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Author Topic: Youtube Interview I Did, Tippit Case  (Read 73371 times)

Offline Bill Brown

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Re: Youtube Interview I Did, Tippit Case
« Reply #152 on: May 01, 2021, 03:50:25 AM »
The irony is that all I am asking from you and your ilk is to provide the conclusive evidence of Oswald's guilt and it turns out you can't.

In regards to the Tippit murder, you and your ilk have been beat over the head, time and time again, with conclusive evidence proving Oswald's guilt.

Answer me one question.  Why haven't you listed just one single piece of physical evidence pointing to someone other than Lee Oswald in the deaths of either Kennedy or Tippit?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Youtube Interview I Did, Tippit Case
« Reply #152 on: May 01, 2021, 03:50:25 AM »

Offline Bill Brown

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Re: Youtube Interview I Did, Tippit Case
« Reply #153 on: May 01, 2021, 03:53:36 AM »
The biggest difference between you and Bill is that you are a nut.  You have no agenda?  LOL.  You are delusional.  Never once I have seen you question any possible evidence that lends itself to Oswald's innocence, but in every single instance you question the evidence of his guilt.  No matter how well documented.   How about you apply your standard of proof to Frazier's description of how Oswald carried his package?  Something you appear to accept as a fact.  Who "corroborated" Frazier's description of how Oswald carried his bag?

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Youtube Interview I Did, Tippit Case
« Reply #154 on: May 01, 2021, 04:07:52 AM »
In regards to the Tippit murder, you and your ilk have been beat over the head, time and time again, with conclusive evidence proving Oswald's guilt.

Answer me one question.  Why haven't you listed just one single piece of physical evidence pointing to someone other than Lee Oswald in the deaths of either Kennedy or Tippit?

In regards to the Tippit murder, you and your ilk have been beat over the head, time and time again, with conclusive evidence proving Oswald's guilt.

And what conclusive evidence would that be? Why are you claiming something this stupid and can not back it up with actual conclusive evidence?

Answer me one question.  Why haven't you listed just one single piece of physical evidence pointing to someone other than Lee Oswald in the deaths of either Kennedy or Tippit?

Ah, so we're back to Oswald did it unless you can prove me wrong? Why don't you try to prove him guilty with anything more as assumptions and speculation? Oh wait... silly question, because the answer is you can't.

« Last Edit: May 01, 2021, 04:56:05 PM by Martin Weidmann »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Youtube Interview I Did, Tippit Case
« Reply #154 on: May 01, 2021, 04:07:52 AM »

Offline Bill Brown

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Re: Youtube Interview I Did, Tippit Case
« Reply #155 on: May 01, 2021, 04:12:22 AM »
In regards to the Tippit murder, you and your ilk have been beat over the head, time and time again, with conclusive evidence proving Oswald's guilt.

And what conclusive evidence would that be? Why are you claiming something this stupid and can not back it up with actual conclusive evidence?

Answer me one question.  Why haven't you listed just one single piece of physical evidence pointing to someone other than Lee Oswald in the deaths of either Kennedy or Tippit?

Ah, so were back to Oswald did it unless you can prove me wrong? Why don't you try to prove him guilty with anything more as assumptions and speculation? Oh wait... silly question, because the answer is you can't.

Sure I can.  Just listen to the interview at the very top of page one of this thread.  Then, once you've done that, read through some of my (and many of the other LNers') posts throughout this very forum.

Now, back to you.  Why haven't you listed just one single piece of physical evidence pointing to someone other than Lee Oswald in the deaths of either Kennedy or Tippit?  Why not just answer the question instead of deflection?  Answer the question already.

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: Youtube Interview I Did, Tippit Case
« Reply #156 on: May 01, 2021, 07:47:26 AM »
"I seriously doubt that he did leave the roominghouse wearing a jacket"

What is the basis for this serious doubt?

Reasonable doubt?

Earline Roberts was a compulsive liar, a teller of tall tales per the testimony of Gladys Johnson, her employer.
William W. Whaley was a liar and his "log" makes his claims inconclusive at best.
McWatters thought Roy Milton Jones was Oswald and the bus transfer was not discovered,
"missed" along with several live revolver rounds, during the booking and intake of a prisoner very strongly suspected of shooting a policeman to death and also suspected of shooting the POTUS.
Mary Bledsoe's first cousin, Jewell Rawlston Germany, Jr. was the son of RD Matthew's aunt and Bledsoe's uncle,
Jewell, Sr. Supporting evidence:,2890.msg109946.html#msg109946
(LOL  you can't make this "stuff", up!)

