Just a brief note here to remind myself upon next visit to share a snippet of Mr. Jarman (James "Junior's") House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) testimony, specifically the fact that the wrongly accused was allowed to exit the building as per Mr. Lovelady's conversation w/Mr. Jarman on that fateful afternoon...
this is important because--once again--we have an individual in the same clothing w/more than a striking resemblance to the wrongly accused still in Dealey Plaza long after his scripted hasty escape, standing with an individual with a strong resemblance to the wrongly-accused's supervisor dressed in the same manner as Mr. Shelley standing there w/him.
Mr. Davidson, if you should happen along sir, any chance you may have a hint of a timeline between the timing of Mr. Jarman and Mr. Lovelady's conversation detailing "Mr. Trudy" allowing the wrongly accused to exit the building?
On my own I've got a ballpark figure relative to that timing sequence after reading Mr. Jarman's testimony, particularly how long he and the other remnants of the trio on the 5th floor remained upstairs before eventually coming all the way down. Just wanted to be fair here, while also establishing a timeline that demonstrates that the wrongly-accused did not make a hasty escape per the Script, nor was he anywhere near 10th & Patton either.
All for now folks (back later this week, G-d willing) best to everyone to remain well, safe & healthy amid the ongoing pandemic challenges we are all facing. The wrongly-accused did not shoot anybody. Anybody.