Brief Recap:
Did the wrongly-accused board Mr. McWatters' bus? ----->
Mr. BALL - Anyway, you were not able to identify any man in the lineup as the passenger?
Mr. McWATTERS - No, sir.
Mr. BALL - As the passenger who had gotten on?
Mr. McWATTERS - No, sir.
Once again, Mr. McWatters for clarity-sake ---->
Mr. BALL - Anyway, you were not able to identify any man in the lineup as the passenger?
Mr. McWATTERS - No, sir.
Mr. BALL - As the passenger who had gotten on?
Mr. McWATTERS - No, sir.
Unlike, Mr. Whaley, the cab driver who has a penchant for "just guessing" up "evidence", Are you certain, Mr. McWatters ---->
Mr. BALL - Anyway, you were not able to identify any man in the lineup as the passenger?
Mr. McWATTERS - No, sir.
Mr. BALL - As the passenger who had gotten on?
Mr. McWATTERS - No, sir.
Now, moving along, Mr. Mytton has been extended an opportunity to produce authentic evidence that the wrongly-accused, in his own words, not words put into his mouth amid a hastily contrived script to Frame him after he drew his last breath (again, in his own words) anything about climbing into a cab...
Safe & wonderful weekend wishes everyone...
*self-reminder: make an effort to contact Rita Jo's family members to determine if they wish to share anything Mr. Mentesana may have shared about his home video footage taken on the afternoon of 11/22/63.