2. Bill incorrectly says Benavides “was coming up Denver and he turned left onto 10th Street”—he’s confusing this with Jack Tatum’s alleged account.
First, I was not confusing anything with Tatum's account.
Second, I have read Domingo Benavides' testimony what seems like thirty times over the years. At one point, I was fully aware that Benavides went through the alley that runs parallel to Tenth and Jefferson. He took the alley east to Denver, then turned left onto Denver and a right onto Tenth. This has him heading east towards Marsalis which is where the auto parts store was. Forgetting the part number, he turns around in a driveway and is now heading west on Tenth back towards the broken down vehicle located on Patton between Tenth and Jefferson. Heading west, he crosses over Denver and is now driving straight towards Tippit's stopped patrol car.
However, during this interview, forgetting what I once knew, I stated that Benavides took the alley to Denver, left onto Denver and then after realizing he forgot the part number, took a left onto Tenth and he's now driving straight towards Tippit's stopped patrol car.
None if that changes the important part; that Benavides was driving west on Tenth straight for Tippit's stopped patrol car, as I stated in the interview.
Score one point for the list of "errors".