...IOW, why is it so difficult to consider that all of it was a charade? Garrison's career was not severely impacted, he kept his family ties to his alleged CIA tormentors a secret, even from Joan Mellen, and especially, from Zachary Sklar, editor of Garrison's autobiography, and there were no new investigations of the intelligence complex-Assassination of JFK until 1975. Nicholas Lemann, nephew of alleged CIA paymaster of NOLA Stephen Lemann and grandson of Mildred Crumb Lyons Lemann, mother of David Baldwin's wife, was free to ridicule Stone's film in GQ magazine and on Charlie Rose's TV show while disclosing nothing of Nicholas's family ties, including with Garrison's wife, via her 1st cousin/godfather David Baldwin, with no one demanding such disclosure, not even Garrison! Mission accomplished?

JFK Facts » Comment of the week
https://jfkfacts.org/comment-week-21-9/"Survivors include his wife, Marlin Head Robertson; three sons, Sen. Phillip S. Robertson of New Haven, Conn., Willard E. Robertson Jr. and James C. Robertson, and a daughter, Patricia Miller of New Haven, Conn.
The 1940 US Census indicates Willard was a $35 per week restaurant manager who had married Sally Moss of New York."
Willard E. Robertson, born 1907, still residing in New Hampshire with parents at age 22, 1930 U.S. Census
1935 - marries Sally Moskowitz in New York
1938 - New Haven, CT city directory, employed as a clerk in a Yale campus vicinty, men's clothing store
1940 - New Haven, CT city directory, employed at a bakery-restaurant
1942 - New Haven, CT city directory, employed as manager of a Yale campus vicinity breakfast-lunch restaurant
1944 - New Haven, CT city directory, employed as a West Haven, CT woodworker by Jack Churchward.
(Churchward and Allen Dulles both entered Princeton Univ. in 1910)
1946 - New Haven, CT city directory, employed as a West Haven prod. superintendent, Churchward Industries
(Willard Robertson is 38 years old, resides with wife Sally and two children in rented house, Elm St., New Haven)
1947 - Churchward sends Robertson to NOLA to set up Southeast marketing of Churchward steel hulled boats)
1950 - December 8, Now divorced, 42 yr old Robertson marries his 22 yr old office secretary, Marie Gossom
http://steelcruisers.com/steelcrafts.html files for bankruptcy in 1952)
1955 - Willard Robertson markets Renault Dauphine from a booth at the NOLA Trade Mart
Compared to the others selected by Volkswagen to be their regional distributors, Willard was a nobody.
https://www.google.com/books/edition/Getting_the_Bugs_Out/Getting the Bugs Out: The Rise, Fall, and Comeback of ... - Page 76
David Kiley · 2002
East of the Mississippi , Lange ' s counterpart was Will van de Kamp . ... Michigan , covering Michigan and Indiana ; Charles Urschel , Jr . , in San Antonio , Texas ; Willard Robertson in New Orleans , Louisiana , covering the Delta states and ...
https://washingtonmonthly.com/2009/11/01/windmills-revisited/Windmills, Revisited
by Nicholas Lemann November 1, 2009
" The Monthly, methodologically, was always reportorial, and it was never conservative but, when I joined the magazine, the other editorial employee besides me and Charlie
was Tom Bethell, an actual conservative, and it seemed as if the magazine devoted its main energies to attacking conventional liberal positions. When I first came to the magazines office for my job interview in the winter of 1976, .."
Tom Bethell -- Garrison's JFK Assassination Investigation ...
www.mcadams.posc.mu.edu/bethell5.htmHe was sort of talked into it by Willard Robertson, Rault and Garrison. Ivon said that Willard Robertson has practically underwritten the investigation, and has personally donated $25,000 or $30,000 of his own money to "Truth or Consequences". However, Ivon does not think Robertson intends to give any more, or is unlikely to.
Tom Bethell, who helped derail Jim Garrison's Kennedy ...
https://www.nola.com/news/courts/article_ad55ed42-7308-11eb-8194-57d5cd366e53.htmlNicholas Lemann, who had befriended Bethell when both worked for The Courier, said Bethell wrote a 10,000-word piece, never published, on the cornetist Buddy Bolden. After a stint at New Orleans...
Thomas H. Purvis – Posted 19 July 2013
The “power structure” within New Orleans lies not with those who are currently in what is some temporary political position.
It lies with those who possess the capability to place these persons in the various political positions…
Both the obituaries of CIA officers Burke and Ray managed to include the detail of their membership in the New Orleans country club
long managed (since 1925) by Ernest I. Gossom, Willard Robertson's father-in-law and business partner.
In 1960, Willard Robertson was driving a vehicle in an accident in which his wife, Marie, Gossom's daughter, was killed. In 1962, widower Robertson married his third wife, Marlin Head, of Shreveport.

In 1967, the CIA counsel came to NOLA to discuss on May 13, 1967, the Garrison Investigation with Lloyd Ray. Curiously, they did not meet at the assumed to be secure, CIA Domestic contacts office.
https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=55186#relPageId=260&search=%22new_orleans%20country%20club%22 2. Reel 24, Folder I - GARRISON INVESTIGATION., pg 260
Found in: HSCA Segregated CIA Collection (microfilm - reel 24: Photo Surveillance, Garrison)
Ray and myself went to the New Orleans Country Club and discussed all the ramifications of the Garrison investigation as they had developed up to that"