Here's a Youtube interview I did with Chris Peeks, on the murder of J.D. Tippit.
Hi Bill,
I'm still fairly new to the JFK assassination case and am still in Dealey Plaza trying to get a handle on certain things and this is the first time I've delved into anything regarding the Tippit murder. I want to start off by saying you make a compelling case for Oswald as the killer of Tippit and any counter-argument would have to be very powerful indeed.
One question I would like to ask that I don't think was covered in your interview was if there was any consensus on where Oswald was going when he left his boarding house. I assumed he was heading for the Texas Theater. As I didn't know the route he took I had a quick search and came up with this map:

It seems clear from this map of the route that Oswald is not heading for the Texas Theater at first but, I'm assuming, changes direction after the shooting and ends up ducking into the Theater to avoid the increased police presence in the area.