Bill Brown and a number of other "students of the case" believe Lee Harvey Oswald shot Officer JD Tippit while wearing a jacket he surely must have perspired in on that, turning mild and sunny late November, early afternoon in Dallas before leaving the shooting scene, soon allegedly ditching the jacket, found under a car in a nearby lot, presumably to alter his appearance.
26 years after DNA testing played a big role in the OJ Simpson murder trial, no attempt has been made to collect DNA evidence from the controversial jacket. Oswald's assumed hurried walk to the scene of the shooting, the stress of "getting the drop" on an armed DPD officer, firing repeatedly at him, watching him go down, and making his escape certainly resulted in a reasonable possibility, if the jacket in the U.S. Archive is relevant evidence, that it would be worthwhile to attempt to recover DNA evidence from it.
The fact that this has not happened might be related to the mindset of the Army Museum regarding organic material allegedly from the corpse of John Wilkes Booth which it refuses to test for the purpose of settling the question of whether it was Booth who was shot to death in a burning barn in Maryland in mid-April, 1865. The museum's expressed concern is avoidance of damaging the artifacts it claims were Booth's vertebrae.
Historical vertebrae, a sideshow mummy and the lingering ... Abraham Lincoln's assassination 146 years ago, questions have persisted about John Wilkes Booth's fate. Historians scoff, but Booth's descendants want to know more.
The National Museum of Health and Medicine and the Lincoln ... vertebrae and spinal cord of John Wilkes Booth are still part of the collection of the National Museum of Health and Medicine though they are not currently on display at the Silver Spring facility. Here is a picture of the specimens taken a few years ago by the AP:
Mr. Parnell worked O.T. on this question : approach... I've found this emerging technology to be the most reliable of several I have used since last fall.:
Choose the middle, verification option of the demo : on left appears in Mr. Parnell's blog post. I cropped it out of photo with her spouse Ed Ekdahl and Buick)

Anna Anderson claimed she was Anastasia, daughter of Tsar Nicholas. nearly convinces this facial recognition software. Anastasia Romanov is on the left in both comparisons.