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Author Topic: Howard Brennan sat on a wall.  (Read 15478 times)

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Howard Brennan sat on a wall.
« Reply #32 on: April 07, 2021, 02:09:53 AM »
You have failed the challenge   :-[
The Rose story is full of krapp. I spent about 15 minutes googling & reading articles pointing out the krapp.
However she was not a witness to the shootings. She was not in Dealey Plaza. So, quote to me your favorite witness relating to your favorite storyline & i will point out the errors.
And i will throw in an Einsteinian answer or two for free if u have any science problems.

Its amazing how someone as clever as i can deduce that Oswald decided not to fire his last remaining 3rd bullet as soon as Oswald saw the results of his 2nd shot. Even tho Brennan swore that Oswald in effect decided after Hickey fired. Brilliant deduction by myself. Columbo would be impressed. But today i am going to read McLaren's book -- THE SMOKING GUN.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2021, 05:08:56 AM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Howard Brennan sat on a wall.
« Reply #32 on: April 07, 2021, 02:09:53 AM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Howard Brennan sat on a wall.
« Reply #33 on: April 07, 2021, 08:14:24 PM »
Koz i believe that Oswald fired 2 shots. I have red most of the theories re look alikes guys with the same name etc etc & i am not impressed.

I've read all the theories that Oswald fired shots and I am not impressed.

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Howard Brennan sat on a wall.
« Reply #34 on: April 07, 2021, 08:16:25 PM »
Its amazing how someone as clever as i can deduce that Oswald decided not to fire his last remaining 3rd bullet as soon as Oswald saw the results of his 2nd shot. Even tho Brennan swore that Oswald in effect decided after Hickey fired. Brilliant deduction by myself. Columbo would be impressed. But today i am going to read McLaren's book -- THE SMOKING GUN.


You're not "Einstein-ian", you're "Doyle-ian".

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Howard Brennan sat on a wall.
« Reply #34 on: April 07, 2021, 08:16:25 PM »

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Howard Brennan sat on a wall.
« Reply #35 on: April 08, 2021, 12:12:27 AM »
I've read all the theories that Oswald fired shots and I am not impressed.
You're not "Einstein-ian", you're "Doyle-ian".
I am an Aetherian the enemy of Einsteinians. But the correct words are Aetherist & Einsteinist, my mistake. The suffix ....ian is ok to use if referring to say the beliefs held, if referring to the person.  Not that anyone but myself follows thems rules.  We are all happy to use the word Christian, which i suppose should be Christist. Anyhow, i have indeed called myself a Hickeyian, i suppose i should have said Hickeyist, & our faith is Hickeyism, & our canon is Hickeyian. 

And i am at the same time an Oswaldist, of the Oswaldism faith, & beliefs/canon is Oswaldian (this refers to the first two shots).

For sure its difficult to decide what to believe re much of the witnesses re Oswald. In the end the simple explanations impress me, & they would impress Sherlock Holmes. Oswald did it & he acted alone, its elementary. 
McLaren in The Smoking Gun (i read it yesterday) has no doubts that Oswald acted alone.  And dismisses all conspiracies in about one page.
McLaren mentions Brennan about 6 times, but doesnt mention that Brennan changed his story every time he opened his mouth.

I didnt learn much when reading TSG, i had already seen McLaren's documentary etc. But there were some good items.
Hill told Bobby over the phone that ..... THERE HAS BEEN AN ACCIDENT.  Wow, an accident. Not .. There has been an assassination attempt.  Or ... The boss is dead.  Or ... We have been hit.

Jackie kept referring to ... Them.  And ..... They.
Jackie said .... Oh, Mr Hill, whats going to happen to you now?

Powers said to Donahue ... You know i never talk about the tragic day in Dallas... I admire you for all the research you are doing & all that, but there is nothing i can say about, you know, the assassination. I'm awfully sorry..... I admire the pursuit you are doing.

McLaren's errors.
Colin thort that Oswald's shot-1 hit the tarmac, & then somehow hurt Tague.  But we now know that Oswald shot-1 ricocheted off the signal arm guy rod, & bits hit JFK in the back of the head, & the main remnant slug put a hole in the floor of the limo. Tague was stung by a fragment of lead or concrete from a ricochet of Hickey's shot-1 or 2 (Hickey fired at least 4 shots). 
Colin said that Hickey's shot (Colin agreed with Donahue that Hickey fired only one shot) hit JFK (ok), but he ignored that the remnant slug then cracked the windshield.
Colin i think ignored the dent in the chrome strip above the mirror. The dent was due to Hickey's second last shot (his shot-3 or 4).
[edit 1june2022][Hickey's last shot of his 6 shot auto burst hit jfk at Z312-313, the first shot was at say Z297, chrome trim dented at Z310.]

I might contact McLaren & see what he thinks about my Hickeyian auto burst of 4 or 5 or even 6 shots. I think McLaren would agree. I am surprised that McLaren hadnt thort of that himself, he mentions that the AR15 was automatic at least 6 times, but McLaren somehow thort that one bullet could blow away a half of JFK's head, crack the windshield, dent the chrome strip, hit the tarmac & curb of Elm St, hit the grass, hit the curb of Main St, & draw blood on Tague's right cheek, & praps put a crater in the vertical corner face of the underpass pier, & leev a 52 grain remnant (found by Lester in 1974) of the original 55 grains on top of the underpass near Commerce St.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2023, 11:37:21 PM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

Offline Joffrey van de Wiel

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Re: Howard Brennan sat on a wall.
« Reply #36 on: April 08, 2021, 06:27:42 PM »

Anyone using the deposition of the 'witness' BRENNAN should be aware of the fact that

1) the witness lied when it suited his own purposes
2) the 'observations'  of BRENNAN are impossible considering the configuration of the TSBD in general and the 'sniper's nest' in particular.