Mr. BALL - You went on over to Houston Viaduct into the Oak Cliff section, didn't you?
Mr. McWATTERS - Yes, sir; to the Oak Cliff section.
Mr. BALL - And there was some conversation occurred on that bus that you told the FBI officers about?
Mr. McWATTERS - Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL - Tell us what that was?
Mr. McWATTERS - Well, there was a teenage boy, I would say 17 or 18 years of age who was sitting to my right on the first cross seat and me and him had, we had conversationed a little while we was tied up in the traffic, you know, of the fact of we wondered where all, what all the excitement was due to the fact of the sirens and others, and after I turned on Houston Street I said to him and I made the remark, I wonder where the President was shot, and I believe he made the remark that it was probably in the head if he was in a convertible or something to that effect. I don't remember just exactly the way we worded it or what it was, but it was a conversation about the President, in other words, to where he was shot. In other words, and he made the remark or something, he was probably shot in the head, if he was sitting in a convertible or to that effect. I really don't know just exactly at that time. Just like I say I never thought anything about it.
Mr. BALL - Didn't some lady say something?
Mr. McWATTERS - Well, yes, sir.
Now, as we got on out on Marsalis, along about it was either Edgemont or Vermont, I believe it was Vermont Street, there was a lady who was fixing to cross the intersection and I stopped and asked her if she was going to catch the bus into town from the opposite direction, and she said that she was and I told her that we was off schedule, that the other bus had done went into town, and I asked her did she care to just ride on to the end of the line and come back and she wouldn't have to stand there and wait, and she was getting on, and I asked her had she heard the news of the President being shot, at the time that was all I knew about it, and she said, "No, what are you--you are just kidding me."
I said, "No, I really am not kidding you." I said, "It is the truth from all the reliable sources that we have come in contact with," and this teenage boy sitting on the side, I said "Well, now, if you think I am kidding you," I said, "Ask this gentleman sitting over here," and he kind of, I don't know whether it was a grinning or smile or whatever expression it was, and she said, "I know you are kidding now, because he laughed or grinned or made some remark to that effect."
And I just told her no it wasn't no kidding matter, but that was part of the conversation that was said at that time.
Mr. BALL - Was this teenage boy--do you know where this teenage boy got on the bus?
Mr. McWATTERS - Yes, sir; he got on at between, he got on at the stop, in other words, I stopped in front of the Majestic theater which is a block before I get to St. Paul; in other words, it is a middle of the stop, block stop, in other words. We pull in and stop in the center of the block, and my next stop would be St. Paul; in other words, that is where the teenage boy got on.
Mr. BALL - He was on the bus when this man knocked on the door of your bus and got on? ...
« Last Edit: May 01, 2021, 08:24:50 AM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Youtube Interview I Did, Tippit Case
« Reply #156 on: May 01, 2021, 07:47:26 AM »

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: Youtube Interview I Did, Tippit Case
« Reply #157 on: May 01, 2021, 08:45:46 AM »

Except, it does.  She told a reporter almost immediately that Oswald left in a jacket.  She didn't tell anyone about the supposed horn-honking incident until a week later and by that time, the alleged assassin was himself gunned down, sparking rumors of a plot.

No.  Like it or not, there are grey areas.

Frazier is an obvious liar.  These days, I don't trust a single thing he said.

Bill, reasonable doubt, and you certainly are selective... a little of this, a little of that. Roberts, Markham, the Davis girls, Whaley, and especially Bledsoe, unreliable.

But don't take my word for this, ask Dale K. Myers.


....The Roberts story was covered extensively in With Malice but you won’t find a whiff of that coverage in Mr. Thomas’ mythical tale.

