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Author Topic: Howard Brennan sat on a wall.  (Read 15475 times)

Offline Joffrey van de Wiel

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Re: Howard Brennan sat on a wall.
« Reply #16 on: April 01, 2021, 04:41:14 AM »
Marjan. I have not read it all (yet) but good job in making the pictures visible at last!

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Howard Brennan sat on a wall.
« Reply #16 on: April 01, 2021, 04:41:14 AM »

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Howard Brennan sat on a wall.
« Reply #17 on: April 01, 2021, 04:42:02 AM »
Our last view of Brennan is in Z207, 11 frames or 0.6 sec before Oswald's shot-2 at Z218.  Brennan has yet to look up at Oswald.  I think that Brennan looks up at Oswald soon after Z218 & before Hickey fires at Z313.  I think that Brennan looks up at say Z228, watches Oswald aiming, & then Oswald stands up at say Z268, & Brennan jumps off the wall at say Z290 & is running & ducking behind the thick part of the wall when Hickey fires at Z300-Z312.  Hence Brennan doesn't hear Hickey's shot(s).

« Last Edit: November 14, 2023, 11:21:32 PM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Howard Brennan sat on a wall.
« Reply #18 on: April 01, 2021, 04:44:30 AM »
Marjan. I have not read it all (yet) but good job in making the pictures visible at last!
Great. Photoimages is amazingly eezy & fast & simple.  I guess that i will have to go back & re-do all of my pix in all of my postings, one day, gradually.  Thank u & especially Bill Chapman for bringing the problem to my attention.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2021, 04:46:19 AM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Howard Brennan sat on a wall.
« Reply #18 on: April 01, 2021, 04:44:30 AM »

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Howard Brennan sat on a wall.
« Reply #19 on: April 01, 2021, 05:57:19 AM »
Brennan's pozzy according to Brennan's testimony at the Warren Commission hearings March 1964, wrong wrong wrong. 
And he  said  that when he jumped down he then found a cop, nope, firstly he hid behind the solid bit of the wall, then later he found a cop.

The westernmost 3/4" or  1" guy rod on the signal arm has got a copper & lead  smear, & has lost some yellow paint, from the impact & ricochet of Oswald's shot-1, about 6" back from the collar, on the westernmost side.

« Last Edit: November 14, 2023, 11:22:59 PM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Howard Brennan sat on a wall.
« Reply #20 on: April 01, 2021, 07:29:17 AM »
OSWALD'S ACTIONS [& Brennan's actions]. 
[Brennan sees Oswald in the window some minutes before JFK arrives.]
Z002.  Sees JFK approaching along Houston St.   Click…Click (ejects empty casing)(loads bullet).
[Brennan watches JFK along Houston St & turning onto Elm St.]
Z080.  Aims rifle at JFK, turning onto Elm St.
Z112.  Fires.  Slug ricochets off signal arm.
[Brennan hears the shot & thinks it is a backfire or a firecracker, & watches JFK along Elm St.]   
Z122.  Click…Click.
Z152.  Aims.  A tree blocks a clean shot.
Z217.  Fires.  Slug hits JFK & Connally.  The magic bullet.
[Brennan can't see JFK nor the limo beyond Z217, he hears the shot & realizes that it was a rifle shot, he now looks up & sees Oswald aiming a rifle at JFK.]
Z227.  Click…Click.
Z255.  Aims.   Sees that JFK has been hit.  Decides not to shoot (why?). 
Z273.  Stands up & backs away from window, looking at JFK.
[Brennan sees Oswald stand up & back away & look.]
[Brennan jumps off the wall, & ducks behind a solid section of wall 12 ft away & lays on the grass.]
Z313.  Steps further back, still looking, sees Hickey shoot JFK in the head.
[Brennan is laying on grass behind the wall & doesn't hear Hickey's shot(s).]
Z322.  Walks to the stairs or lift, wiping the rifle, & hides it. There is a bullet in the rifle, & Oswald has not bothered to pick up the rifle-bag nor the 3 empty casings near the window.
[Brennan leaves the wall & talks to a cop.  Brennan heard 2 shots & saw none.]

edit july 2021.
I now like the following sequence of actions by Oswald & Brennan, based on Brennan's words.
LHO's are Oswald's actions. [Brennan's actions are in brackets].
The Z numbers are the frame numbers of the Zapruder footage which actually starts at Z133 in the final sequence, running at 18.3 fps.
Z numbers before Z133 are pseudo numbers based on estimates of timings.

