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Author Topic: Youtube Interview I Did, Tippit Case  (Read 73458 times)

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Youtube Interview I Did, Tippit Case
« Reply #96 on: April 30, 2021, 03:19:50 AM »
Is the bar in the center of this image the same shade throughout or is the shade lighter on one side and darker on the other?



Okay, I cheated.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Youtube Interview I Did, Tippit Case
« Reply #96 on: April 30, 2021, 03:19:50 AM »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Youtube Interview I Did, Tippit Case
« Reply #97 on: April 30, 2021, 03:38:56 AM »
Mr. WESTBROOK. Actually, I didn't find it--it was pointed out to me by either some officer that--that was while we were going over the scene in the close area where the shooting was concerned, someone pointed. out a jacket to me that was laying under a car and I got the jacket and told the officer to take the license number.

Exactly, Westbrook was completely honest, in the Westbrook quote I provided, Westbrook never took sole credit for finding the Jacket, he specifically says "we" found the jacket. As usual Weidmann is just trying to inject doubt where none exists, Westbrook says the jacket from the car park is the same jacket as in evidence and it doesn't matter how angry and aggressive these CT's get, they can't change reality.

Mr. BALL. I show you Commission Exhibit 162, do you recognize that?
Mr. WESTBROOK. That is exactly the jacket we found.
Mr. BALL. That is the jacket you found?
Mr. WESTBROOK. Yes, sir.

Westbrook testified that the jacket found in the car park was exactly the jacket he was shown in court.

It's just one more piece of evidence in the mountain that incriminates Oswald. Oswald was seen zipping up his jacket as he left his rooming house then a stack of eyewitnesses identify Oswald wearing a jacket holding a gun either at or fleeing the Tippit crime scene, and finally he's arrested not far away without his jacket.

Mr. BREWER - And had brown hair. He had a brown sports shirt on. His shirt tail was out.
Mr. BELIN - Any jacket?
Mr. BREWER - No.


« Last Edit: April 30, 2021, 07:08:11 AM by John Mytton »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Youtube Interview I Did, Tippit Case
« Reply #98 on: April 30, 2021, 04:00:28 AM »

Okay, I cheated.

In the following GIF concentrate on the bar against white, then when the background swaps you get instant conflict, bizarre.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Youtube Interview I Did, Tippit Case
« Reply #98 on: April 30, 2021, 04:00:28 AM »

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Youtube Interview I Did, Tippit Case
« Reply #99 on: April 30, 2021, 10:08:09 AM »
Exactly, Westbrook was completely honest, in the Westbrook quote I provided, Westbrook never took sole credit for finding the Jacket, he specifically says "we" found the jacket. As usual Weidmann is just trying to inject doubt where none exists, Westbrook says the jacket from the car park is the same jacket as in evidence and it doesn't matter how angry and aggressive these CT's get, they can't change reality.

Mr. BALL. I show you Commission Exhibit 162, do you recognize that?
Mr. WESTBROOK. That is exactly the jacket we found.
Mr. BALL. That is the jacket you found?
Mr. WESTBROOK. Yes, sir.

Westbrook testified that the jacket found in the car park was exactly the jacket he was shown in court.

It's just one more piece of evidence in the mountain that incriminates Oswald. Oswald was seen zipping up his jacket as he left his rooming house then a stack of eyewitnesses identify Oswald wearing a jacket holding a gun either at or fleeing the Tippit crime scene, and finally he's arrested not far away without his jacket.

Mr. BREWER - And had brown hair. He had a brown sports shirt on. His shirt tail was out.
Mr. BELIN - Any jacket?
Mr. BREWER - No.


Westbrook says the jacket from the car park is the same jacket as in evidence

Aha, so it must be true then. No cop would ever lie or be mistaken, right?

Just too bad that there is no chain of custody for the jacket, that the officer who actually found the jacket was never identified, that the jacket was called in as being white, that it is marked with initials of officers who were not even there when the jacket was found, that the officer who took the jacket to DPD HQ has also never been identified, and that we don't know why Westbrook needed several hours to submit the jacket to the Identification Bureau and how he got the jacket in the first place.

Oswald was seen zipping up his jacket as he left his rooming house

Isn't it strange that Oswald was seen wearing the only gray jacket he had (CE 162) to Irving on Thursday evening. Any idea how it managed to get to the roominghouse on Friday afternoon?

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: Youtube Interview I Did, Tippit Case
« Reply #100 on: April 30, 2021, 10:58:09 AM »
Westbrook says the jacket from the car park is the same jacket as in evidence

Aha, so it must be true then. No cop would ever lie or be mistaken, right?

