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Author Topic: DPD Tapes and a 6 Minute Discrepancy  (Read 37027 times)

Online Charles Collins

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Re: DPD Tapes and a 6 Minute Discrepancy
« Reply #32 on: May 20, 2021, 09:40:24 PM »
Why don't you give it a try and point out where these descrepancies could be in the time line?

Here it is;
Markham leaves her home at "a little after 1" and is en route to the bus stop on Jefferson by 1:06 or 1:07
She only needs to walk one block to get from 9th street to 10th street. The FBI determined that the distance of one block takes about 2,5 minutes to walk. This gets Markham to the corner of 10th and Patton by 1:09:30 at the latest, perfectly on time to reach the bus stop on Jefferson at 1:11 or 1:12.

1:09            Shooting

                   Bowley picked up his daugther at school at 12:55 and is en route to pick up his wife from work. The distance between the school and 10th street takes about 13 to 15 minutes to
                   drive. This gets him to 10th street at 1:10

                   Benavides stays in his car until the killer has disappeared on Patton. That takes about 45 seconds. He then runs to Tippit and then the car and grabs the mic

1:10            Benevides making his call and Bowley arrives

                   Bowley says (in the video "Hunting Oswald") that when he arrived he noticed something was going on, so he parked his car at a fair distance away so his 12 year old daughter would
                   not see it. He then walked towards the police car, checked on Tippit and then noticed Benavides who could not get the radio of the patrol car to work. It's a fair estimation that this
                   would have taken him around 45 seconds. During this time Benavides is keying the mic in vain. When Bowley arrived he looked at his watch and it said 1:10

1:11            Bowley makes his call, lasting 46 seconds

                   DPD officers Poe and Jez (squad car 105) wrote in their supplementary offense report that at approximently 1:10 they heard on the radio that a police officer was involved in a
                   shooting at East Tenth Street.

1:12            Callaway arrives at the scene. He has only one block to run after his interaction with the killer. The killer running towards Jefferson and Callaway then running to 10th street takes
                   about 3 minutes after the shots were fired

1:12:30       After checking on Tippit, Callaway makes his call and hears the ambulance's sirens in the background

                   Ambulance arrives. Callaway and Bowley help loading Tippit's body into the ambulance

1:12:45       DPD officer Croy is in his car at Zang and Colorado when he hears Bowley's radio call. It takes him no more than
                  1,5 to 2 minutes to arrive at 10th street. When he arrives he sees Tippit's body being loaded into the ambulance

1:13            The ambulance leaves. The distance to Methodist Hospital takes 2 minutes to drive in normal traffic. With sirens on
                   it takes less.

                   DPD officers Davenport and Bardin are in their car and see the ambulance pass by. They follow it and arrive at the
                   same time at as the ambulance at the hospital.

1:15            Ambulance arrives at Methodist Hospital and Tippit is declared DOA at 1:15
                   The DOA time is communicated to the Justice of the Peace who issues an Authorization for Autopsy which gives the
                   time of death as 1:15.
                   Davenport writes in his report that Tippit was declared dead at 1:15 and on the form he uses to deliver a bullet
                   taken from Tippit's body and a button from his uniform to the Identification Bureau he writes in his own handwriting that Tippit was declared
                   DOA at 1:15

For the DPD times to be correct, Markham needs to be wrong about the time she left home and she also does not get to the bus stop at 1:15, Bowley's watch must be off by 7 minutes which means he was 7 minutes late to pick up his daughter from school and did not notice it. DPD officers Poe and Jez have to be wrong about the time they heard the radio call. The clocks at Methodist Hospital must be wrong, or at least the one used by Dr. Liquori and Davenport and Bardin must have been mistaken about Tippit being declared dead at 1:15.

