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Author Topic: ?  (Read 54101 times)

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: ?
« Reply #160 on: September 08, 2021, 07:17:56 PM »
My memory isn't as good as it once was.....But I believe that one of the FBI agents who was in the Texas theater was from the New Orleans FBI office.  ( Warren  De Brueys ? ) A few years ago I could have told you the names of the FBI agents in the theater ,but I can't recall their names at the moment .

Warren Debrueys?

Oh, my! @ Warren C. DeBrueys, not to mention his connection to the New Orleans FBI Office. Moreover, he has gone on record asserting that he was nowhere Dallas, Texas until after the assassination. Why would a special agent in the Bureau go to great lengths to lie about his whereabouts?

"Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practise to deceive" -- Sir Walter Scott

Thanks for sharing this bombshell revelation, Mr. Cakebread, am adding the following link as a reference point to return to later this week ---->

*self-reminder: take a run @ DeBrueys with much closer scrutiny given Mr. Cakebread's recollection, tying him to the Texas Theatre on the day of the assassination. Meanwhile try to determine/confirm the order of the following sequences ---->

(1) Fire Station 3's big red engine's arrival in Dealey Plaza (Mr. Warnock reveals it wasn't dispatched until 1:02PM CST);(2) the Martin film capturing Mr. Williams (Bonnie Ray) still in Dealey Plaza, standing on the TSBD entrance stairs; and, (3) DPD's decision to bring him, Mr. Arce (Danny Garcia), and Mr. Shelley (William Hoyt) in for questioning ---->

Note in the above clip Shelley is still wearing his dark suit-coat as captured in Mr. Mentesana's home video footage standing to the right of the wrongly-accused. Not to mention the unmistakable hairdo style as well.  Mr. Warnock (Lesley, Jr.'s) revelation that the fire engine wasn't dispatched until 1:02PM is rather telling, putting the wrongly-accused even further away from 10th & Patton, let alone taking part in the events unfolding there clear across town @ 1:06PM.

"Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practise to deceive" -- Sir Walter Scott ----> A hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure conjured up to Frame an innocent party. The wrongly-accused did not shoot anybody. Anybody.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: ?
« Reply #160 on: September 08, 2021, 07:17:56 PM »

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: ?
« Reply #161 on: September 08, 2021, 07:40:46 PM »
An interesting date stamp (took the liberty of highlighting it), concerning the wrongly-accused ---->

SAC, XJAUiAS (lOO-lO^ei) 7/17/S3 f
f . . ‘
SAC, KE;: OELEANS (100-16G01) 'j
(00 - Dallas),
Be Dallas "letter to New Orleans 4/28/61.

Begs the question, Why are two different Bureau offices exchanging info on someone still residing in the U.S.S.R on 4/28/61 ?

Who just so happens, 13 months later arrives stateside, then travels to and from the two destinations discussing him a full year in advance of his return stateside ? Sheep dipping?

The wrongly-accused was Framed.

« Last Edit: September 08, 2021, 07:41:34 PM by Alan J. Ford »

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: ?
« Reply #162 on: September 08, 2021, 08:02:26 PM »
Last comment today, while also wishing everyone all the best to remain well, healthy & safe from any lurking variant remnants of COVID-19.

Given what the research-community has learned about Shelley, Lovelady and more than a few others having a penchant for outright lying about their genuine whereabouts, activities, and experiences that afternoon, Does it really come to anyone as a shock that the above parties would deny seeing the wrongly-accused during the cowardly ambush upon a duly elected representative of the People?

 "Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder" -- George Washington

Amazing what some lying treasonous cowards have said & done for thirty-pieces of shiny silver.

« Last Edit: September 08, 2021, 08:05:33 PM by Alan J. Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: ?
« Reply #162 on: September 08, 2021, 08:02:26 PM »

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: ?
« Reply #163 on: September 10, 2021, 07:03:34 PM »
An interesting date stamp (took the liberty of highlighting it), concerning the wrongly-accused ---->

SAC, XJAUiAS (lOO-lO^ei) 7/17/S3 f
f . . ‘
SAC, KE;: OELEANS (100-16G01) 'j
(00 - Dallas),
Be Dallas "letter to New Orleans 4/28/61.

Begs the question, Why are two different Bureau offices exchanging info on someone still residing in the U.S.S.R on 4/28/61 ?

Who just so happens, 13 months later arrives stateside, then travels to and from the two destinations discussing him a full year in advance of his return stateside ? Sheep dipping?

The wrongly-accused was Framed.

In conjunction w/the above date, there's also the following conflicting date as well while--once again--the wrongly-accused is residing in the U.S.S.R, without any opportunity to secure the documentation relevant to the date in question (bold print) ---->

Contents of Wallet Had card in possession, LEE HARVEY
OSWALD, Social Security No. 4x3-5x-39xx
Photo of Selective Service System
card with photo of OSWALD, "Notice of

and name "ALEK JAMES
HIDELL# SSN 42-224-39-5321". Card
shows classification IV (7). Bears
date February 5, 1962

*Source: Warren Report (Appendix XI report)

A.J. Hidell's SSN is rather unusual as well, given its extended numeric sequence of eleven  (11) numbers rather than the usual nine (9)

Someone or some alphabetic entity well-versed in clandestine activities is going to great lengths to place the wrongly-accused Stateside, while in fact he is still residing in the U.S.S.R....Who? was setting the stage well in advance of 11/22/63 for his final curtain call appearance as a patsy?