Z000 minus a few minutes. [Brennan sees Oswald in the window some minutes before JFK arrives]
Z000 minus a few minutes. [Brennan climbs up & sits on the curved brick wall on the south-west corner of Elm & Houston]
Z002. LHO sees JFK approaching along Houston St.   Click…Click (ejects empty casing)(loads bullet).
Z002. [Brennan watches JFK along Houston St & turning onto Elm St]
Z080. LHO aims rifle at JFK as limo turns onto Elm St.
Z112. LHO fires Shot-1 as the limo straightens.
Z113. The slug ricochets off the overhead signal arm & makes a hole in the floor of the limo (hole found Dec 1963).
Z112. [Brennan hears Shot-1 & thinks it is a backfire or a firecracker][he continues to watch JFK along Elm St]   
Z122. LHO  Click…Click.
Z133.................................... The Zapruder footage 2nd sequence starts at Z133.
Z133. [In the footage we see Brennan sitting on the wall]
Z152. LHO aims. A tree blocks a clean shot.
Z207. [Our last view in the footage of Brennan sitting on the wall][After Z207 Brennan is out of frame]
Z207. [The footage shows that at no time during Z133 to Z207 has Brennan looked up towards Oswald]
Z217. [Brennan's last view of JFK -- koz a shrub now blocks Brennan's view down Elm St]
Z217. LHO fires Shot-2. The slug hits JFK & Connally (the magic bullet).
Z218. [Brennan hears Shot-2 & realizes that it was a rifle]
Z225. [Brennan looks up & sees Oswald aiming a rifle at JFK]
Z227. LHO  Click…Click.
Z255. LHO aims. Sees that JFK has been hit.  Decides not to shoot his last bullet (why?).
Z268. LHO stands up & backs away from window, looking at JFK.
Z268. [Brennan sees Oswald stand up & back away & look]
Z280. [Brennan jumps off the wall, & ducks behind a solid section of wall 12 ft away & lays on the grass]
Z313. LHO steps further back from window, still looking, sees agent Hickey shoot JFK in the head.
Z313. [Brennan is laying on grass behind the wall & doesn't hear Hickey's shot(s)]
Z322. LHO walks to the stairs, wiping the rifle, & hides it. There is a 3rd bullet in the rifle. LHO does not pick up his rifle-bag nor the 3 empty casings near the window.
Z400. [Brennan leaves the wall & talks to a cop]
......................................[Brennan heard 2 shots & saw none]
« Last Edit: July 22, 2021, 03:33:59 AM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Howard Brennan sat on a wall.
« Reply #20 on: April 01, 2021, 07:29:17 AM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Howard Brennan sat on a wall.
« Reply #21 on: April 01, 2021, 10:31:53 PM »
What makes you think Brennan saw Oswald, or that Oswald made any shots?

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Howard Brennan sat on a wall.
« Reply #22 on: April 01, 2021, 11:51:08 PM »
What makes you think Brennan saw Oswald, or that Oswald made any shots?
I have never bothered to read up much on conspiracy theories that Oswald didnt fire shot-1 & shot-2, ie that there was someone else in the TSBD, or someone from another building, or grassy knoll, or picket fence, or drain entry pit, or Greer etc. 
And i am only mildly interested in things that happened outside Dealey Plaza, or on some other day.
My (others mostly) ideas re the 6 or 7 shots fit exactly & simply with what we know (hole in floor of limo)(eg cracked w/s)(dent in chrome)(ricochets on tarmac & curbs)(Tague).
There are a few interesting puzzles questions mysteries remaining for sure, & i might spend time on these, but none of these are necessarily fatal to my theory.
I am of course very interested in anything possibly fatal to my theory. It only takes one good contradiction to sink it (or some part of it).

I debunked the Hickey debunking. In fact i found more evidence. The 2017 Bronson frame that supposedly shows Hickey sitting & holding the AR15 at 45 deg up at the time of Z313 i found  to be at Z315 (which was already known), & in fact the 2019 superior copy shows that the AR15 is swinging up quickly which confirms a shot at Z313 rather than disproving (which nobody knew).

Oswald did not fire a third shot, not even at the same time as Hickey's shot. But Oswald could have, the bullet was in position, Oswald was in position, JFK was in position, but Oswald decided to not fire. Why?  He knew that his first shot had missed. He knew that his second shot had hit. And he was satisfied. Why? 

And then he saw JFK's head explode at Z313, & he probly saw that Hickey was the shooter, & he probly realized that it was an accident.  It would have made an interesting court case, but Ruby spoiled that.

Getting back to Oswald i haven't looked into the paraffin test stuff, but i think that it aint foolproof. And fingerprint stuff. And timing of exit from TSBD. What was Oswald's escape plan, Mexico - Cuba?? But anyhow none of that stuff is of great concern. Oswald acted alone & everything fits, if u ignore 99% of the krapp coming from 99% of the witnesses.

I did read a bit of that stuff re Brennan's eyesight, & being able to see & identify Oswald in the window & in the line-up etc. Thats interesting but not critical. It probly just reinforces that the cops too wanted Oswald to go down. I skimmed over that stuff in the WC. And i dont think i have read one word of the other 2 investigations or whatever.  Everyone starts these investigations etc by writing ASSASSINATION on the front page.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2021, 11:35:05 PM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Howard Brennan sat on a wall.
« Reply #23 on: April 02, 2021, 12:12:41 AM »
Perhaps you should investigate exactly what the evidence is -- and more importantly what it is NOT -- before making blanket assumptions about who shot what.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Howard Brennan sat on a wall.
« Reply #23 on: April 02, 2021, 12:12:41 AM »