This has nothing to do with the credibility of an eyewitnesses story. This is ALL about whether an assassination eyewitness is supporting 1 shooter firing from the snipers nest. If an eyewitness story supports a Conspiracy, this eyewitness is immediately attacked and labeled "Unreliable", "Kooky", "Looney Tunes", "Nut Job", "15 Minutes of Fame Seeker", etc, etc, etc. Lone Nutters are now so desperate that they have even become "Science Deniers" as they attack the Knott Labs Laser 360 Laser SCIENCE which found, "SBT IS IMPOSSIBLE"! With LN's now denying this same SCIENCE that is routinely used in courtrooms across this country on a daily basis, their findings, opinions, witness appraisals, etc, hold absolutely no sway what-so-ever. They are without question Prejudiced and incapable of being objective.