I've read all the theories that Oswald fired shots and I am not impressed.
You're not "Einstein-ian", you're "Doyle-ian".
I am an Aetherian the enemy of Einsteinians. But the correct words are Aetherist & Einsteinist, my mistake. The suffix ....ian is ok to use if referring to say the beliefs held, ....ist if referring to the person. Not that anyone but myself follows thems rules. We are all happy to use the word Christian, which i suppose should be Christist. Anyhow, i have indeed called myself a Hickeyian, i suppose i should have said Hickeyist, & our faith is Hickeyism, & our canon is Hickeyian.
And i am at the same time an Oswaldist, of the Oswaldism faith, & beliefs/canon is Oswaldian (this refers to the first two shots).
For sure its difficult to decide what to believe re much of the witnesses re Oswald. In the end the simple explanations impress me, & they would impress Sherlock Holmes. Oswald did it & he acted alone, its elementary.
McLaren in The Smoking Gun (i read it yesterday) has no doubts that Oswald acted alone. And dismisses all conspiracies in about one page.
McLaren mentions Brennan about 6 times, but doesnt mention that Brennan changed his story every time he opened his mouth.
I didnt learn much when reading TSG, i had already seen McLaren's documentary etc. But there were some good items.
Hill told Bobby over the phone that .....
THERE HAS BEEN AN ACCIDENT. Wow, an accident. Not .. There has been an assassination attempt. Or ... The boss is dead. Or ... We have been hit.
Jackie kept referring to ... Them. And ..... They.
Jackie said .... Oh, Mr Hill, whats going to happen to you now?
Powers said to Donahue ... You know i never talk about the tragic day in Dallas... I admire you for all the research you are doing & all that, but there is nothing i can say about, you know, the assassination. I'm awfully sorry..... I admire the pursuit you are doing.
McLaren's errors.Colin thort that Oswald's shot-1 hit the tarmac, & then somehow hurt Tague. But we now know that Oswald shot-1 ricocheted off the signal arm guy rod, & bits hit JFK in the back of the head, & the main remnant slug put a hole in the floor of the limo. Tague was stung by a fragment of lead or concrete from a ricochet of Hickey's shot-1 or 2 (Hickey fired at least 4 shots).
Colin said that Hickey's shot (Colin agreed with Donahue that Hickey fired only one shot) hit JFK (ok), but he ignored that the remnant slug then cracked the windshield.
Colin i think ignored the dent in the chrome strip above the mirror. The dent was due to Hickey's second last shot (his shot-3 or 4).
[edit 1june2022][Hickey's last shot of his 6 shot auto burst hit jfk at Z312-313, the first shot was at say Z297, chrome trim dented at Z310.]
I might contact McLaren & see what he thinks about my Hickeyian auto burst of 4 or 5 or even 6 shots. I think McLaren would agree. I am surprised that McLaren hadnt thort of that himself, he mentions that the AR15 was automatic at least 6 times, but McLaren somehow thort that one bullet could blow away a half of JFK's head, crack the windshield, dent the chrome strip, hit the tarmac & curb of Elm St, hit the grass, hit the curb of Main St, & draw blood on Tague's right cheek, & praps put a crater in the vertical corner face of the underpass pier, & leev a 52 grain remnant (found by Lester in 1974) of the original 55 grains on top of the underpass near Commerce St.