Just too bad that there is no chain of custody for the jacket, that the officer who actually found the jacket was never identified, that the jacket was called in as being white, that it is marked with initials of officers who were not even there when the jacket was found, that the officer who took the jacket to DPD HQ has also never been identified, and that we don't know why Westbrook needed several hours to submit the jacket to the Identification Bureau and how he got the jacket in the first place.

Oswald was seen zipping up his jacket as he left his rooming house

Isn't it strange that Oswald was seen wearing the only gray jacket he had (CE 162) to Irving on Thursday evening. Any idea how it managed to get to the roominghouse on Friday afternoon?

Dale Myers posted this, last November. In addition to the following excerpt, the chain of custody or at least the discovery of the light colored jacket, is thoroughly described with support from WC Exhibits.

On November 23, 1963, Robert Brock, the mechanic at Ballew’s Texaco Service Station, told NBC WBAP-TV reporter Robert MacNeil during a brief filmed interview: “I was working on a car when the Reynolds – the boys from Reynolds Motor Company came by and asked if we’d seen a man go through here and my wife said she’d seen a man walk between the car and the service station here [pointing at the area between the east side of the service station and Dean’s Dairy Way] and go out across the parking lot. Later, I was out on the parking lot with the police when they found a coat.” (emphasis added) [49]

Fig.5 - Mechanic Robert Brock (left) points at Oswald's escape route along a narrow pathway between the Texaco Service station and Dean's Dairy Way. ...

The filmed sequence shows Brock pointing into the parking lot behind the Texaco service station – a tire rack clearly visible along Oswald’s escape path on the east side of the service station...

Disclaimer: Dale Myers' carefully worded attempt to copyright a screenshot of news footage in the public domain is beyond anything I would imagine DVP would even imagine. However, anyone can sue anyone over anything. I claim fair use, the same basis Mr. Myers began with when he took the screen shot of the news footage!
« Last Edit: April 30, 2021, 11:16:04 AM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Youtube Interview I Did, Tippit Case
« Reply #100 on: April 30, 2021, 10:58:09 AM »

Offline Bill Brown

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Re: Youtube Interview I Did, Tippit Case
« Reply #101 on: April 30, 2021, 07:24:22 PM »
"Now, she (Earlene Roberts) gives different time variants; two minutes, three minutes, four minutes, five minutes, whatever.  She qualifies it all by basically saying he was back there long enough to grab a jacket."- Bill Brown

Offline Bill Brown

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Re: Youtube Interview I Did, Tippit Case
« Reply #102 on: April 30, 2021, 07:49:18 PM »
McWatters said he picked up a man mid-block, not a bus stop.  He said the bus went a bit further and was again stopped in traffic.  A lady decided that she wanted to get off the bus.  As McWatters was letting her off the bus, the man who boarded the bus mid-block just minutes earlier decided to get off at that point, as well.  McWatters said that he issued them both a transfer and that these two transfers were the only two he issued as he went through town.  Oswald had the bus transfer in his possession when he was arrested.

Let's work it backwards...

Oswald possessed the McWatters transfer when arrested.

McWatters issued the transfer to the man as he got off the bus.

The man who received the transfer entered the bus minutes earlier mid-block, i.e. not at a designated bus stop.


Oswald entered the bus mid-bock.

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Youtube Interview I Did, Tippit Case
« Reply #103 on: April 30, 2021, 08:15:58 PM »
McWatters said he picked up a man mid-block, not a bus stop.  He said the bus went a bit further and was again stopped in traffic.  A lady decided that she wanted to get off the bus.  As McWatters was letting her off the bus, the man who boarded the bus mid-block just minutes earlier decided to get off at that point, as well.  McWatters said that he issued them both a transfer and that these two transfers were the only two he issued as he went through town.  Oswald had the bus transfer in his possession when he was arrested.

Let's work it backwards...

Oswald possessed the McWatters transfer when arrested.

McWatters issued the transfer to the man as he got off the bus.

The man who received the transfer entered the bus minutes earlier mid-block, i.e. not at a designated bus stop.


Oswald entered the bus mid-bock.

But you claimed in the interview that "McWatters testified that Oswald got on the bus mid-block".
He never actually said that in his testimony. Instead you have presented your conclusion as if McWatters had said it, which in turn would imply that McWatters actually identified Oswald as the man, which he never did either.

That's a misrepresentation of the facts.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2021, 08:59:48 PM by Martin Weidmann »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Youtube Interview I Did, Tippit Case
« Reply #103 on: April 30, 2021, 08:15:58 PM »