Seems Steve Galbraith can't get enough of attacking Democrats with total made up nonsense.

Old Joe has really screwed things up faster than even I anticipated. Inflation - check. Gas lines - check. Higher taxes - check. Middle East crisis - check. Illegal immigration out of control - check. Rampant crime in the cities - big check on that one. This is Jimmy Carter 2.0. It feels like we are living back in 1976.
Nice propaganda from Richard

Record stock market, record job numbers, COVID is under control, peace in the Middle East. President Biden is cleaning up the Trump disaster.
Criminal Donald claimed he brought "peace to the middle east". Criminal Donald claimed he "would end all crime". Criminal Donald claimed he "would end all illegal immigration". What happened to all these bogus claims by Criminal Donald?
This clown was nothing but a liar and a fraud and gullible suckers bought all his lies hook line and sinker.