with Norman and Jarman.

This does not prove that he joined them on the 5th floor----------could have been the other way around.

Have you read Mr Norman's HSCA testimony?

(I like the way your "team" moves everyone away apart from Eddie Piper. Brilliant.)

Mr Rowland's description of the man in the SN window fits Mr Piper. It does not fit Mr Williams. Saying 'Oh well, it's a black man so that'll do' is a weak cope.

The authorities knew the description fit Mr Piper--------it's the reason he was photographed by the FBI.

If the man was not Mr Piper then he was a non-employee. Your LN-lite attempts to keep the conspiracy in-house at all costs are rather desperate!

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: Et tu, Bonnie?
« Reply #391 on: April 21, 2021, 11:15:12 AM »
Agree that Rowland saw Williams and gunman. Was my original conclusion in 2014. Also Williams left SN unexpectedly.....chicken left behind. The puzzle is the movement of the west elevator after Jarman and Norman leave the gates shut on fifth. I suppose Dougherty already on sixth can call it from the sixth if he is already there. Take from sixth to fifth, then down to first while Baker and Truly ascend....or he just takes to sixth, then down.

Jarman and Norman take the west elevator up to 5th
Williams takes east elevator down to fifth.
At this point both elevators are on 5th as are Jarman, Norman and Williams.
Dougherty is on 6th

The problem is that this is the situation when Truly and Baker are stood looking up at the elevators.
Truly is supposed to have tried to call the west elevator but it didn't come so he and Baker hit the stairs.
The only way it works is if Truly is somehow involved.
It's actually part of his "role" to slow the first law enforcement in.
He hollers up the elevator shaft announcing his arrival, pretends to call the elevator but it doesn't come, then hits the stairs.
Either Dougherty calls the west elevator to the 6th floor and takes it down as Baker and Truly are ascending or...
When Baker and Truly get to the 5th the west elevator is on 6th floor. After they go to roof Dougherty takes the elevator down to first, then back up to 5th floor in time to be seen on 5th by Truly as he and Baker descend to the 1st floor from the 7th

Why does Dougherty need to make this quick trip from 6th to 1st to 5th?
I think it's because he has to drop off the "real" rifle in the west shipping section of the TSBD where it is picked up by Shelley/Lovelady and put in Shelley's car parked just outside the west door. While they are doing that Dougherty returns to the 5th floor to carry on as normal.

All of this speculation is predicated on Truly being in on it and not really calling the west elevator when he and Baker are at the bottom of the elevators.

« Last Edit: April 21, 2021, 11:37:30 AM by Dan O'meara »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Et tu, Bonnie?
« Reply #391 on: April 21, 2021, 11:15:12 AM »