I advise anyone interested in the case to carefully read his deposition before counsel. It is full of contradictions, impossible statements and things he made up as he went along.

This witness, the least credible person in the world according to Harold Weisberg , is one of two of the Commission's star witnesses. The other one is Mrs. Helen Markham, she too lied under oath (without any consequence, she wasn't charged with perjury.)

The Warren Commission's conclusions are therefore based on shaky witnesses and perjury.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Howard Brennan sat on a wall.
« Reply #36 on: April 08, 2021, 06:27:42 PM »

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Howard Brennan sat on a wall.
« Reply #37 on: April 09, 2021, 12:16:56 AM »
Anyone using the deposition of the 'witness' BRENNAN should be aware of the fact that
1) the witness lied when it suited his own purposes
, 2) the 'observations'  of BRENNAN are impossible considering the configuration of the TSBD in general and the 'sniper's nest' in particular.
I advise anyone interested in the case to carefully read his deposition before counsel. It is full of contradictions, impossible statements and things he made up as he went along.
This witness, the least credible person in the world according to Harold Weisberg , is one of two of the Commission's star witnesses. The other one is Mrs. Helen Markham, she too lied under oath (without any consequence, she wasn't charged with perjury.)
The Warren Commission's conclusions are therefore based on shaky witnesses and perjury.
The Warren Commission's conclusions are based on their knowledge (or at least Warren's knowledge) that Hickey accidentally killed JFK.  And Warren knew that Oswald fired 2 shots, but Warren had to show that he fired 3.  I reckon that some Commissioners were ignorant.  And it appears that LBJ might have been ignorant, surprisingly.  Jackie was not, & Bobby was not.

And Warren knew that Oswald's shot-1 was at about Z103 but Warren preferred to show that it was at about Z180 (needs checking) to help to hide the Secret Service Agents' very slow response.  There might have been an agreement tween the FBI & Secret Service & others & Warren to save embarrassment re actions on the day & elsewhere.

Brennan was in good position to see Oswald, the distance tween Brennan's eyes & Oswald's eyes was 62' vertically & 116' horizontally, which is about 29deg.  Brennan made public statements etc on say 10 occasions, & his story changes.  He was of course threatened & bullied, so i wouldn’t want to blame him much, & i wouldn’t say that it suited his purpose.  Markham too i suppose, but i don’t have a high level of interest in things that happened outside Dealey Plaza, or things that happened on some other day.  Our job is to decide which bits of Brennan's & Markham & Co verbiage is true.

Me myself i am sort of done here on this forum.  I have learnt about as much as i need, & i have explained the full story re the shots.  I am not interested in changing anyone's opinions, & i am not interested in hanging around & correcting errors.  I might have more to say after i read Menninger's & Donahue's book MORTAL ERROR later this week.  And if & when The 6th Floor Museum allow public access to the 2019 copies of Bronson's 20 frames – a month ago here i added to the proof that Hickey did the dirty deed after i saw a copy of about just 1% of the area of one of the 20 new frames.

It is all elementary my dear van de Wiel.

Re that there 116' -- i based that on an exact measurement made by someone i cant remember, they measured 115' from Brennan to the TSBD, & i added 1' koz my 116' is to Oswald's eyes.  But i just then realized that the WC had Brennan sitting on the wall at its closest point to the TSBD, whereas he was actually sitting say 30deg around further (on the circular wall)(ie he was facing towards the center of the street intersection), in which case praps he was say 2' further away from Oswald which makes it 118'.  Brennan & the geeza from the WC had on the previous day paced it to be 97', whatever "it" is.  I had earlier scaled my "it" to be 112', from a rough plan.  Not important, just saying.

I googled Harold Weisberg.  Interesting. But i wont be buying any of his books.  I have been reading plenty re the WC shortcomings, lack of proper investigation, bullying, leading questions, avoidance of proper witnesses etc etc. Weisberg i believe has nothing to add as to what actually happened in Dealey Plaza. And there were no conspiracies, i mean conspiracies that played a part in what happened on the day, alltho Oswald might have had previous contact/business with the CIA or FBI.  And of course we did have a conspiracy to cover up Hickey's guilt etc, after.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2023, 11:39:38 PM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

Offline Joffrey van de Wiel

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Re: Howard Brennan sat on a wall.
« Reply #38 on: April 09, 2021, 04:52:41 PM »
Can we perhaps move forward Marjan, by replacing the name 'Oswald' with the more neutral 'the assassin(s)' and not relying on the statements of the least credible person in the world? The pseudo-witness BRENNAN is a proven liar. Instead we should turn our attention to the witness KELLERMAN who said a great 'flurry of shots' came into the limousine at the time of the head shot.

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Howard Brennan sat on a wall.
« Reply #39 on: April 09, 2021, 09:54:49 PM »
Can we perhaps move forward Marjan, by replacing the name 'Oswald' with the more neutral 'the assassin(s)' and not relying on the statements of the least credible person in the world? The pseudo-witness BRENNAN is a proven liar. Instead we should turn our attention to the witness KELLERMAN who said a great 'flurry of shots' came into the limousine at the time of the head shot.
I have no doubt that Oswald fired the shot-1 & shot-2. And there was no-one else on the 6th floor. And there was no look-alike. No other snipers anywhere in Dealey Plaza.

Re Kellerman & the flurry of shots, if u do a search here for flurry u will see that i have already gone into all of that.  Hickey fired an auto burst of at least 4 shots, probably 5, possibly 6.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2021, 10:00:35 PM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Howard Brennan sat on a wall.
« Reply #39 on: April 09, 2021, 09:54:49 PM »