For the DPD times to be correct, Markham needs to be wrong about the time she left home and she also does not get to the bus stop at 1:15, Bowley's watch must be off by 7 minutes which means he was 7 minutes late to pick up his daughter from school and did not notice it. DPD officers Poe and Jez have to be wrong about the time they heard the radio call. The clocks at Methodist Hospital must be wrong, or at least the one used by Dr. Liquori and Davenport and Bardin must have been mistaken about Tippit being declared dead at 1:15.

Bingo!    Thumb1:

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: DPD Tapes and a 6 Minute Discrepancy
« Reply #32 on: May 20, 2021, 09:40:24 PM »

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: DPD Tapes and a 6 Minute Discrepancy
« Reply #33 on: May 20, 2021, 09:46:11 PM »

For the DPD times to be correct, Markham needs to be wrong about the time she left home and she also does not get to the bus stop at 1:15, Bowley's watch must be off by 7 minutes which means he was 7 minutes late to pick up his daughter from school and did not notice it. DPD officers Poe and Jez have to be wrong about the time they heard the radio call. The clocks at Methodist Hospital must be wrong, or at least the one used by Dr. Liquori and Davenport and Bardin must have been mistaken about Tippit being declared dead at 1:15.

Bingo!    Thumb1:

WOW... Impressive reply. Let me guess, you also believe that the world is flat, right?

Online Charles Collins

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Re: DPD Tapes and a 6 Minute Discrepancy
« Reply #34 on: May 20, 2021, 10:26:11 PM »
WOW... Impressive reply. Let me guess, you also believe that the world is flat, right?

Not in this lifetime!   ;)

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: DPD Tapes and a 6 Minute Discrepancy
« Reply #34 on: May 20, 2021, 10:26:11 PM »

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: DPD Tapes and a 6 Minute Discrepancy
« Reply #35 on: May 20, 2021, 10:55:18 PM »

Not in this lifetime!   ;)

Instead of simply claiming that all clocks mentioned in the time line were wrong and all witnesses involved were mistaken, why not man up and show us exactly where you believe the time line is wrong?

Or alternatively, you can keep running away of course.

Online Charles Collins

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Re: DPD Tapes and a 6 Minute Discrepancy
« Reply #36 on: May 21, 2021, 01:13:34 PM »
Instead of simply claiming that all clocks mentioned in the time line were wrong and all witnesses involved were mistaken, why not man up and show us exactly where you believe the time line is wrong?

Or alternatively, you can keep running away of course.

I prefer using your words. In fact they are so good, I will present them again:

For the DPD times to be correct, Markham needs to be wrong about the time she left home and she also does not get to the bus stop at 1:15, Bowley's watch must be off by 7 minutes which means he was 7 minutes late to pick up his daughter from school and did not notice it. DPD officers Poe and Jez have to be wrong about the time they heard the radio call. The clocks at Methodist Hospital must be wrong, or at least the one used by Dr. Liquori and Davenport and Bardin must have been mistaken about Tippit being declared dead at 1:15.

At first, I thought that you might have had an epiphany and realized the error of your ways. And even though I haven’t had any Bud in many, many years, I was reminded of their old commercial from the days of my youth:


And, whether you like it or not, you’ve already said it all.....

« Last Edit: May 21, 2021, 01:14:42 PM by Charles Collins »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: DPD Tapes and a 6 Minute Discrepancy
« Reply #36 on: May 21, 2021, 01:13:34 PM »

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: DPD Tapes and a 6 Minute Discrepancy
« Reply #37 on: May 21, 2021, 01:33:04 PM »

I prefer using your words. In fact they are so good, I will present them again:

For the DPD times to be correct, Markham needs to be wrong about the time she left home and she also does not get to the bus stop at 1:15, Bowley's watch must be off by 7 minutes which means he was 7 minutes late to pick up his daughter from school and did not notice it. DPD officers Poe and Jez have to be wrong about the time they heard the radio call. The clocks at Methodist Hospital must be wrong, or at least the one used by Dr. Liquori and Davenport and Bardin must have been mistaken about Tippit being declared dead at 1:15.

