Says the contrarian who "speculates" and "assumes" every item of evidence of Oswald's guilt is the product of fakery. Of course Oswald's destination would have to be the source of some "speculation" because only he would know for sure and Tippit disrupted whatever he had planned. There is a basis for reasoned speculation, though. Oswald was in flight. He had no access to a car and limited resources. He is familiar with the bus lines in Dallas as his primary means of transport. He has a bus transfer in his pocket. It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to "speculate" that he was looking for a bus. And the main bus transfer points where he could use the transfer were on Jefferson. If he had any fantasy of escape, then it would involve getting to Mexico and then seeking asylum from the Cubans. Of course that is wildly unrealistic but Oswald is a loon who had no good options under the circumstance. Obviously, he couldn't stay in Dallas or the US. He has just returned for Mexico and knows the drill. If he has any plan, then it involved moving in that direction until someone catches him. Just like James Earl Ray did after assassinating Martin Luther King. Ray made it to Canada and then Europe.
Says the contrarian who "speculates" and "assumes" every item of evidence of Oswald's guilt is the product of fakery. Stop whining. I am right and you know it
Of course Oswald's destination would have to be the source of some "speculation" because only he would know for sureIndeed... so you understand that I am right!
There is a basis for reasoned speculation, though. "reasoned speculation" LOL
Oswald was in flight. He had no access to a car and limited resources. He is familiar with the bus lines in Dallas as his primary means of transport. Three speculations in three sentences.....
It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to "speculate" that he was looking for a bus. And the main bus transfer points where he could use the transfer were on Jefferson. Hey Watson, if he was looking for a bus, why did he not simply get on to one. There were plenty about on Jefferson!
If he had any fantasy of escape, then it would involve getting to Mexico and then seeking asylum from the Cubans. Of course that is wildly unrealistic but Oswald is a loon who had no good options under the circumstance. Obviously, he couldn't stay in Dallas or the US. He has just returned for Mexico and knows the drill. If he has any plan, then it involved moving in that direction until someone catches him.More "reasoned speculation"?

You really don't get that your entire post is filled with one speculation after another, right?