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: ?
« Reply #164 on: September 10, 2021, 08:12:59 PM »
Back next week gentlemen to reengage. Will use the weekend to continue studying the the sequence of events to determine which particular order they came in.

Although it's  suffice to say the arrest of the sixth floor working-crew trio of Mr. Shelley (William/Bill) Mr. Williams (Bonnie Ray) and Mr. Acre (Danny Garcia) came after Mr. Williams is captured in the Martin video standing upon the left side of the entrance steps. Then, from there, given the revelation by fire-fighter Lesley Warnock, Jr., Fire Station 3's big red engine (appearing to the left of the wrongly-accused in Mr. Mentesana's home movie clip) was dispatched to Dealey Plaza at 1:02PM CST, leading up to the aforementioned arrest of the trio walking towards and subsequently entering a DPD squad car.

However, in fairness to accuracy, will use this weekend to research any statements made by Dallas Police Department Officers Brown & Baker (not that Baker) the driver & accompanying officer of that particular DPD squad car the trio entered to narrow down as specific a time as possible. The importance here is to (1) highlight how three TSBD employees outright lied about not seeing the wrongly-accused after the cowardly ambush of a duly elected representative of the People (no great surprise since the driving force behind those lies was a hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure for them to parrot back);

 (2) with that hastily contrived script to Frame an innocent party in mind, there's no way the wrongly-accused is any where near 10th & Patton (many thanks to Mr. Mentesana's private home movie clip, not to mention the revealing dispatch time Mr. Warnock provides about Fire Station 3's big red engine; and, lastly (3) Mr. Shelley is still in Dealey Plaza, doing exactly what the wrongly-accused said he was doing, standing outside. 

In a desperate effort to put considerable distance between himself and the actual truth, Mr. Shelley had the following to say ---->

Notice how he has nothing to say about his sojourn w/Mr. Lovelady (Billy Nolan), who shares all the juicy details about their tandem-response reaction, virtually in lock-step, venturing down the street together, combing the railroad tracks area together for suspicious activity before retracing their steps together back into the building via the rear entrance.

No great surprise these "witnesses" outright lied, considering they are challenged with a hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure to embellish.

*self-reminder: make a good faith effort to contact Ms. Mellon (Joan), to make an inquiry about the physique of Mr. De Brueys (Warren Claude).  Allow her to give an honest, appraisal w/out leading or suggesting a few observable details of a well-heeled figure w/distinct features captured on film in Dealey Plaza on the day of the assassination. 

« Last Edit: September 10, 2021, 08:14:34 PM by Alan J. Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: ?
« Reply #164 on: September 10, 2021, 08:12:59 PM »

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: ?
« Reply #165 on: September 17, 2021, 07:47:01 PM »
Good afternoon gentlemen,

*What We Know For Sure:

 (1) The wrongly-accused did Not board Mr. McWatters' bus, so the phantom bus-transfer "evidence" later planted on him to embellish the false narrative of a hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure is a lie. 
 (2) moreover, further dispelling the horse manure spread altogether, an actual witness on the bus (Mr. Jones) who did see a gentleman boarding Mr. McWatters' bus described him taller and much heavier than the wrongly-accused. This man then immediately got off Mr. McWatters' bus after requesting & receiving a bus-transfer (Mr. Jones' first-hand eyewitness account, not my own words).
(3) The wrongly-accused, in spite of that hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure about a hasty escape, was actually seen by more than a few TSBD employees by a small storage room on the first floor.
(4) From 12:34PM--12:37PM  came to the aid of Inspector Sawyer as no other TSBD male's experience (whereabouts & activities during the immediate assassination aftermath) that afternoon places them anywhere near the small storage room on the first floor entrance area across from the passenger elevators.
(5) After coming to the aid of Inspector Sawyer, the wrongly-accused then comes to the aid of a local rookie news reporter, Mr. Allman (Pierce), stopping to field his inquiry about where he could find a telephone as they crossed paths at the front entrance (Mr. Allman's words, not mine).
(6) Leaving Mr. Allman in his wake, 12:38PM, the wrongly-accused then steps out into the crisp Autumn air. Spying his supervisor, Mr. Shelley,  standing out on Elm Street, he ventures down the front-entrance stairs, then walks over to join his supervisor, for 5-10 minutes.
(7) Mr. Mentesana's home movie video clip confirms this.
(8) Moreover, more than a few other people also place the wrongly-accused in the same coloured attire as shown in Mr. Mentesana's home movie clip: (A) Most notably, Mr. Brewer (Johnny Calvin), describes the wrongly-accused wearing the same coloured shirt in the same manner as depicted on Mr. Mentesana's home movie capture (Mr. Brewer's words, not mine; and (B) further confirming the tandem of Mr. Mentesana & Mr. Brewer, this is what Julia Postal, the employee at the Texas Theatre, had to say ---->

Mr. Ball. Did you ask Butch Burroughs if he had seen him?
Mrs. Postal. No, sir; ... so, well, I called the police, and he wanted to know why I thought it was their man, and I said, "Well, I didn't know," and he said, "Well, it fits the description," and I have not—I said I hadn't heard the description. All I know is, "This man is running from them for some reason." And he wanted to know why, and told him because everytime the sirens go by he would duck and he wanted to know—well, if he fits the description is what he says. I said, "Let me tell you what he looks like and you take it from there." And explained that he had on this brown sports shirt...."