For instance, you won’t learn that Mrs. Roberts didn’t even tell this story until a week after the assassination, and mind you, police investigators and reporters had been crawling in and out of the boarding house all during that period. [65]

Nor will you learn that Mrs. Roberts offered three different squad car numbers – 207, 106, and 107 – in an effort to identify the policemen riding in the mysterious automobile. None of the squad car numbers checked out. [66]

Nor will you learn that the two policemen she thought it might be honking the horn either denied knowing her or hadn’t worked for the Dallas police since 1957 – six years before the shooting. [67]

Nor will you learn that those who met her described her as having a penchant for being talkative and making stories up. [68] That included the woman she worked for, Mrs. Gladys J. Johnson, who testified to the Warren Commission, “Have you ever seen people like that? Just have a creative mind, there’s nothing to it, and just make up and keep talking until she just makes a lie out of it. Listen, I’m telling you the truth, and this isn’t to go any further, understand that? You have to know these things because you are going to question this lady. I will tell you, she’s just as intelligent – I think she is a person that doesn’t mean to do that but she just does it automatically. It seems as though she, oh, I don’t know, wants to be attractive or something at times. I just don’t know; I don’t understand it myself. I only wish I did.” [69]...

You embrace Mrs. Roberts, you have no use for Wesley Frazier.... how 'bout the Dobbs House restaurant manager?

And Bill, how thorough is an investigation, resulting in a voluminous report of a Presidential Commission, that presents this to the American people struggling for answers, for accountability, that includes the following,

Manager of Dobbs House at 1221 N. Beckley. Believed LHO had frequented the Dobbs House. His daughter-in-law is Brenda Simmons.
CE 3001; CD 1364, pp. 1-11

When the 1963 Dallas City Directory was sent to the printer, these two shared the same address.
Late that year, Lillian appeared in the opening frames of the Zapruder film. Husband Sammie did not die,
Lillian was not a widow. Sammie in the 1963 city directory became Sam in 1964, residing at a different address as reported in FBI documents. In the 1964 & in the 1965 directory, despite Lillian being a "wid", "Sam" Rogers was listed as Dobbs House manager.

« Last Edit: May 01, 2021, 05:34:12 PM by Tom Scully »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Youtube Interview I Did, Tippit Case
« Reply #158 on: May 01, 2021, 12:48:37 PM »
Say, why not show us a graphic demonstrating just how blurred her vision 'really was'.

Why should I, when you are the one who posted a blurred picture? Typical LN BS, posting something and wanting to be proven wrong.

There is a major difference between Earlene trying to adjust her TV set, and then pausing and turning around as she hears (or was she deaf as well?) hot-footing it for the exit.

Who said that Earlene Roberts paused and turned around? And, you've clearly never been at the rooming house, because if you had you would have known that the distance between Oswald's room and the front door is minimal.

Tell us how he would get out the door in just 2-3 seconds. Plus she saw him at the bus stop for another few seconds. The viewing opportunities afforded Earlene re man-in-hurry Oswald (he in a cardigan, vest, or sweater; anything but a jacket) seem to be adding up.

Visit the rooming house and you will know.

'Why should I, when you are the one who posted a blurred picture? Typical LN BS, posting something and wanting to be proven wrong'
> Hogwash. You're the one pouncing on Earlene's eyesight as if it disqualifies her as a credible witness. Therefore, the onus is on you to provide evidence that she would be unable to confirm whether or not Mr Lee was wearing a jacket as he left the safe-house.

'Who said that Earlene Roberts paused and turned around? And, you've clearly never been at the rooming house, because if you had you would have known that the distance between Oswald's room and the front door is minimal'
> Are you now claiming Earlene was a cyclops-like character, complete with a third eye on the back of her head, eliminating the need for her to turn around in order to see Mr Lee hustling out of his safe-house while zipping up his jacket?

Now quantify 'minimal'. And suggesting that I travel to Dallas to visit that house so I will 'know' indicates a begrudging attitude on your part, quite frankly. Either you cannot or will not produce photographs of that front room that will reveal the actual dimensions of that room.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2021, 01:06:36 PM by Bill Chapman »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Youtube Interview I Did, Tippit Case
« Reply #159 on: May 01, 2021, 01:28:58 PM »
In regards to the Tippit murder, you and your ilk have been beat over the head, time and time again, with conclusive evidence proving Oswald's guilt.

And what conclusive evidence would that be? Why are you claiming something this stupid and can not back it up with actual conclusive evidence?

Answer me one question.  Why haven't you listed just one single piece of physical evidence pointing to someone other than Lee Oswald in the deaths of either Kennedy or Tippit?

Ah, so were back to Oswald did it unless you can prove me wrong? Why don't you try to prove him guilty with anything more as assumptions and speculation? Oh wait... silly question, because the answer is you can't.

Oswald was observed killing Tippit. Booyah.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Youtube Interview I Did, Tippit Case
« Reply #159 on: May 01, 2021, 01:28:58 PM »