All the other times? I thought the only other time was her WC testimony?
Police departments have a policy of separating out witnesses in case they contaminate one anothers testimony. There seems to be a real possibility here that after her Nov 23rd 1963 FBI report Randle began trying to match her testimony to that of Fraziers.
But that doesn't match with the LN claim that Randle and Frazier (I'm paraphrasing) concocted a story about the bag and the curtain rods within hours after the shooting.
The fact is a simple one; Randle has never repeated what Bookhout wrote in his report. Now, if you want to give more credibility to a single 302 report, which Randle never saw or signed, over her under oath testimony, you might want to question your motive for desperately clinging to one single internal FBI report.