At first, I thought that you might have had an epiphany and realized the error of your ways. And even though I haven’t had any Bud in many, many years, I was reminded of their old commercial from the days of my youth:


And, whether you like it or not, you’ve already said it all.....

So, you're running. Got it!

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: DPD Tapes and a 6 Minute Discrepancy
« Reply #38 on: May 22, 2021, 09:54:42 AM »
This excerpt from "The Tippit Case in the New Millennium" by James DiEugenio

"As if the witness censorship and the oddities with the ballistics evidence were not suspect enough, let us now turn to the radio transcripts. As most of us know, there were three versions of the radio messages that were eventually delivered to the Warren Commission. Sylvia Meagher pointed out that the first transcript the police turned over did not include what was perhaps the most important instruction given to Tippit that day. That was the order for him to move into central Oak Cliff at 12:45 PM. (Meagher, p. 260) This was about 15 minutes after President Kennedy was killed ... just prior to this message, the dispatcher had said, “Attention all squads, report to downtown area Code 3 to Elm and Houston with caution.” (WCE 705, p. 397) Which, of course, makes perfect sense. (The police tried to disguise this order in the first transcript, but the FBI actually listened to the tapes and this was their accurate transcription. Police Chief Jesse Curry confirmed this in a letter to the Warren Commission, see WCD 1259, p. 3)
...On the transcripts, there is no acknowledgement of this order, even though it was given to two men, Tippit and R. C. Nelson. (WCE 1974, p. 26)...
We now come to the message at 1:08. Between 12:45 and that time there were four messages involving Tippit. Three went from the dispatcher to the patrolman and one allegedly came in from Tippit; this was at 1:08. In one version of the messages, Tippit called the dispatcher twice and got no answer. In the FBI version, Tippit’s call number at that time, 78, is missing: the message is assigned to No. 488. The FBI notes the sound is garbled and No. 488 is not identified by his name, and there is no other message that is assigned to whoever this person is. Tippit researcher Bill Drenas, who wrote an interesting essay, “Car #10 Where are You?”, did a thorough examination of the tape and transcripts. He concluded that the voice is not Tippit’s either. But he disagrees with who the real caller is. He says it is call number 388. Which would be from the Criminal Investigative Division."

This suggests a deliberate attempt to alter the transcripts.

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: DPD Tapes and a 6 Minute Discrepancy
« Reply #39 on: May 23, 2021, 02:21:00 AM »
Another, obscure witness noted the time...

Both Michael Brownlow, who I do not trust, and Franklin Griffin promoted this witness, Doris Holan, at 409 East Tenth.

Dale Myers
I’ve written about the time of the Tippit murder more than once – most recently in 2017 [53] – and have proven in spades that Tippit was murdered between 1:14 and 1:15 p.m.
But that hasn’t stopped conspiracy folks from abandoning logic, reason and a mountain of evidence to claim that Tippit was shot earlier.
In this instance, Armstrong claims that seventeen eyewitnesses to the murder or its aftermath support the 1:06 p.m. shooting time – Frank Cimino, Francis Kinneth, Elbert Austin, Domingo Benavides, Helen Markham, Margie Higgins, Mary Wright, Mrs. Ann McCravey, Doris Holan, Acquilla Clemons, Roger Craig, Barbara Jeanette Davis, Virginia Davis, William Scoggins, L.J. Lewis, T.F. Bowley, and J.C. Butler.
But Armstrong’s claim is demonstratively false! In just a few hours, I pulled together enough real, honest-to goodness evidence to deep-six Armstrong’s entire list forever. Here’s what Armstrong was unable to find (or unwilling to report):
Seventeen fabricated witnesses

Virginia Davis is interpreted as testifying that Tippit lived at 410 East Tenth...

A letter in the 1990s from Dave Perry to Weisberg...
« Last Edit: May 23, 2021, 02:22:55 AM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: DPD Tapes and a 6 Minute Discrepancy
« Reply #39 on: May 23, 2021, 02:21:00 AM »