(9) It's clearly evident that this same brown coloured shirt shared by Mr. Mentesana, and seen by both Mr. Brewer and Ms. Postal is highly visible for all to see during the midnight presser...none of this is by coincidence, moreover, What are the odds that several people would be wearing the same clothing, in the same manner and same colour as the wrongly-accused on the same day, in the same city and at the same time...

*What We Don't Know Yet:

(1) How did the wrongly-accused really leave Dealey Plaza?

(2) What was his actual departure time?  What was his actual route from Dealey Plaza to the Texas Theatre?

not the false-narrative time sequence amid a hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure, but the genuine means and time of his departure.

(3) Why did the Warren Commission membership decide to bury any information connecting the wrongly-accused with the Bureau and the Agency?

(4) Even going so far as to destroy actual hearing notes regarding the same, Why?

(5) Why did Bureau special-agent Warren Debrueys lie about his genuine whereabouts that fateful afternoon?  Why did he  threaten Orest Pena?, one of his own informants...
« Last Edit: September 17, 2021, 07:54:23 PM by Alan J. Ford »

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: ?
« Reply #166 on: September 17, 2021, 08:59:14 PM »
Aligning her observations with both Mr. Mentesana & Mr. Brewer even further, Ms. Postal goes on to confirm in even more detail their specifics regarding how the brown coloured shirt was worn ---->

Mr. Ball. Outside his pants?
Mrs. Postal. Uh-huh.
Mr. Ball. Wasn't tucked into his pants?
Mrs. Postal. Huh-uh.
Mr. Ball. When he went in was it tucked in his pants when he went in?
Mrs. Postal. No, sir; because I remember he came flying around the corner, because his hair was and shirt was kind of waving.
Mr. Ball. And his shirt was out?
Mrs. Postal. Uh-huh.
Mr. Ball. You say——
Mrs. Postal. It was hanging out.

A natural Hat-trick folks. Same shirt, same colour, same manner of dress as depicted by now three different people on the same afternoon in close proximity of the same time sequence of his movements... from Dealey Plaza to the Texas Theatre (sometime after 1:02PM-given the dispatch time of Fire Station 3's big red engine as shared by Mr. Warnock (Lesley, Jr.).

Nowhere near 10th & Patton, let alone an active participant in the unfolding events clear across town. In spite of the hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure, the wrongly-accused did Not shoot anybody. Anybody.

Back next week to reengage the good Lord willing. Meanwhile, best wishes to all to remain safe, healthy and free of any lingering variants of COVID-19.

*self-reminder: review why Ms. Postal's affidavit was written up days well after the wrongly-accused took his last breath rather than on the actual date he "ducked" into the movie theatre. 

« Last Edit: September 17, 2021, 09:00:04 PM by Alan J. Ford »

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: ?
« Reply #167 on: September 24, 2021, 06:52:49 PM »
Good afternoon!

Picking up on the previous post, and given Ms. Postal's contradictions, her dated affidavit--see previous post--well after the genuine facts is consistent with someone who has to get her story straight (not exactly easy amid a hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure to overcome). To her credit though, she at least gets the important facts correct, confirming Mr. Mentesana's home movie video capture as well as Mr. Brewer's first-hand observations as well ---->

essentially all three confirming the wrongly-accused's shirt, colour and manner worn. Of course, we all see the same shirt upon the wrongly-accused during his midnight presser. Coincidently, worn in the same fashion as filmed, observed and described by the trio shared above.   

We can certainly thank Mr. Mentesana's home movie for dispelling the horse manure about the wrongly-accused being privy to the events at 10th & Patton, let alone actually taking part in it as the false-narrative amid a hastily contrived script suggests. Kudos to Mr. Warnock (Lesley) as well for his revelation about the precise dispatch timing of Fire Station 3's big red engine (1:02PM CST) to Dealey Plaza. 

Back next week, the Good Lord willing to share the possibility that the  wrongly-accused was also captured in Dealey Plaza by other folks filming during the assassination aftermath. Best wishes for all to remain well, safe, healthy and free of any lingering variants of COVID-19.
*self-reminder: reread the respective testimonies of Mr. Brewer and Ms. Postal (poor lady coerced to embellish a hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure akin to the same experience shared by Helen Markham and Mary Bledsoe)  Amazing what some people will do and say for thirty pieces of silver.

« Last Edit: September 24, 2021, 07:00:05 PM by Alan J. Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: ?
« Reply #167 on: September 24, 2021, 06:52:49 PM »