Muchmore GIF

Kinney the driver of Queen Mary is under extreme pressure, not only does he have to keep Queen Mary 5 ft from the (by now erratic) JFK limo but now he has the problem of Agent Hill placing himself in that there 5 ft, Hill could slip (leather shoes?), or stumble, or fall off the rear of the limo.
So, in the last frame of Muchmore's footage, what does Kinney do?
He turns his head hard right, so far right that i cant duplicate it.
Why? (Here i mean why did Kinney turn his head, i dont mean why cant i duplicate his headturn.)
Dont bother looking for that quick automatic (& painful)(try it) head turn reaction in other footage koz u wont find it, it only exists in Muchmore.
Any ideas here re why? (Here i mean why the headturn, i dont mean why it duznt exist in other footage.)